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File 160929545124.jpg - (60.12KB , 600x357 , small_No-Rin-FUNimation.jpg )
37201 No. 37201 [Edit]
Growing veg is easy. During spring & summer, got a lot of cherry tomatoes. Now in winter, eating the ones I pickled.
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>> No. 37490 [Edit]
Fresh is best. But preserves are necessary to make it last longer.
>> No. 37571 [Edit]
File 161261376780.png - (265.22KB , 419x608 , deep_beds.png )
I've planned on digging five deep beds this year for a 5 year rotation. So far I've managed one and it's taken me over a week. A lot of work, but it's supposed to bring 3-9 times as much produce.
We'll see how much I actually manage this year. My NEET body is starting to creak from all this manual labor.
>> No. 37645 [Edit]
File 161317813848.jpg - (135.41KB , 850x850 , m7.jpg )
Rain makes everything grow
>> No. 41871 [Edit]
File 169906409962.jpg - (97.03KB , 498x768 , 20231102.jpg )
I'm only happy outside in the rain.
>> No. 41930 [Edit]
File 170086328158.jpg - (124.05KB , 832x1216 , 20231123.jpg )
Only gardening I do is a mint plant for tea.
>> No. 41945 [Edit]
Mint likes a lot of rain..
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