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File 156179123974.jpg - (38.75KB , 640x640 , 14647852964190.jpg )
32444 No. 32444 [Edit]
I don't know where to put this since i think /fb/ is gone now but this discussion deserves its own thread. Why are there people on here bragging about their happy lives relationships and sexual experiences? i thought this was a website for social outcast and losers not normalfag anime fans there literally is no need to humble brag about experiences because it upsets other users and i get that this website is dead but it seems like tohno doesn't care about this place anymore because he is now letting normalfags in and allowing users to shitpost and be sarcastic when this isn't that other chan i feel like i don't fit in anywhere and just want to leave the internet for good.
18 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 32467 [Edit]
They're normalfags with aberrant interests. The vermin who walk around in their groups with blue hair and anime & video game paraphernalia, as you say, are nothing like me, and they'd certainly treat me with the same disdain as mainstream normalfags if I stooped down to the level of interacting with them.
>> No. 32468 [Edit]
Oh, it’s one of those threads.
>> No. 32469 [Edit]
The bingo thread should be deleted. It's like a "are you a minor" thread. Why would there be a thread for people to advertise they don't belong here?

Post edited on 29th Jun 2019, 6:27pm
>> No. 32470 [Edit]
How is it possible for people to be this completely devoid of any self awareness?
>> No. 32471 [Edit]
File 156186291393.png - (167.39KB , 400x480 , tomoko.png )

Well according to Tohno and Friends" you can be a social outcast or loser while still having normalfag experiences or passing yourself off as semi-normal which to me doesn't make any sense because there is a difference between an actual social outcast/loser who is completely rejected by everyone and a failed normalfag who can still pass themselves off as normal but has issues. If you want my definition of a normalfag it goes beyond not knowing internet culture a normalfag is someone who is able to fit into the top of the social hierarchies that they have everything handed to them and everything good happen to them in life these are the perfect people that actual losers aspire to be if you're happy with your life have many friends a good paying job married have kids or are in a relationship or take part in normalfag activities such as drugs sex clubs bars hookups house parties the list goes on and if you check all of this or most of this you are to me a normalfag a failed normalfag is different from a normalfag because failed normalfags are people who tried to be popular and successful and climb to the top of the social latter but they fell and ended up becoming a loser out of circumstance.
>> No. 32472 [Edit]
Seems like you're just making a thread for attention or something, if you wanted that one thread gone there are plenty of less obnoxious ways of suggesting it. If anything, that bingo thread is more like a contest to see who is the least normal, ie having the least amount of boxes, given the context on this site.
>> No. 32473 [Edit]
> if you're happy with your life have many friends a good paying job married have kids or are in a relationship or take part in normalfag activities such as drugs sex clubs bars hookups house parties the list goes on and if you check all of this or most of this you are to me a normalfag
That's a really long list, anon. I'm not really familiar with the "top of the social heirachy", but i'm pretty sure that doesn't actually exist. Outside of celebrities, high-ranking politicians, and generally extremely rich people, I don't think anybody else is on top of this heirachy you think exists. A guy who picks up bar chicks on the weekend and works a 9 to 5 office job is still a peasant compared to Bill Gates. I think your definition is the most subjective since you can just put anything on your list of things that automatically makes somebody a normalfag. You're also basing it on how much that person is "accepted" which I think only correlates with being a normalfag. Those things have very little to do with actual success. Nobody gives a fuck about the 9 to 5 guy outside of his own tiny circle.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2019, 8:25pm
>> No. 32474 [Edit]
This doesn't seem to be the most reasonable person you're responding to. Say what they will the real definition of what a normalfag is for people like this is always "Anyone with a better life than me."
>> No. 32475 [Edit]
File 156186815522.jpg - (48.20KB , 436x600 , __hakurei_reimu_and_kuroki_tomoko_watashi_ga_moten.jpg )
>This doesn't seem to be the most reasonable person you're responding to.
Yeah, the Watamote image kind of gave off those vibes.
>> No. 32476 [Edit]
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On the rules page it clearly states that Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting. A social outcast is defined as a person who has been rejected by society or a social group with that in mind how the fuck are you socially excluded or isolated if you fit all or most of what i said? especially taking part in normalfag activities such as drugs sex clubs bars hookups house parties or even are married and have kids? it fucking contradicts the definition of what an outcast is and you can deny it all you want but social hierarchies do exist American society specifically judges and grades people based on how much success they have had in life hell there is pressure put on young men and boys to loose their virginity before 18 or at 18 otherwise they are seen as less of a man and they get bullied and picked on by chads you see the messaging that tells you to conform to what is the norm all over the media and it puts pressure on young people to be a certain way and if they aren't able to live up to the expectations that their peers and the media want them to meet they get cast aside being a social outcast who has failed at life or is struggling in life is not the same thing as a failed normalfag with mental health problems.
>> No. 32477 [Edit]
None of that has to do with what is and is not a normalfag. The rules page doesn't include a definition for normalfag, which is what we're talking about. Societal expectations and what not are also irrelevant. Some guy who had sex when he was 13 may very well be a complete loser by everybody's standards. If you're not still in high school, I don't know who these magical chads you're talking about are. I haven't met any of them. I'm looking outside. I'm looking out my window. I don't see any magical chads out there who want to steal my lunch money or whatever goes on in your version of reality.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2019, 11:29pm
>> No. 32478 [Edit]
>especially taking part in normalfag activities such as drugs sex clubs bars hookups house parties
You can be a normalfag without taking part in any of that. What the fuck are you going on about?
>> No. 32479 [Edit]
>You can be a normalfag without taking part in any of that.

