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File 15705078766.jpg - (219.26KB , 2480x2400 , counting wooloo.jpg )
33435 No. 33435 [Edit]
Post progress you've made, tutorials you've found, helpful images you have, advice, anything related to lucid dreaming.
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>> No. 33436 [Edit]
Have I posted about the nicotine patch and melatonin thing before? You get these really wild vivid dreams if you have a patch on and take a bunch of melatonin, and they're way easier to go lucid in.
Normally I check if I'm dreaming by pinching my nose and trying to breathe. In a dream you find you can still breathe. Of course these checks are best when you do them habitually in real life too, and my one looks a bit weird when you do it in public.
>> No. 33441 [Edit]
I tried just counting your fingers and it worked for some short time, but you need to be a NEET to focus in those kind of things.
>> No. 33484 [Edit]
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Why would you want to lucidly dream?
>> No. 33485 [Edit]
Because you get to do whatever you like in a dream if you become lucid.
>> No. 33486 [Edit]
The few times I happened to realize I'm not awake I was stuck in shitty random places, I could barely even move and then I'd wake up after what feels like 5 minutes of pointless slow motion struggle trying (and failing) to make anything happen.
It sucks as much as real life.
>> No. 33487 [Edit]
Just because you're bad at it doesn't mean it's going to be bad for everyone else. Practice more.
>> No. 33582 [Edit]
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How much sleep do the folk here get a night? I sleep 9 and a half hours but I think that may be too much and I still get tired.
>> No. 33583 [Edit]
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Usually 7-8 hours but I suspect is a lot less since I wake up often at night and most of the time in bed I'm in a feverish nightmarish state you can't really call resting.
>> No. 33590 [Edit]
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7:20-7:40. Usually 10:15-10:30pm to 5:35-5:55am. My internal clock tends to be quite precise. I am genuinely proud of that.

Between 1-2pm I start feeling considerably less productive.

Maybe you're oversleeping? Perhaps waking up from a deep sleep stage?
>> No. 33597 [Edit]
How did you get your internal clock so precise?
>> No. 33603 [Edit]
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Just stick to the same (sleep) routine for your whole life. I urge to the importance of keeping meal times consistent too, since when and how much you feel hungry is also linked to the circadian rhythm.
Though you must account for, and accept seasonal changes too.
Back in Sapporo, my biological cycle fluctuates a fair bit, wherein during summer months I wake up at around 5-5:15am when the sun's already up and migratory birds sing. Also go to bed a bit later, closer to 10:30pm. I effectively sleep a bit less, feel much more active and eat more.

It's all a matter of habit really. Back in the day my parents had to clock in at work at 6am, so I would wake up at around 5:50 to go to the computer and play vidiya or watch anime... or prepare the presentation that was due that day... I also bloody hate being thrown off my usual schedule, and get angry when unexpected events come up, almost to an autistic level.

