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File 160894675653.png - (1.70MB , 999x1262 , 3daad3a42950dc4f82512dca62d1257a281c5545.png )
37163 No. 37163 [Edit]
How was everyone's Christmas?
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>> No. 37165 [Edit]
Uneventful as always. I like taking a walk outside during these times since it's extra quiet: not even a single person outside. I watched the Christmas episode of gochiusa s3 (ep 11, the penultimate one) that I've been saving for today so the timing would match.

New year's will probably be spent listening to anime osts, watching the second hand tick over to midnight, then going back to browsing. Very cute picture by the way.

Post edited on 25th Dec 2020, 9:01pm
>> No. 37166 [Edit]
I forgot multiple times today that it was Christmas until random things like your post reminded me.
>> No. 37168 [Edit]
Boring as usual. It's hard to think of it as a special day when Christmas to me just means a boring lunch with family that I don't much care about, the whole thing is a just a repeat of the same chore every year, oh and then it's boxing day to repeat it with the other side of the family. Once I move out I'll probably stop going.
>> No. 37177 [Edit]
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Christmas was boring. Soft lock-down, so can't go anywhere without a good reason. Boys in blue about to make sure the populace obeys that directive.
>> No. 37179 [Edit]
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A friend and I bought each other some games over steam as Christmas gifts. Then I watched him stream a VN. It was fun exchanging banter along the way and he really enjoyed both the VN and the streaming. Later I played a game with some online friends and we made sure to use voice chat. We were quiet for most of it beyond some idle comments and chatter but it was fun. It definitely helped me feel less lonely unlike I normally do this time of year. It felt nice and I hope we'll all do it again. The christmas gift I ordered for myself came in just today but it wasn't what I ordered. I e-mailed the seller about it and hopefully they will respond soon.
>> No. 37181 [Edit]
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Got stuck trying to fix some computer shit after a storm so that wasn't very fun, but y'know 12 days of Christmas so once that was fixed the next day I got to enjoy myself and take it easy making little Christmas-themed crafts (which I should have done earlier in the year)
If only law enforcement looked like that, huh...
>> No. 37182 [Edit]
Said everyone ever.
>> No. 37183 [Edit]
Just blow up your local police station or something, I dunno. This isn't really that hard.
>> No. 39038 [Edit]
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Anyone got some Christmas themed anime to recommend?
>> No. 39044 [Edit]
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Merry Christmas /tohno/
>> No. 39046 [Edit]
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Same as other years. I like living these thematic festivities but don't like going out during the eve due to overcrowding and such. The 25th is always a nice day to spend time outside though, as >>37165 -san mentioned. Weather seems to be clearing up and I'm keen on taking a nice long stroll this afternoon.

Other than that, it's watching animu, eating sweets and studying a bit.

meri- kurisumasu Tohno.
>> No. 39049 [Edit]
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Most merry of xmas to all you true gangstars.
>> No. 39050 [Edit]
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I reached a point when even the slightest human interaction bothers me in great measure, and christmas means a completely unavoidable period of human interaction that lasts, at least, for more than 24h. I got lectured by my father about getting an smartphone like every single time I see him in the last 5 or 6 years and got an intense feeling of alineation mixed with guilt, as usual. I don't like Christmas.
>> No. 39051 [Edit]
File 164046446588.jpg - (116.12KB , 1283x720 , new year episode but close enough.jpg )
Merry Christmas, gentlemen.

An entire anime based around it? No, but Kamichu has an incredibly wholesome and cute Christmas episode.
>> No. 39052 [Edit]
Off the top of my head there's Kanon, Nanoha A's, and Tokyo Grand Fathers.
>> No. 39053 [Edit]
File 164046863319.jpg - (96.58KB , 701x1000 , 1582993907433 itsumi erika+nishizumi miho_wata do .jpg )
Happy Christmas, friends.
All I did was eat and nap, same as everyday. But eating fancier food makes things feel a bit more festive.
>> No. 39054 [Edit]
File 164047035217.jpg - (22.01KB , 300x302 , BAiJRLetty2.jpg )
Merry Christmas!

