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File 150551518941.jpg - (53.82KB , 450x604 , 3197663179_1_4_QeDEr5YW.jpg )
30507 No. 30507 [Edit]
Tonight or tomorrow night will probably be the last night this summer that I get to watch anime outside on my roof at night. There is something special to me about watching Japanese cartoons at night with the stars overhead and my garden surrounding me. I see meteors, satellites, bats, moths and occasionally owls flying around up there pretty regularly. A couple weeks ago I was watching Aho Girl around midnight and a pair of red tailed hawks flew by circling each other yelling and generally mixing it up a lot more than Wikipedia would probably say that diurnal animals do on the average night.
Next May or June I will watch more anime on my rooftop.
>> No. 30510 [Edit]
This seems really nice, I want to try it but my laptop is broken and I don't have money to fix it
>> No. 30512 [Edit]
Wouldn't bugs be attracted to the screen easily?
>> No. 30522 [Edit]
That hasn't been a problem yet
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