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File 156013906623.jpg - (1.19MB , 2049x754 , subs.jpg )
32371 No. 32371 [Edit]
I miss the days when fan subs were still a real thing.
Expand all images
>> No. 32372 [Edit]
They all look awful.
>> No. 32374 [Edit]
There’s still some groups chugging along, although they’re infamously overlocalized, probably to put on a portfolio.

I honestly find that HS cause the least problems while watching and if accuracy is super important to you just take the plunge and learn Japanese.
>> No. 32375 [Edit]
File 156014389291.jpg - (151.25KB , 500x1727 , subs_humor2.jpg )
I wish crunchyroll subs translated the OP/EDs.
>> No. 32376 [Edit]
>[TC Subs]
>Over the teeth, past the gums. Look out stomach, here it comes!
Really, guys?
>> No. 32635 [Edit]
I miss troll subs more. Fansubs were great, but trollsubs had an entire culture to their own that's gone for good now.
>> No. 32638 [Edit]
Isn’t commie still chugging along and upsetting people
>> No. 35376 [Edit]
Is this anime music video?
Looks like the same animation team that did the visuals for Batman Ninja~
>> No. 35377 [Edit]
If you've been watching anime for 10+ years and still don't know enough Japanese to watch it without subtitles, you've been doing something wrong.
>> No. 35384 [Edit]
I can barely speak my only language, english. I'm fucking retard.
>> No. 35385 [Edit]
You mean not bothering to study the language on the side? Because subs tend to be inaccurate and misleading translations more often than not. In some ways they can almost make things harder, as they'll repeatedly translate the same words into the same wrong phrase simply to fit it where no English equivalents may even exist.

Post edited on 27th Jun 2020, 10:34pm
>> No. 35392 [Edit]
I don't see how watching anime can make you learn japanese. I have watched anime for 20 years, studied the language in college, studied the language by myself, tried textbooks, tried anki and similar self-learning methods and I still don't know nothing at all. Maybe smart people can learn a lot from just a little contact with something, for others just an insignificant gain requires an enormous amount of time and effort. I also noticed I'm starting to lose things, my english is getting worse every month, doesn't matter how much I use it, so there's a mental degradation that makes everything even worse.
Most people don't even talk their own language properly (me included, I can't even write it for shit), expecting everyone can learn any language easily just leads to demotivation and frustration.
>> No. 35393 [Edit]
And this was meant for

I'm also noticing I'm struggling to post properly, as you can see.
>> No. 35394 [Edit]
Best way to learn any language is being exposed to it and being forced to use it in real world practical settings. This will brute force your brain to do some rewiring and learn it. Anything else is an uphill battle.
>> No. 35395 [Edit]
The best way is combining exposure with self study.

Post edited on 28th Jun 2020, 8:04pm
>> No. 35396 [Edit]
Unless you go to Japan I don't see how you can accomplish that.
>> No. 35397 [Edit]
The internet is pretty good for it. Lots of places to find Japanese writings and audio.
>> No. 35398 [Edit]
File 159341993863.jpg - (21.52KB , 229x173 , 1483178485034.jpg )
Sure, but that's not exactly "forced to use it in real world practical settings". And then there's the kanji, if you don't grind it you're just going to see walls of text everywhere, exposure or not. I learned english by exposure in all facets of my life including work and I still have an awful level after too many years, I just can't imagine doing the same with japanese considering it's phonetics and writing system.
Maybe she's right after all.
>> No. 36299 [Edit]
File 160246489040.png - (158.22KB , 983x655 , horriblesubsiskill.png )
Since horriblesubs is kill now, we might see a reemergence in fansubbing.
>> No. 36300 [Edit]
Other people are doing their work better than they did. Don't bet on it.
>> No. 37370 [Edit]
Commie can be hit or miss. When they stick to just typesetting the original CR script their stuff is fine. When they try to get clever with their localized translations, they're utter garbage.

I bring this up because I recently found out that there are "uncommied" versions of some shows (yuyushiki and aiura are the two I found about) which preserve commie's typesetting but have the original CR script. I was intrigued enough to do a line-by-line diff to find out how bad the commie version was, but surprisingly for these two shows in particular it wasn't too bad. Generally for both commie removed the honorifics -san/-chan and added "Mrs." for okaasan-sensei (I'm not sure why they used "mrs." since that implies she's married, when that's not likely to be the case in the show).

For Yuyushiki in particular, I noted the following changes between the original CR script (equivalent to the uncommied version modulo typesetting):
Slightly better phrasing on some English (technically less of a literal translation but I doubt even pedantics would mind the below):

"The cost would end up pretty high." -> "It'd be pretty expensive."
"If you were going to die the next day, what would you eat on your last day?" -> "If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you eat as your last meal?"
" Yui is the most shining of all of us." -> "Yui shines the most out of us three."

and eliding repetition of the object in favor of using a pronoun when the antecedent is clear (which I don't mind since it matches the jp and improves conciseness)

Slightly worse phrasing on some words (happens only once or twice throughout the entire 12 episodes):

soda -> coke (Are we in the south?)

More accurate translation of some katakana phrases

"Sutōbu" is translated as "heater" (as it should be based on context)
"Mēru" is translated as text

The only major change that deviates from the accuracy of the source is the line
>Ano san-nin wa... are na no?
which the original accurately translates as
>So those three are really... that way?
but for which Commie decided to ignore all subtlety and go with
>Do those three... bat for the other team?

Their removal of honorofics also bites them when it comes to the following gag
>Ai-chin! Come here!
>What? -chin?
which Commie is forced to change to the less intelligible
>Eye! Come here!
>Huh? Eye?

Overall not terribly bad I guess, the minor genuine improvements to some of the phrasing are cancelled out by the (admittedly rare) occasional deviations in accuracy so it ends up being a wash. (And the above listing of deviations is in fact exhaustive, so if you're the kind to obsess over this stuff – as I am – you can rest assured that the Commie version didn't materially change anything)

(By the way, props to the original CR translator for nailing almost all of the YYS puns without changing the meaning too much. My favorite is probably "kazan dake ni... yo ganbatta tte ne" where the pun comes from the fact that "yougan" is lava. "Magma-nimous" is not shabby at all. There might also be a second level pun in kazan -> kasan -> (o)kaasan which the "gabatta" would refer to).

I also did the line-by-line comparison for Aiura. They clean up of some lines to improve flow as with Yuyushiki, but other lines which they change end up faring worse due to their botched attempts; but I don't think it's necessarily they're fault since there's not really a good way to translate some of the puns there, e.g.

> It's all good, Yananchou.
>It's all good, Yanasentative.

though their nasty habit of eliding honorifics bites them with
>Well then... Saki / What? No "san"?
which loses all sense with their tl of
>Saki! / What? Just like that?

Overall this one is pretty much a wash too.
>> No. 37371 [Edit]
The asian anime licensors (Muse, AniOne) manage to release better quality English translations than Aniplex/Funi. It's simply astounding that those (relatively) smaller companies who are probably paying a pittance to translators for whom English isn't even a first language can pump out better subtitles than the American conglomerate can. And Muse even releases their licensed shows for free on youtube while the others have the gall to charge money for their garbage.
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