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File 160765290027.jpg - (49.23KB , 850x425 , __eve_original_drawn_by_chihuri__sample-41a6b3de6c.jpg )
36944 No. 36944 [Edit]
It's winter time. It's that time. Short days, snow, cold, dry air, holidays, the stilling of life and expansion of nothingness. How does it make you feel?
Expand all images
>> No. 36945 [Edit]
I like it. Fewer people outside, generally less noise and rowdiness, and the pattering of raindrops hitting the window is an occasional treat.
>> No. 36946 [Edit]
It means freezing my ass off when disposing of my cats' litter. Otherwise, >>36945 hits the nail on the head.
>> No. 36947 [Edit]
File 160767449449.jpg - (155.85KB , 573x524 , 5e06966e158377c3bd4824afab5305d6.jpg )
It makes me feel lonelier than usual. Having a daki to hug makes things better but that doesn't change how I'm still alone all day.
>> No. 36948 [Edit]
File 160767611119.png - (1.08MB , 1280x720 , img037_ev_az04_ma.png )
It's the season where I actually can enjoy sunny days. I like it when snow is reflecting sunlight.
>> No. 36951 [Edit]
File 16077066664.png - (2.01MB , 1366x768 , haganai praia.png )
>It's winter time.
No, it's not! It's summer! Time to go to the beach with your cute school friends and scream "Umi" or something at the sea, preferably at sunset.
>> No. 36953 [Edit]
Do you happen to live in the upside-down hemisphere, by chance?
>> No. 36955 [Edit]
Seasons are always reversed in anime due to BD release schedule.
>> No. 36999 [Edit]
File 160788013023.png - (1.48MB , 1366x768 , haganai.png )
Yes, indeed! Beware the Southern Cross!
Wait, no! You are the wrong one!
>> No. 37125 [Edit]
File 160867986387.jpg - (265.11KB , 850x478 , sample_21669ec62057df9868c46ac2d6024a59.jpg )
Winter solstice has past. Every daytime will be longer than the last now.
>> No. 38685 [Edit]
I can't believe it's winter right now. It's so fucking hot I can't even wear a shirt anymore. Absolute sweltering heat. I've been thinking about shaving my whole body and seeing if this makes it more comfortable.
I honestly miss winter, and I never considered myself someone who's like winter. Maybe I am now? I mean, it's not as if it snowed here or anything.
>> No. 38686 [Edit]
Where I am it's at a comfortable 73f. Breezy too.

Post edited on 11th Sep 2021, 11:30am
>> No. 38737 [Edit]
File 163267459833.png - (191.23KB , 992x518 , mod.png )
There's a bit of light of coming through my window and shining on my desk. There's lots of trees in front of my window and it's windy today, so on my desk I can see the shadow of leaves rustling like a frantic dance or the shimmering of waves. It's beautiful.

Post edited on 26th Sep 2021, 9:44am
>> No. 38900 [Edit]
File 163628872937.jpg - (519.36KB , 850x656 , ff3902jrg.jpg )
Finally. I hate hot weather. It's sunny and dry outside. Visibility is as far as the eye can see. Lovely blue sky with some high altitude clouds scattered throughout. Fresh too. Can go about life without panting and sweating from standing up or sun-burnt from 15 minutes of exposure. Physical activity actually makes me feel good rather than miserable. People are somewhat better dressed, or at least, not showing off their flesh...

Also looking forward to rainy days. That comfortable feeling of staying sheltered indoors makes me much more productive and some hobbies such as gaming or animu are more satisfying as well.

Lower demand also makes this the perfect time for "getaways". I love traveling when there's such few people and you feel like you're paying fair prices.

Of course, the best thing of all is the high quality sleep provided by warm and thick blankets and nonexistent insects.
>> No. 38908 [Edit]
File 163638821354.jpg - (411.43KB , 1400x933 , the tropical cretin.jpg )
Winter in the tropics is a very strange time, a lot of us aren't used to even mild cold, the winters here usually range from about 23 to 14c (75 to 58f) which I know is mild or even warm to a lot of you but a lot of us are not prepared for even that (most people own light sweaters and windbreakers only, and you often have to wear both) and the humidity stays standard (76% relative humidity) so it's not pleasant even to those who enjoy the cold unless you're an oddball who enjoys cold, wet weather.

That being said, it's not all bad, the lack of insects and consistent moisture makes it a nice time to do outdoors stuff in a usually unpleasant environment. Especially good is the herping conditions, because the cooler weather makes dangerous reptiles much less aggressive and thus you have a better chance of experiencing reptiles in nature without unreasonable risk of getting bitten by a venomous snake.

