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File 15773695755.jpg - (671.42KB , 1024x724 , summer001.jpg )
33898 No. 33898 [Edit]
sorry, accident, delete pls

Post edited on 26th Dec 2019, 6:40am
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>> No. 33899 [Edit]
File 157737292041.png - (2.26MB , 1920x1080 , donki.png )
How amusing.
>> No. 33900 [Edit]
File 157737711177.gif - (5.20MB , 480x270 , life.gif )
>> No. 33901 [Edit]
I left in the middle, please post it somewhere else, I would like to read it.
>> No. 35553 [Edit]
File 159618839740.jpg - (18.33KB , 340x270 , il_340x270_1234956709_lwrl.jpg )
I will be hijacking this thread for the purpose of consulting a disgusting health issue.

How do you deal with ingrown hairs?
I noticed an itchy bump in my groin yesterday. I thought it was just a pimple but today I took a closer look and there's four of these ingrown fuckers in one spot. They appear to sit under the skin surface in one swollen red bump, 10x5mm size.
I had a clean needle so I decided to pick at the spots where hairs appear to be trapped. I wiped it with alcohol and tried to break skin in each of these places, no idea if this will do anything good. I can't tell if I hit the right spots either. I think I did but I'd have to break my spine to take a closer look at it.
I put some generic antibiotic ointment on it, slapped a bandaid over but it's an awkward place so it barely sticks.
Do you think that will, uh... do the trick?
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