Agreed its called being married with children.
>> No. 32480 [Edit]
File 156187670659.jpg - (24.29KB , 406x406 , bSZaJjxE.jpg )
>Some guy who had sex when he was 13 may very well be a complete loser by everybody's standards.

LOL NO fuck off he has it good.
>> No. 32481 [Edit]
I thought being obsessed about one's virginity or the lack thereof, and reducing other people to how early they have had sex, is a normie thing?
>> No. 32482 [Edit]
You can't be serious. He could be a bum living on the streets, maybe this person was rapped and died a slow death from STDs, maybe they're trailer trash and emotionally scared for life for all you know. Is this really about normalfags or are you really just that bitter and jealous of people who had sex at a young age? Are you really so delusional, shallow, and petty that you really think that's what defines a good life?
>> No. 32483 [Edit]
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We are talking about social exclusion and isolation here not being homeless molested death shitty living situations or anything like that plus i already said that being an actual social outcast who has failed at life or is struggling in life is not the same thing as a failed normalfag with mental health problems failed normalfags are different from normalfags.
>> No. 32484 [Edit]
>outcast, noun. a person who has been rejected or ostracized by their society or social group
How is a "failed normie" different from a "social outcast"?
>> No. 32485 [Edit]
Looking at threads like this I ask myself how different normie and 'loser' midnsets are. In the end even the 'losers' seek a hierarchy, expect a reverse one, i.e. competing for who's the biggest loser. That's not rejecting normie standards of being overly concerned about society and its norms. It's the same thing with slightly changed criteria and standards.

Case in point. Same coin, different sides.

Also /fb/ was rejected for a reason and after much deliberation. It was a good choice. Meta threads like this one are pointless at best, harmful at worst. Why do so many people want to backseat manage the site.
>> No. 32486 [Edit]
File 156188109831.png - (163.89KB , 500x416 , 1532271526074.png )
>How is a "failed normie" different from a "social outcast"?