Such organization allows one to go a bit off schedule the occasional day when traveling or something, without wreaking much havoc; insomnia and whatnot...
>> No. 34641 [Edit]
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In an attempt to lucid dream, since yesterday I've been chanting "AAAAAAA" mentally, all day long regardless of what I'm doing. My theory is, if I exercise my will during the day, I might manage it in sleep.
At first my throat hurt because even when just thinking my throat moves a little bit, then I figured to raise the mental voice's pitch until it wasn't my voice any longer, and instead of me going "AAAAA" it's like I'm remembering some anime girl going "AAAAA".This solved the throat issue.
Doing this somehow left me physically tired so I feel like I completely blacked out when I went to sleep.
So not exactly useful for the usual concept of lucid dreaming for now, but it's having a sort of meditative effect and actual life actually feels somewhat dream like, and my basic action of willing a sound into perception feels like home and reality. Every little issue during my day melts away against the anchor that is my will creating a voice.
I don't care if it sounds like I'm losing my mind, I see promise in this.
>> No. 34642 [Edit]
>but it's having a sort of meditative effect
The syllable "om" is often chanted in buddhism/hinduism, presumably to focus the mind and spirit. Independent of whether or not you ascribe any particular auspicious meaning to that particular syllable, I wouldn't be surprised if your mental chanting had similar effects.
>> No. 34643 [Edit]
I did try searching for "om" after I had the idea, but found none attempting it all throughout the day. All I found was people setting aside time to do it for a bit, which in comparison I don't think has much of an effect.
Also the "mmm" is easier to keep going but I prefer "AAAA" since it requires more concentration.
>> No. 35261 [Edit]
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I got briefly lucid in a dream.
As soon as I got lucid, I felt it slipping away so I quickly requested to the closest person I found (a receptionist) "TELL ME SOMETHING IMPORTANT ABOUT ME" she answered "you are afraid" and I woke up.
This really sucks because I don't know if it is a genuine answer or if it's just the fact that I've been reading astral projection and lucid dreaming material and fear is an often mentioned topic so the answer is just meeting my expectations.
>> No. 35264 [Edit]
I don't think it's possible to know that so it should be better if you just choose the interpretation that can be more useful for you.
So the question is, are you afraid or not?
>> No. 35268 [Edit]
Only the true one would be useful.
I didn't feel afraid.
>> No. 35273 [Edit]
You're not afraid of anything? Personally, I'm afraid of everything so if I had such a dream I will be like "no shit, sherlock".
>> No. 35274 [Edit]
I mean I guess that's my point.
I didn't feel the physical effects of being particularly afraid.
If she was referring to the fundamental fear that maintains the homeostasis of my existence, then yeah, she might as well tell me water is wet.
Next time I'll just ask them to help me get lucid whenever I'm asleep instead.
>> No. 35275 [Edit]
Still, you already got more than me in decades.
Everytime I got a lucid dream I turned it into an erotic dream before waking up, like an irrepressible impulse. And I feel ashamed about it, I would like to think I'm not some sort of monkey but I guess I'm.
>> No. 35276 [Edit]
Isn't that a sort of half-lucidity? "acknowledging" you are dreaming but still not acting with awareness?
>> No. 35279 [Edit]
Could be that, I also heard it's not the same to be conscious that you are dreaming than dreaming you are conscious that you are dreaming, but how can you even figure the difference? I used reality tests and all that, they worked for some time I think.
But it could also be that I'm just a disgusting horny monkey.
>> No. 35327 [Edit]
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Half-lucidity is completely different from actually having a lucid dream. Also on the thought of fear, if you wanna astral project and even lucid dream it's very important to erase it, at least during the time you will be asleep.
>> No. 35825 [Edit]
I had a half lucid yesterday. Tried the wake back to bed method. Got conscious during a sexual dream, and as the lucidity was only half, that coupled with sexual impulses I just did what the other anon said, followed my impulses and conjured two more girls for me to play with. Weirdly enough I tried to touch the butt of the third one, but it just gave in like it was an empty bodysuit, I don't know if it is because I don't know exactly the feeling it is supposed to be so my mind could not emulate and went for something else. This dream felt different from other normal non-lucid erotic dreams tough. When I wake up after those, I normally feel like some sexual entity tried to mess with me, but this time I didn't felt any of that. I must practice more.
>> No. 37133 [Edit]
Being comfortable helps? I tries but could never achieve lucid dreaming.
>> No. 37213 [Edit]
Do you remember your dreams? I think the wake back to bed method is the most likely to succeed.
>> No. 38199 [Edit]
Dream 1: I'm underwater and I can breath. I find this strange, so I try to pay more attention, my goal beingo that I stop being able to breath underwater because something obviously isn't working right.
Dream 2, a few minutes later: I'm talking to people telling them how stupid I was for not realizing I was dreaming while breathing underwater.

My brain is just trolling me at this point.
>> No. 38239 [Edit]
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I dreamt of a global conspiracy involving the upper echelons of the government to prevent humans from becoming giants. We lived in a walled metropolitan city, and the government had giant women in other completely walled areas, kept secret from humans. The actual natural destiny of human beings was to become giants, but they used chemicals to prevent us from becoming giants, chemicals hidden in everything.
I saw a giant woman in a minuscule area sized 4 stone brick cubicle.
>> No. 38240 [Edit]
Were you watching a certain popular anime about giants recently?
>> No. 38241 [Edit]
Hah hah, no. The thought of it only crossed my mind as I posted that in this thread. I am completely unfamiliar with said anime/manga outside of some random pictures I saw of its manga and anime years ago.
Amusing, indeed.
>> No. 38244 [Edit]
That's fascinating and feels too complex for a dream. Maybe it wasn't a dream, but a message.
>> No. 38314 [Edit]
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Drawing on my current view of reality
>> No. 38373 [Edit]
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Dreams aren't real
>> No. 40308 [Edit]
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Curious, came across this while in the midst of watching the live action tv adaption of THE SANDMAN. What a coincidence...
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