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File 149948438434.jpg - (105.78KB , 1280x720 , Hinako_Note_-_08_[720p]_mkv_snapshot_08_56_[2017_0.jpg )
30284 No. 30284 [Edit]
Do you think image board culture is dead? If so, can it ever be brought back?
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>> No. 30285 [Edit]
In my opinion the answer is yes to both. Kind of a cop-out but I don't have a grasp on what you mean by image board culture.

I think image board culture is dead because 4chan is now a high-school, populated by jaded, horny teenagers/people in their very early 20s with disgustingly rigid views on how others should live their lives. There's a hook-up board and a board where people can circlejerk about being failed normalfags. It's gross, honestly.

But that's holding 4chan as the metric of 'image board culture', which might be flawed. I think it is a good metric of image boards in the west, though, as it's the most populous.

Image board culture is dead but it lives through sites like tohno-chan.
>> No. 30286 [Edit]
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I don't know how that culture was when it started out. I became active on the net about 10ish years ago. Back then it was more "decentralized", small "hidden" sites were more popular, now everything seems to revolve around sites like twitter, youtube, reddit, etc. And the whole thing feels more monetized, like people don't go online to share stuff and information but to make ad-money or boost their ego.

So yeah, the net has changed including image boards.

I miss how things were back then but maybe because I'm the rigid one.
>> No. 30287 [Edit]
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I would argue imageboard culture as we knew it was a product of the times, that being the early to late 00's. Of course after that it has only stagnated with the increasing amount of people able to access the internet.

It's no secret to anyone that the initial higher barrier of entry that many of us took for granted acted as a filter of sorts. With the advent of the smartphone and higher network speeds, this barrier was made irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that sites like Tohno's and others try to carry on the spirit but it's not quite like it was back then. This modified pasta and associated scene from the movie in question is pretty relevant I feel.

It is interesting to note how the 60's movements paralleled that of early imageboard culture. I reccommend watching the movie before reading the pasta or video.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2017, 10:39pm
>> No. 30289 [Edit]
I think image board culture was always shit-posting. Back then it was just more refined.
>> No. 30292 [Edit]
Thanks OP, there was already only one 4chan meta thread on the front page, which is several below the statutory minimum. Thanks also for posting your 4chan metadiscussion on TC instead of 4chan's own metadiscussion board.

P.S. at the to of this site's meta board it says "Before posting keep this in mind; This website is supported by user created content to keep it active. If users (such as yourself) do not create content, you only have yourselves to blame for the lack of said content." if the quality of content on your favorite user-generated content site on the internet isn't up to your standards then you're the one at fault. nobody owes you anything and especially not if you're a noncontributor. fuck you and your complaining. if ye olde skewle imageboard culture was so fantastic and you were a participant then why did you stop delivering? i so enjoyed your every keystroke back in the good old days, but now they fall flat. what did you change, why'd you lose the magic? since you clearly ain't any good any more, why are you even still posting?
>> No. 30296 [Edit]
-I'm not the OP
-The word "4chan" was not mentioned in the original post at all
-Chill out
>> No. 30297 [Edit]
Image board culture means all imageboards.
>> No. 30298 [Edit]
>is now a high-school, populated by jaded, horny teenagers/people in their very early 20s with disgustingly rigid views on how others should live their lives
It has always been like that. Do you have the impression it was populated by level-headed mature adults when it started?
>There's a hook-up board and a board where people can circlejerk about being failed normalfags.
Boards like /soc/, /r9k/, /mlp/, etc. are there because there is a subset of the users who drive topics towards those thematics, making containment boards a necessity. If they didn't exist, their masses would just post them in the other boards. By the way, the existence of containment boards arose since the beginning of that site, with /h/ being created because people complained /b/ was getting too much NSFW content (even for otaku standards). Point being: Again, nothing new.
I'm sure you're off by several years; iirc the first BBS that qualify for having "board culture" was around 1997 with 2ch and SA's predecessors of all kinds... but it mostly cemented with the two latter.
I think you're right in the sense of availability to the boards, but I think another issue was availability to content in general. Internet back then was vastly difference and finding information was nowhere near as easy. Nowadays, you just google whatever and it's almost guaranteed it has its own wiki site where you can spend hours gorging on knowledge.
While your critique is valid, do you believe the topic of board culture can be discussed without mentioning 4chan? If it had never existed, do you think this place would still exist nevertheless?
>> No. 30301 [Edit]
go somewhere else for that then, this is TC.
TC has managed to be pretty consistent over it's many years in part due to it's desire to disassociate with the other elements. no decaying culture here, just people enjoying anime and considering suicide &/or getting a job.