Failed normalfags are people who have had success at one point in their life and during that time they were a actual normalfag but because of mental illness or some unfortunate event that took place they became losers more so out of circumstance rather than being socially excluded and treated like shit by others their entire lives not all outcast are NEET or hikikomori some do work go to school some are in relationships and have a small amount of friends but because they are socially excluded and feel left out they do not take part in normalfag activities like i would still consider a person who works a job and then goes right back home to be an outcast.
>> No. 32487 [Edit]
IRC is a social network.
/fb/ is currently functional
>> No. 32488 [Edit]
Normalfags are everybody I don't like. People who belong here are everybody who I accept.

Joke aside though, I do think that any mention of IRL social and romantic life should be prohibited. People who successful or bitter about these matters may or may not belong here but the amount of conflict it spawns is just not worth it.
>> No. 32489 [Edit]
>We are talking about social exclusion and isolation here n
No, we're not. You are. Sex only absolutely equals, "social acceptance" and "success" in your version of reality. What difference does the age make? If somebody who had sex earlier ended up destitute, they're more of a nnormalfag by your parameters than someone who had sex much later, even if the second guy has a whole harem. Or do you think people become normalfags as soon as they have any "success"? >>32474 This anon is absolutely right.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2019, 4:54am
>> No. 32490 [Edit]

I actually agree with you anon there is no reason to bring that stuff up on here at all in any way because it causes conflict like this and other users will get upset.
>> No. 32491 [Edit]
Shouldn't people be capable of being reasonable about these things? Maybe people who gets upset are "failed normalfags" for wanting a "normalfag lifestyle" and seeing it as a good thing? I'm glad I am the way I am.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2019, 5:10am
>> No. 32492 [Edit]
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People who loose their virginity much later in life and are still socially excluded and struggling in life are still outcast i am kinda surprised you don't know what a chad is Google is your friend and yes sex absolutely does equal social acceptance" and "success" in some way like i already said American society specifically judges and grades people based on how much success they have had in life hell there is pressure put on young men and boys to loose their virginity before 18 or at 18 otherwise they are seen as less of a man and they get bullied and picked on by chads you see the messaging that tells you to conform to what is the norm all over the media and it puts pressure on young people to be a certain way and if they aren't able to live up to the expectations that their peers and the media want them to meet they get cast aside i don't want to blog post but i have personal experience interacting with normalfags in the past and they bullied and judged me for not being hyper social and i have been mocked and made fun of for not having sex at a younger age so yeah what you claim is complete bullshit people like you will never understand my suffering i didn't just wake up one day and decide to not leave my bedroom for 3 years for nothing no i am in a hikikomori like state for a reason.
>> No. 32493 [Edit]

Hey Tohno i saw your Twitter are you rich?
>> No. 32494 [Edit]
The media and whatever else is made for normalfags. I don't pay attention to it. I don't care about its artificial standards of normalcy, whatever they may be. There's no such thing as Chads in real life and the vast majority of people don't know or care about the sexual activity of each individual. You don't need to tell me about American society, I'm an American. A certain subset of American society also thinks men are evil. It doesn't matter. The government doesn't issue certificates and medals for having sex. A guy who has sex with 500 woman doesn't get statues and parades in their honor. If you think being a normalfag = happiness and success, or at least your version of success, doesn't that make you a failed normalfag? You clearly value these things and you "failed" to obtain them. I don't think it would be much of a stretch to say you would become your definition of a normalfag if given the option.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2019, 6:02am
>> No. 32495 [Edit]

That is the problem though if /TC/ is gonna advertise itself as a chan site for losers then it should stick to being that otherwise this is just 4chan but with just anime where literally anybody can come in so what is /TC/? is it an image board for outcast or just another generic chan? also i find boards like /lol/ to be completely unnecessary why even have a /b/ type board if shitposting is against the rules?
>> No. 32496 [Edit]
We're not talking about who belongs on tc or not. Being an outcast doesn't change a person's ability to discuss things reasonably.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2019, 6:15am
>> No. 32497 [Edit]
I wish this whole argument didn't happen but I feel compelled to post now.