The biggest issue with the winter is definitely the people though, snowbirds from northernmost states and even other countries tend to spend extended time here and it definitely changes the vibe of a lot of towns here. While not as big of a burden as some other communities, they definitely drive like maniacs and clog public transit, on said transit they are also really fucking chatty whereas during the summer when tourists are clustered around the beaches and have shorter stays you could taking multiple buses and not say a word to anyone, these people insist on chatting. I don't get it.
>> No. 38909 [Edit]
>lack of insects
Do you live under the bridge or something? Just get one of those nets.
>> No. 38910 [Edit]
File 163638871979.jpg - (526.20KB , 1200x1600 , f7a4941d27da246bbe06e6e43b032708.jpg )
It's nice to be able to go out without constantly needing bug spray.
>> No. 38911 [Edit]
File 163639370763.jpg - (144.45KB , 1280x720 , fs1m39p5mb.jpg )
That doesn't get rid of the noise. Also they look ugly and my room isn't that spacious.

Post edited on 8th Nov 2021, 1:31pm
>> No. 38971 [Edit]
>and my room isn't that spacious.
Why would you need space for such a net? I believe we are thinking of different things. It's a window-sized frame, you just put it in your window and rest it against the wall when not in use.
>> No. 39384 [Edit]
File 164796797470.jpg - (74.40KB , 850x1181 , __original_drawn_by_dorontabi__sample-451404db865c.jpg )
How in the fucking hell is it so hot in autumn? This is even worse than summer.
>> No. 39392 [Edit]
Imagine how summer will be!
>> No. 39393 [Edit]
haruhi face
>> No. 40527 [Edit]
File 166402157919.jpg - (87.22KB , 443x600 , b1gggmtg.jpg )
I prefer SPRING. But it is true, WINTER is coming. Stock up and be prepared for it.
>> No. 40885 [Edit]
File 166976122594.jpg - (868.33KB , 2967x1893 , yande_re 180157 ikeda_kazumi jpeg_artifacts kanon .jpg )
The most exciting season is coming!
>> No. 40890 [Edit]
File 166979712525.jpg - (274.59KB , 1488x1200 , yande_re 852497 sample asian_clothes asirpa golden.jpg )
It makes me feel amazing!
I love how snow looks, especially while it's still falling, I love how people are encouraged to stay inside during winter, I love how night falls early, it makes me feel so comfortable!
>> No. 40892 [Edit]
Snow is nice in theory, but it stops being so nice in reality when you have to shovel it.
>> No. 40895 [Edit]
Unless you have a long driveway or live on a farm, that doesn't seem to be much of an issue, right?
Amusingly enough, I have fond memories of shoveling my parents' driveway since afterwards I'd drink hot chocolate.
>> No. 40896 [Edit]
I have to shovel it sometimes but it's not that big of a pain, I still love the way it looks outside
>> No. 40903 [Edit]
Not a fan. My hands always get dry and cracked around this time of year, whether or not I take fish oils and use lotion
>> No. 40904 [Edit]
I'll take shoveling snow over disgusting summer heat, any day.
>> No. 40905 [Edit]
Winter is ok. I like the short days and getting warm under the blanket. It gets really muddy and gross here though. No snow usually.
>> No. 40906 [Edit]
File 166998856941.png - (2.14MB , 1400x980 , 5cd8456dddacb0aa2d7cd5c8542f7988.png )
I have to walk outside for pretty much anything, including food, which is like a five minute walk. So it's not great. Not that I love summer either. Right now, the weather I like most is what's comfortable to walk outside in.
>> No. 41175 [Edit]
File 167603216596.jpg - (374.75KB , 850x1171 , prev.jpg )
It's that time of year again. The end of winter. I quite like this period.
>> No. 41177 [Edit]
I can't wait for winter to begin. This has been a very merciful summer, I have to admit, but nothing beats the coziness of winter. I never feel like being productive or doing anything over summer. But in winter, you can do anything!
>> No. 41179 [Edit]
You live in the southern hemisphere I guess?
>> No. 41181 [Edit]
I suppose so. I didn't learn about hemispheres at any point, but it makes sense.
>> No. 41182 [Edit]
File 167614626193.png - (347.12KB , 743x530 , summer.png )
>> No. 41226 [Edit]
This heat is unbearable.
>> No. 41233 [Edit]
File 167752235834.jpg - (37.83KB , 720x405 , aus41.jpg )
u in straya?
>> No. 41242 [Edit]
We fuckin died to the japs in the first round and we will NEVER make an appearance again! STRAYA MATE!
>> No. 41294 [Edit]
How's them subs coming along?
>> No. 41404 [Edit]
File 168346347664.jpg - (1.26MB , 4032x3024 , 9BE02FA5-8542-4691-A4C1-F0B8E9402C26.jpg )
Hot coffee solves everything
>> No. 41410 [Edit]
I wanna go somewhere cold. Move to a place that actually has 4 seasons instead of this depressing shithole where it's always hot. It's middle autumn and is just like a hot summer day, I am shirtless, underwearless, using only very short and thin shorts that are so loose and tiny that they leave my genitals exposed and the fan is a top speed and it's still impossible to stand the heat. It's my limit, every year this shithole gets hotter I can't take this anymore.
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