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File 160004669631.png - (1.56MB , 848x1200 , 0c3ae8fc8a5db505993082cea2664102.png )
35910 No. 35910 [Edit]
What is your favorite hair color?
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>> No. 35911 [Edit]
I mainly like dark blue, but I've also got a soft spot for grey.
>> No. 35914 [Edit]
File 160006501287.jpg - (401.10KB , 1229x1753 , 雛接村.jpg )
green, but white or light grey is nice too.
>> No. 35918 [Edit]
File 160007315071.jpg - (63.55KB , 909x527 , 20200927.jpg )
British Blonde
>> No. 35922 [Edit]
What is that picture on the right? Why is she like that?
>> No. 35924 [Edit]
I guess it's referencing another type of swimsuit? I don't know why. I never liked how that character looks anyway but this edit makes her look worse.
>> No. 35930 [Edit]
Japanese people have a weird and inaccurate conception of British woman. She looks slavic.
>> No. 35931 [Edit]
I think you have a weird and inaccurate impression of Slavs.
>> No. 35933 [Edit]
That facial shape and large, almond-shaped eyes are more common among slavic woman.
>> No. 35934 [Edit]
No they aren't. Slavs tend to have very blunt features.
>> No. 35935 [Edit]
I didn't say it was common, I said it was more common. Brits do not have almond shaped eyes or that facial shape as often. They tend to have longer or more squarish faces and round eyes. Slavs have more asian admixture.
>> No. 35941 [Edit]
File 160019624978.png - (814.09KB , 796x596 , saya.png )
green, both the bright C.C. variety and the dark Saya tone
>> No. 35963 [Edit]
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>> No. 35964 [Edit]
File 160055851810.jpg - (771.64KB , 1500x1158 , 715a00ae4356bd44927cc716962025e9.jpg )
Lavender is my favorite hair color because it's always been a comforting color to me. It makes me feel at ease and I hope to see an older sister type character with that color someday. She would probably be taken though so I guess it wouldn't really matter.
I always liked red hair too but I rarely ever liked the personality of the characters who have it. In the anime I normally watch they're usually tsukkomis or tsunderes.
>> No. 35965 [Edit]
File 160056440965.jpg - (147.92KB , 416x600 , 3713d4ddd1712974b42acee204f735af.jpg )
>I hope to see an older sister type character with that color someday.
She already exists. Older sister at your service.
>> No. 35966 [Edit]
But I don't like tsukkomi tsunderes. And she's taken anyway.
>> No. 35975 [Edit]
File 160068951288.png - (437.81KB , 640x480 , [Doremi]_Ojamajo_Doremi_Dokkaan!_02_[FF9E86BE]-00:.png )
Either of these two.
>> No. 36078 [Edit]
Twin braids are nice.
>> No. 36085 [Edit]
Double french braids are the sign of a slut!
>> No. 36748 [Edit]
File 16059363504.jpg - (180.12KB , 850x1155 , 20201206.jpg )
Light blue
>> No. 36761 [Edit]
File 160601188769.jpg - (200.19KB , 450x800 , 2532028.jpg )
The most adorable girls are always the white-haired ones.
>> No. 36797 [Edit]
File 160636997687.jpg - (151.76KB , 850x1187 , akan2.jpg )
Reddy? Go!
>> No. 37137 [Edit]
File 160870378414.jpg - (26.16KB , 474x266 , CCC.jpg )
Long & green
>> No. 37139 [Edit]
Blonde, real blonde not bright yellow. That and very light muddy brown.
>> No. 37146 [Edit]
File 160880338589.jpg - (313.47KB , 828x979 , 3ed56ff4b800edb87de82576117e14df.jpg )
>> No. 37197 [Edit]
File 160929386641.jpg - (123.57KB , 1035x818 , Shuyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg )
I tend towards the most outrageous hair colors like purple!
>> No. 37247 [Edit]
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It's surprising that no one has mentioned black yet.
>> No. 37257 [Edit]
I'm quite partial to black, there's something really elegant and simple about it. I'll say one thing though, I can't stand pastels of any kind as a hair color or main color palette.
>> No. 37259 [Edit]
I'm a fan of long, white hair as well. Personally, I'd love to marry an albino with long, white hair and she has the personality of some archetype in Japan. It's like, what's considered to be the perfect woman or something.
>> No. 37262 [Edit]
yamato nadeshiko?
>> No. 37273 [Edit]
File 16099034074.jpg - (41.25KB , 720x540 , yaya.jpg )
The blacker, the better
>> No. 37332 [Edit]
File 161028583743.jpg - (46.63KB , 600x800 , 20210117.jpg )
Anone ano ne~
>> No. 38684 [Edit]
File 163132271332.jpg - (114.12KB , 850x777 , Clipboard02.jpg )
Taste the rainbow
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