It's fine. Our house isn't very festive (thankfully), but my dad uses it as an excuse to make slightly nicer food, which is welcome. The neighborhood is expectedly more agitated than usual, which I'm mostly apathetic about except for the people who take it as an excuse to blast loud music all day and well into the night; hard to do much about that though. Did some work for a project, read some stuff and I'm not sure what to do next; I seem to be slightly more air-headed than usual but it otherwise isn't much different from an average day.
>> No. 39055 [Edit]
As a reminder, White Album 2 is 100% translated now.
>> No. 39056 [Edit]
Boring again, I really don't care about my family and feel completely disconnected from them. Every year it seems to get worse, this year my brother brought up his heavily tattooed, gruff voiced 3DPD to meet dad and our aunt for the first time who just said dumb and mundane things the whole time, my aunt gave him money for Christmas and she said it was great they could buy more tattoos and my aunt mumbled under her breath that she would pretend she did not hear that. Then during the present giving she abruptly announces that she is pregnant. Ohh and she asked at lunch if we were going to say grace, I was surprised by this as I certainly didn't take her for a Christian so I asked what she thought about the Bible's negative thoughts on Tattoos and she said that she was new age or something like that(so she just makes it all up as she goes along I guess).

I just don't care any more, I don't care what any of them do and don't want to have anything to do with them. Every year I think that Christmas is ruined because of this, I should be spending it doing something festive. But then what really? Christmas is really about spending time with people you love and I don't love anybody, I guess watching Christmas themed anime is the most festive I would get.
>> No. 39057 [Edit]
All I did was watch the last couple ep of Hawk eye, try and fail to download a videogame (download failed at 99%). Had some old pizza and unboxed some presents I bought for myself during black Friday.
I've had worse.
>> No. 39058 [Edit]
>Had some old pizza
Here comes the most important question: was it an old, frozen pizza, or was it decent pie that's been sitting around for a few days?
>> No. 39059 [Edit]
By itself Christmas doesn't have any particular significance to me, but it's always serves as a tragic marker of how I seem to get more miserable, alienated, and dissatisfied every year. And this misery is completely orthogonal to the dread of human interactions that others have mentioned, it more takes the form of a weariness towards life. And something about the contrast between my perpetual internal dissatisfaction and the de-facto supposed cheeriness of the holiday season is particularly aggravating, but of course explicitly stating this makes me look like a miserable joyless curmudgeon (which I don't deny, at least in my current state. But at the very least I do genuinely wish that some other anon experienced enough joy to make up for my lack of own, and seeing that TC managed to survive another year is always nice.
>> No. 39062 [Edit]
Three day old papa johns pizza. Wasn't bad, but got cold while struggling with my internet connection and trying to get the mentioned video to load, because I was also downloading that game at the same time.
>> No. 39067 [Edit]
I've basically always lived with my parents and they've never really cared about Christmas so I've never had any Christmas decorations or festivities beyond just hanging up a stocking as a kid, we barely acknowledge it now. I've got a serious plan to get my own place next year so I'm planning to treat myself and go all out with a tree and decorations and in general giving myself the Christmas experience I've missed. I guess a lot of people would say the Christmas experience is about family/other people but for now I just want to do what I can for myself at least.
>> No. 39068 [Edit]
On Christmas Eve and the 25th I watched the first 10 episodes of Ergo Proxy and did research on how to emigrate to El Salvador.
On the 26th, I worked 8 hours.
>> No. 39071 [Edit]
I visited my parents, ate some food they ordered, then drove around aimlessly for 2 hours. Then went back home and crashed.
>> No. 39072 [Edit]
What can we do?
>> No. 39073 [Edit]
>What can we do?
With regard to what? Or is that supposed to be a rhetorical question?
>> No. 39076 [Edit]
I don't know, sorry.
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