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31833 No. 31833 [Edit]
Where do people with autism fall into the whole world of imageboard otaku and hikki? It seems even most people on a site such as this would make the assumption that the posters are, biologically, normal humans. For someone who is unable to work, I'm afraid it's a little hard to relate to the idea that all otaku must eventually give in to the world of normals. I quite literally have no choice between the hikkineet life and starvation while homeless.
>> No. 31836 [Edit]
People here don't assume everyone is a normal, but they can be a bit on edge and jump to conclusions very easily. Just try not to worry about it too much.
>> No. 31837 [Edit]
>Where do people with autism fall into the whole world of imageboard otaku and hikki?
I imagine that there aren't many neurotpyical NEETs online.
>> No. 31838 [Edit]
Weird, maybe it's just the most vocal ones then.
>> No. 31842 [Edit]
Many do seem to integrate into society, I never will though.

>I quite literally have no choice between the hikkineet life and starvation while homeless.

I feel that too. Even when I try working, it never goes well and I feel miserable. I can't see myself surviving it.
>> No. 31910 [Edit]
There is literally nothing special about people with autism that are above low functioning autistic folks. I'm 100% confident and certain I'm a high functioning autistic person and I'm not that much different from non-autistic people. You just interpret the world and situations slightly different than other people and may have some sensitivities to sound, touch, and visuals.
>> No. 31911 [Edit]
On most NEET/hikikmmori imageboards I find its usually a contest to see who can have the most fake diagnoses. They seem to think the more debilitating the mental illness,the more "hikki" you are.
>> No. 31937 [Edit]
>I'm 100% confident and certain I'm a high functioning autistic person
Yeah, you and every other ford driver posting on imageboards. Nowadays everybody seems to think they have autism. It's not just "social anxiety teehee". Even high-functioning autism makes it impossible to perform tasks most people consider normal.
>> No. 31942 [Edit]
yeah we all know that being damaged is moe as all fuck, but i wish those people want to talk advantage of damage-moe would just put on an elbow bandage or an eye patch instead of talking about themselves on the internet contsantly. i shouldn't even bother mentioning that someone who fakes an illness and then wears it on their sleeve for attention would fit the profile of a self-centered sadistic narcissist rather than an autistic.
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