It's different and you're wrong. This is not about competition because there is no hierarchy among anonymous posters.
You must live in a nice place then.
There's no one outside of my window right now but on afternoons there are always groups of young men hanging out all over the place. Most often drinking or smoking dope and acting all macho.
They ignore families and groups, sometimes hit on women, but if you're a lone man with no friends on the block you get singled out. I can't even take trash out without hearing some choice remarks.
Don't try to tell me they're not necessarily chads because they could still be single and lonely or be fanatic otaku at home.
About the virginity thing now. In my failed job adventures I was confronted several times by cocksure assholes to confirm or deny if I was still a virgin. They just wanted to publicly humiliate me for everyone's amusement.
It happened at factories, not on a schoolyard. Different people, different places, same fucked up behaviour. I was in my mid-late 20's and they were men between ~20-45.
Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
>> No. 32498 [Edit]
Maybe you're right. I'm not too familiar with what goes on in the regular world. We'd have to do a massive survey or something to really figure out what kind of life is most common.
>There's no one outside of my window right now but on afternoons there are always groups of young men hanging out all over the place. Most often drinking or smoking dope and acting all macho.
Those guys are either fratfaggots or losers. You could probably call the cops on them for loitering.
>In my failed job adventures I was confronted several times by cocksure assholes to confirm or deny if I was still a virgin.
What kind of jobs did you try getting? This kind of thing is probably way more common with undereducated people. Why would they ask you specifically that? If it's something they do with everyone, it's pretty weird.
>> No. 32499 [Edit]
So are imageboards.

>It's different and you're wrong. This is not about competition because there is no hierarchy among anonymous posters.
Trying to compete in who's the biggest loser is about hierarchy - as is every competition - even if said hierarchy doesn't carry from thread to thread (because the site is anonymous). In the end it's just an epeen 'look at me, I'm the biggest loser around, how do you like them apples normies!*' thing.

*TL note: 'normie' means anybody more successful than me

It's a rather sad spectacle not only because people withdraw from society because of its competetive nature (just one of the reasons but a common one) - for example to avoid those guys you described bullying people in order to ascertain their dominance - only to ultimately copy that sort of behavior (with less harm done to others but still). It's also disappointing because it's an excercise in misery. It's one thing not to care about relationships, not to have sex, maybe even not wanting to work, but it's completely different when being depressed, having paranoia and agoraphobia and the like being seen as a blessing in disguise. And people don't try to change anything because that would make you closer to normies.
If you're here you've already escaped many of the society's vicious cycles. If you don't care about everybody's approval you're on the best road to actually doing stuff that makes you happy, without needing to worry about society's scornful glare. It's a shame to waste it just because it feels like going for a bike ride feels like a normie thing to do (good heavens, sports!).
>> No. 32500 [Edit]
File 156190901758.jpg - (578.34KB , 849x1200 , 56746291_p4_master1200.jpg )
seems like you hit the nail on the head to me.
>> No. 32501 [Edit]
This is a much better post than I expected of this thread.
>> No. 32502 [Edit]
Not really.
Have you seen the image he posted? It was the cherry on top. He tries to come off as the sensible man but at the same time he paints others as caricatures who engage in some imaginary misery olympics.
None of this was about social rivalry or one-upmanship. Someone was angry because in their opinion moderation is not being strict enough against outsiders, that's it.
There's a big difference between "I'm better than them, enforce rules more strictly to prove I'm better" and "I want them out of my sight, enforce rules more strictly because it hurts to read normies talking about nice normie things while I'm in a world of shit".
Two completely different and unrelated issues.
Also the 'wise man' himself seems to insist there is an all-permeating struggle between 'civilized' contented losers and 'normalfag' unhappy losers. Talk about "same coin, different sides".

