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File 150690987684.jpg - (62.87KB , 571x514 , 20226108b6f12200a84d64be3aa0bbbf96f52370.jpg )
30586 No. 30586 [Edit]
>Studying is hard.
>Games are hard.
>Sports are boring and hard.
>Talking to people is nice but tough without any hobbies of my own it gets exhausting and I'm too lazy to do it sometimes.
>Movies are awful and I hate them, mostly American movies, they fucking suck.
>American TV is boring as shit and even difficult to sit through. I really don't want to waste even a millisecond of my boring life on some faggot ass Big Bang Theory shit.
>Anime is boring and kind of painful because it's just about a bunch of preteen/teen kids that did cool stuff I wanted to do but never could.
>Manga is the same thing.
>LNs are unavailable to me because I can't reading moonrunes and I don't wanna learn.
>Internet went to shit after normals flooded the place for some dumb reason.
>Cooking is kind of nice.
>Going outside is nice too because there are no memes in a nature park or a Chick-Fil-A. It's so refreshing.
>Art is hard to do right but I try.
>I have to pay money to even think.

It feels like all I feel like doing is looking for jobs to stock up money and save up to buy a gun to shoot myself with. What else is there? What should I do in the meantime? Everything is so boring and aggravating and if it's not boring now it will be soon. What should I do indoors? Should I just be like Fatchouli and be a bookworm and read stuff written by people with a tragedy fetish? Should I look for people to play boring ass nerd board games with? Should I try something active in solitude? Should I into playing instruments? What should I do?
It's not like I have a waifu to spend relaxing hours with and cuddle a tear-stained daki, imagining sitting on the porch holding her hand. I don't have the sexual orientation for 2D. I only have three things now that I enjoy doing and two of those aren't consistent enough to be called hobbies.
I'm so bored of everything! Also "le acceptance" is shit advice from people who are too lazy to do shit about shit and they turn that laziness into something that sounds good if you think about it a certain way, don't bother with that please.

New thread for other boredom-fags instead of posting in another general because dang it this place needs the activity. Maybe this can act as a thread for advice to motivate others to do something different.
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>> No. 30588 [Edit]
Well all I ever really wanted out of life was to go on adventures and have superpowers and explore the galaxy so I feel you OP. I hate thinking that I'm going to die having never experienced my dream.
>> No. 30591 [Edit]
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'Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.'
>> No. 30715 [Edit]
Art is very powerful. You should try to create, even just as an outlet.

I have a lot of thoughts on the subject but I'll leave it at this: I believe that some form of the meaning we simultaneously created and were torn away from through our birth exists in art, in your own self-expression. Even if it's just for your own consumption, it's still cathartic and liberating. "Music is everything. God himself is nothing more than an acoustic hallucination." - Emil Cioran

I find fulfillment through that mainly. It's one of very few things I don't regard as tedious or depressing.

It's my treasure and a reason for tomorrow to happen.
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