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File 150122270152.png - (3.91MB , 1875x2510 , f32549427fa697f608aa94f0473d6658.png )
30349 No. 30349 [Edit]
Any fans of the occult here?
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>> No. 30351 [Edit]
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I used to occasionally search and learn about what I could when I was younger but I fell out of it. Still, it's a lot more interesting to me even now than anything else.
>> No. 30376 [Edit]
>a lot more interesting to me even now than anything else.
Pretty much the same to me. Occult in general is fascinating from a scientific and cultural point of view, but sadly almost everything I have stumbled upon is bogus and basically relies in "You've got to believe!" patterns that yield no measurable results.
>> No. 30377 [Edit]
i'm huge hoozuki no reitsu fan, does that count?
>> No. 30380 [Edit]
If stuff like psychic powers count, then yeah, I used to be. When I was young I used to think telekinesis and whatnot were possible and tried to practice every day in the hopes of getting something to happen. Obviously nothing ever did. I never was into rituals and summoning and stuff like that, though. Just the vain hope of getting to move stuff and shoot fireballs with my mind.
>> No. 30390 [Edit]
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I've messed around with it from time to time but I'm really lazy about it.

Occasionally I'll dip my toes in but I've never quite been able to fully turn off my skepticism which fucks over deeper practice. It's important to have in this stuff, otherwise you end up an unhinged schizophrenic, but at the same time it keeps you from achieving much.

I just slowly lost interest over time after getting frustrated with spotty results but that's what happens when you don't put much effort in.

Currently I'm studying other areas (philosophy, history) before returning.

Post edited on 7th Aug 2017, 4:10pm
>> No. 30395 [Edit]
A bit, but I never really went deeper than reading shitty websites about it. One day I'd like to read something from one those medieval-Renaissance era alchemists such as John Dee, Paracelsus and Mirandola. Blatavsky seems interesting too, as well as Steiner
>> No. 41849 [Edit]
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Happy HALLOWEEN 2023!
Trick or treat.
>> No. 41918 [Edit]
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Mariah Carey has escaped her containment chambers; beware!
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