Everyone fucking shut up already.
>> No. 32503 [Edit]
>Have you seen the image he posted? It was the cherry on top. He tries to come off as the sensible man but at the same time he paints others as caricatures who engage in some imaginary misery olympics.
The comic was a hyperbole but I don't think it failed to portray the situation at hand. Calling it 'imaginary misery olympics' might be an attempt to say I'm out of touch with reality and just making stuff up but there are times when browsing /so/ makes me feel that's exactly what I'm actually witnessing - misery olympics. Non-imaginary misery olympics.

>None of this was about social rivalry or one-upmanship. Someone was angry because in their opinion moderation is not being strict enough against outsiders, that's it.
That's not the vibes I get when OP makes statements along the lines of 'people like you will never understand my suffering', which serve to both tell everybody that he definitely counts towards 'NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts' while people who disagree with him don't and they are most likely normies in disguise.
Also I wasn't talking about just this thread and OP's complaints, I see this sort of behavior all around the site. It's not healthy. It's not healthy for the site but nevermind that; more importantly it's not healthy for people who engage in it. So let me make it clear once again, in hopes at least one person might change their ways.

It's okay to be happy. It's okay to make yourself happy. It's okay to strive for happiness. If you just feel miserable, maybe you're even depressed, and everybody tells you to man up it's tough and dejecting, so I understand why some people just grow bitter and jaded. I know you see normies' empty smiles and hear their empty laughter and that you hate the culture associated with that. It's okay to strive to be happy either way. It doesn't make you one of them. Nobody will give you the crown of misery if you do your best to never change anything, despite being unhappy with your life.

>Also the 'wise man' himself seems to insist there is an all-permeating struggle between 'civilized' contented losers and 'normalfag' unhappy losers. Talk about "same coin, different sides".
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean so let's leave it at that.
>> No. 32504 [Edit]
I haven't been to /an/ since I saw some 4chan-tier retard posts about how anime sucks, and someone who argued against that got banned. I've also seen two small boards on 8chan get destroyed by normalfag invasions that the board owners went along with for some reason. Normalfags will try to take over any place they come across and only vigilant moderation can stop their subversion. Otherwise your community becomes 4chan.
>> No. 32505 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure if you make a place off-putting enough, that's not something to worry about. We need guro banners, guys.
in all seriousness I don't see much reason to worry right now
>> No. 32506 [Edit]
/an/, On TC? Do you mean another site? Nothing like that has ever happened here.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2019, 2:39pm
>> No. 32507 [Edit]
I am talking about /an/ on this very site.
>> No. 32508 [Edit]
File 156198052961.jpg - (64.56KB , 604x340 , it never ends.jpg )
You know, in the FAQ on the front page, where it says:
>"Q: Someone posted something I don't like, what should I do?
A: Whine and complain, call the person a normalfag, or report the post."

That's actually satire, not something meant to be taken literally.

Indeed. When this anon went to the irc to ask what we consider to be normalfags, I said that I consider it a state of mind, a way of thinking, not a checklist of accomplishments or lack there of. That to be a normalfag is to mindlessly conform to the standards and way of life of your peers, regardless of who those peers might be. Be it a gang member or a suburban house wife, to follow the herd like some zombie incapable of individuality let alone independent thought is what makes one a normalfag. There are many who try to avoid this, but only on a shallow surface level and fall into the alternative life style trap. They join groups and communities of "unusual" people, only to conform to those groups. For these people it's about finding a herd to fit in with, that they might identify with, not to be confused with trying to find people who might think the way you do. Myself, I look for those who share my interests and passions, I don't look for communities to join and fit in with, I wouldn't even if I tried, but I also sure as hell wouldn't join one just to make it and it's users conform to my ideologues.
I feel the problem with a checklist of what makes or breaks a normalfag, is there will always be exceptions brought up and debate around anything we put on a list anyway. Same for site rules, people will always try to pick them apart and find loopholes to suit their agenda no matter how precise and well defined we make them.
This isn't the first time people have attacked me and or the site in a shallow attempt to manipulate me into doing their bidding. I used to be a lot more naive about it and much more eager to ask how high when told to jump. I drove the site into the ground that way, listening to a very vocal minority, humoring the whims of a few fickle unreasonable and overbearing people who had no attachment to this site and would likely leave anyway no matter how much I do for them the moment things don't go their way.
Needless to say, after running this place for as long as I have and dealing with this kind of stuff as much as I have, I grew tired of it and closed down the feed back board because of it. I used to want to hear what people thought about the site, but that was before I realized most of them just want to be back seat drivers without the site's best interest in mind. I do care about the site, but not about people like OP or their opinions on me, this website, or our irc channel that they love to attack. This is a non-profit ad-free spam-free non-datamining non-bloated site that I keep free of shit-posting meme-spouting moronic trolling children with a focus on civil open (mostly) non-censored free discussion while welcoming social recluses with open arms. If that's not good enough for you, I'm sure you can find plenty of other sites offering the same that will have you.

