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30695 No. 30695 [Edit]
What are you interested in? In the sense of a deeper understanding, like film composition, character design, politics, science, sociology, that sort of thing? And why?
>> No. 30696 [Edit]
I like anime and videogames.
Idk why, they're fun.
>> No. 30697 [Edit]
I used to come to this site because of my interest in anime, but is seems like there is almost no interest in that topic here anymore. All of the containment boards are much more popular. The jp shitposter board is huge, the wizchan/r9k/mgtow board is popular and /ot/ servers as spillover for lonely depressed snowflakes who are too good to post in wizchan/r9k/mgtow containment board
>> No. 30698 [Edit]
Been that way for a long time. The board has always been a handful of people replying to themselves endlessly.
>> No. 30699 [Edit]
>seems like there is almost no interest in that topic here anymore.
I have no idea what to talk about.
>> No. 30700 [Edit]
You just say what your thoughts and opinions are on things you've recently seen, post screen caps, or comment on things you feel are worth commenting on. You can also get anal and chew other people out for saying things you don't like or agree with, or for asking stupid questions like many others here.
>> No. 30703 [Edit]
Be the change you want to see?
>> No. 30704 [Edit]
Oh, hey, that's what I do.
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