No. 40466
>the issue is often that the function the person in power is optimizing for often isn't the function that the constituents want. And even if the person in power was completely selfless and benevolent, half the people would still blame him because it's impossible to get consensus on anything.
The people don't know what's good for them. I'm not even trying to justify centralized authority, it's not my preferred form of governance, but it's just true. People would complain about a military being built up to defend them against an enemy that was approaching their shores. They're idiots, they have no real understanding of the practical concerns that go into keeping a civilization alive, they think ideals like social freedom and comfort are the most important things to protect. My family and my ancestors have lived under every type of government imaginable in the last 2000 years. Yet, they still exist as a living organism, because I live. That is what ultimately matters. I genuinely believe people who place ideals or religion over basic animalistic survival should not be allowed to make decisions in politics or any important sphere. It's just as simple as that.
It's very, very hard for me to understand the perspective of most pacifists or anti-nuclear advocates, I imagine they must just have a very unrealistic or immature view on defense, war, warfare, and the nature of conflict. Wars have been happening ever since humans figured out how to make a structured settlement that could out-produce another. Ever since the first farmers, we have had warfare, and we have had conflict going back over a billion years to when our ancestors were single-celled organisms. I won't say that there's a very low chance that wars will end one day, I say there's a zero percent chance that wars will end someday.
Now I'm not arguing that a centralized authority is the best way to run a country, and obviously many times in the past a system of individuals ruling a country, or even just counties within a kingdom, has failed spectacularly. But I think if you give the people "what they want", like children they will run into the street and get hit by a car, metaphorically speaking. If I was heavily invested in the survival of my bloodline or whatnot, I would not want it's future in the hands of people who worry more about whether or not they have the freedom to do X trivial thing than whether or not their military and agricultural infrastructure can be maintained for the foreseeable future. These aren't people who should be making important decisions.