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File 164081964210.png - (62.57KB , 548x345 , sugoi.png )
39084 No. 39084 [Edit]
Why did you delete my Gikopoi thread? Moron, are you that checked out of western Otaku culture? We've been doing the new year's party every year since 2004 on /b/ then /jp/. Just because you don't understand Otaku culture in the West doesn't mean you have to censor me, asshole.
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>> No. 39086 [Edit]
What's you talkin bout willis?
>> No. 39087 [Edit]
This is not /jp/.
>> No. 39089 [Edit]
Only Gikopoi thread I remember seeing around here is the one on /vg/, which is still there.
>> No. 39090 [Edit]
Well, every year, we have a huge party on New Years Eve and New Years Day on Gikopoi.

you should come it's going to be a good time

wow, really? that's crazy! thanks for telling me, i had no idea. baka
>> No. 39091 [Edit]
Is this your idea of advertising?
>> No. 39092 [Edit]
File 164090641945.png - (1.77MB , 1920x1080 , eirus2.png )
"Kuso thread."
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