Nah. I've been off and on in a dead end line of work that barely pays above minimum wage. My mother has a gambling problem and my dad while well off refuses to give me any help or support. What you've likely seen is mostly just from a decade of being an anime fan who shops around and occasionally flips items for profit while keeping extra/leftover product. You can also save a lot of money when you have no 3DPD or friends, and things stick around when you take good care of them.
>> No. 32509 [Edit]
I know everyone probably wants to move on from this thread, but I just have to say a couple of things:
1. A normalfag is easy to spot. Everywhere a normalfag goes, they just can't help but be annoying fuckwads and share their low iq memes and lingo. A good example of this would be on the gyaro thread that used to be on /ma/ (but was thankfully taken down) where the OP continued to use the word "thot" like the obvious normalfag he is. (also no offense to regular users on here with low iqs. When I use the word low iq I am mostly memeing)
2. You are getting concept of normalfag and NORP confused. When I think of a normalfag, I have a very specific definition of one in my head. That definition being someone who is obsessed with partying, "casual sex", mumble rap, social media, and spends most of their money on expensive clothing and jewelry to raise their social status. However a NORP is simply someone that lives a healthy, non-degenerate lifestyle. Some may be married, some may be single but with proper social skills. I have seen quite a few NORPs in public and they are always very polite, well mannered people. If NORPs piss you off, maybe you should get off the internet, go breath in some fresh air and just cool off, because there is literally no reason to hate those kinds of people other than out of pure jealousy.
3. Who is to say that there are people on this website posting that are NORPs but won't admit it?
Are you aware of the running joke in anime of the "secret otaku"? The man or woman that works a normal job and lives a normal life but when they get home they have a secret collection of anime figurines, dvds and maybe even some hentai? Who is to say some users of this site aren't that but real? After all, this website is anonymous and for TRUE OTAKU, so if one these otaku just so happens to be married with kids, who cares? As long as I can have a genuine conversation with them about Haruhi or Akira or what have you, and they don't shove their "happy lives" in my face, then they are fine in my book.

I think the only reason this thread was made in the first place, was because a lot of kids nowadays have to treat every website like social media and a few on this site bragged about their social experiences, which in turn pissed some people off. Which I completely understand your frustration. But at the moment, it seems like tohno is doing a pretty good job moderating so I have no problems so far. (just take down that goddamn bingo thread please!)
>> No. 32510 [Edit]
I don't want to argue with you, but what you're not getting is that most "norps" have views and sensibilities which are destructive to otaku culture. When CNN or Fox News or whatever makes a broadcast or article bitching about goblin slayer, that's not helping anybody. There's a very good reason why somebody living an average day-life would hide otaku hobbies, but not a love of football. Night club goers and soccer moms have more in common with each other than with someone who collects figurines and genuinely has a waifu, or someone who's obsessed with gundam sets and has a monster girl fetish.
>low iq
Don't be a hypocrite.

