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File 157022076861.jpg - (352.69KB , 529x800 , 83f42f2d61abfb8579926bc00cec2b5de20707fe.jpg )
33355 No. 33355 [Edit]
Does anybody else like older ladies in anime? You know, aunts, teachers, Christmas cakes, moms, etc. I don't like them as much as I adore older sisters but they're very comfy and very hot. I feel like they're very underrated because I think they're very good characters when they are allowed some focus in a story.
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>> No. 33357 [Edit]
File 157022368839.jpg - (1.55MB , 1920x2123 , 1545407636742.jpg )
I never liked them but a certain character has awaken something inside me.
>> No. 33358 [Edit]
File 157022448968.jpg - (295.44KB , 2560x1440 , [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 10 [1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
The older I get the more they appeal to me. Then again I've always found a bit of maturity appealing, just a bit.
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