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2019, 8:26pm
>> No. 32513 [Edit]
File 156222130335.jpg - (19.07KB , 500x344 , YellowGivingHammerheadshark-mobile.jpg )
>You are getting concept of normalfag and NORP confused. When I think of a normalfag, I have a very specific definition of one in my head. That definition being someone who is obsessed with partying, "casual sex", mumble rap, social media, and spends most of their money on expensive clothing and jewelry to raise their social status. However a NORP is simply someone that lives a healthy, non-degenerate lifestyle. Some may be married, some may be single but with proper social skills. I have seen quite a few NORPs in public and they are always very polite, well mannered people. If NORPs piss you off, maybe you should get off the internet, go breath in some fresh air and just cool off, because there is literally no reason to hate those kinds of people other than out of pure jealousy.

We pretty much share the exact same definition so i will agree with you on that however there is no such thing as NORP to me that is just a term normalfags use to make themselves seem less disrespectful towards social outcast and try to integrate themselves into image board culture if anything people who consider themselves NORP are most likely failed normalfags failed normalfags are different from normalfags.

> Who is to say that there are people on this website posting that are NORPs but won't admit it?
>Are you aware of the running joke in anime of the "secret otaku"? The man or woman that works a normal job and lives a normal life but when they get home they have a secret collection of anime figurines, dvds and maybe even some hentai? Who is to say some users of this site aren't that but real? After all, this website is anonymous and for TRUE OTAKU, so if one these otaku just so happens to be married with kids, who cares? As long as I can have a genuine conversation with them about Haruhi or Akira or what have you, and they don't shove their "happy lives" in my face, then they are fine in my book.

This website is for social outcast or at least that is what the admin claims A social outcast is defined as a person who has been rejected by society or a social group so how the fuck can you be normal have proper social skills or even be married and have kids if you're an outcast? That contradicts the definition of what an outcast is so NORP are still normalfags also you do realize that Otaku means someone who stays at home and is obsessed in their own hobbies and interest to the point where it ruins their social skills basically a Japanese version of an introvert loser geek nerd dork and i know what you're gonna say b-but anime and manga otaku is not only limited to anime and manga those are just what most people think of when they hear the term being an otaku with poor social skills and no life is not the same as being a normalfag anime and manga fan if you have proper social skills you probably don't belong here.

>Just take down that goddamn bingo thread please!

>> No. 32514 [Edit]
File 156224145647.jpg - (24.53KB , 294x260 , parker-ito-9.jpg )
social outcasts are nonconformists practically by definition. nonconformists don't fit into narrow defined categories exactly by definition.
given that TC is a site for social outcasts, how can you start insisting that all the people here have to fit into your very narrowly defined categories of acceptable behavior and character type? what if an individual poster isn't a normalfag, norp or neet, what if they're a unique and uncategorizable individual? what if your very particular definitions don't fit anyone at all? what if the categories you've invented are just of form of intellectual laziness which allows you to brush off any and all opinions which dissent from your own? what if all these other people who aren't you have as much of their own unique and imaginative headspace as you do, they lead their own lives, have their own thoughts and preferences, each one of them completely different though they may seem similar to the quick, shallow glance.
have any of those ideas or similar ones ever crossed your mind before? if so, what did you think about them?
>> No. 32515 [Edit]
Why are you even asking them? Why do you think they'll be convinced by anything you say? They are a failed normalfag, and a very bitter one at that. They value "social acceptance" (sex) and family and whatever the fuck else and think the zombie masses "have it great it life". Some people are a waste of time and that's why this thread should be locked.
>> No. 32516 [Edit]
This. No more normalfag apologism. No more what ifs.
>> No. 32517 [Edit]
>> No. 32519 [Edit]
Yeah screw it I'm locking this embarrassment of a thread.

And no I'm not deleting the bingo thread, lighten the hell up.
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