if you think that 4chan (your favorite website) has been ruined by unwanted immigrants who refuse to assimilate to the local culture, why do you think that it's OK for you do bring your 4chan metadiscussion here uninvited? as a leading member of a very loosely affiliated non association of long time TC denizens currently in good standing, i request that you take it to a different node of the internet.

there are a billion threads on a billion different sites where self styled "oldfags of the internet" can go to prove their mettle by naysaying the contemporary culture by passing around things they read on KYM. if modern board culture is so shitty then it must be in part due to your own contributions. ever post anything other than a complaint about how the internet isn't amusing enough for you? what have you ever done to earn your place in the pantheon of "imageboard culture"? mendicants
>> No. 30302 [Edit]
So "4chan" is a trigger-word here after all
>> No. 30303 [Edit]
>as a leading member of a very loosely affiliated non association of long time TC denizens currently in good standing
>there are a billion threads on a billion different sites where self styled "oldfags of the internet"

I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy in your post. You're right in that these threads are nothing new, but acting like your shit doesn't stink is poor form. You're like some estranged /ota/lite shitposter trying too hard to act cool or something. That's the impression I get, at least.
>> No. 30304 [Edit]
>no decaying culture here
Yet there are several containment boards here as well. After all that grandstanding I find hard to believe you are unaware.
>(your favorite website)
4chan is not a good site, just a convenient one.
>why do you think that it's OK for you do bring your 4chan metadiscussion here uninvited?
Who says I started the thread? I didn't bring up 4chan either.
>where self styled "oldfags of the internet"
Pretty sure I've never referred to myself in any similar fashion. Internet elitism is for vapid normals and their failed versions.
>ever post anything other than a complaint about how the internet isn't amusing enough for you?
Are you confusing me (or assuming) I'm someone else you have interacted with before? I also don't recall ever complaining about being bored online. I'm curious, so I'm almost never bored.
Some people's ego are very heavily reliant on their perceived identity, so anything they consider a threat to their tastes or hobbies is taken personally. In the case of TC that might be ideal though.
>> No. 30307 [Edit]
I believe the times when being an otaku meant you HAD to be an (unironic) loser too are over. I also believe that is why tohno-chan isn't getting any more users, because our demograph is over. We're sort of a holdup from pre 2008ish otaku culture. Being a nerd is 'cool' rather than social suicide. People these days don't understand it, they didn't go through what we did, they didn't suffer the same way.
>> No. 30319 [Edit]
>Yet there are several containment boards here as well.
The "containment boards" are in-line with the general culture of tohno-chan. Most of your points are pretty irrelevant. 4chan is a garbage website populated by teenagers, simple as that.
>> No. 30343 [Edit]
This anon is totally right.
>> No. 30362 [Edit]
Changed and evolved, for better or worse is up to you, but certainly not dead.
>> No. 30381 [Edit]
The fad is just over. It's the same with forums or geocities or whatever. Something new will take the place.
>> No. 30389 [Edit]
I recently learned japanese and have been checking 2chan out lately. I have no reference to what it was previously but it feels more like what 4chan used to be with its own unique twist of course. I think it's the western culture and concepts of "memes", "shitposting" and more recently template posting that negatively affected the western internet in general.
>> No. 30396 [Edit]
Not dead, just dying.

Even TC has a growing population of Ford Drivers and histrionic femanons. The plague won't be stopped.
>> No. 30398 [Edit]
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Together, or not together.

These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.
>> No. 30399 [Edit]
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Good times.
>> No. 41045 [Edit]
I don't think tc conforms to "imageboard culture" as it existed at any point in time. I also think the concept is overrated. All this sappy sentimental shit about it doesn't move me. The format has value, but whatever goons from somethingaful thought was funny 20 years ago, doesn't in my opinion.
>> No. 41047 [Edit]
>it feels more like what 4chan used to be with its own unique twist of course
Assuming you mean futaba, I've browsed it occasionally and it's not like the discussions there are particularly high quality or anything, but there did seem to be fewer "bait" threads and more whimsical fun. E.g. there was a thread on D4DJ's Aimoto Rinku and all the replies were some variant of complimenting her: "Always genki Rinku", "Happy around rinku", "So energetic even in the morning Rinku", etc.
>> No. 41060 [Edit]
Imageboard culture isn’t dead, it still exists in the hearts and minds of everyone who was there before 2007.
2007 and onwards none of those people understand what imageboards are or what the culture is about so in a sense it’s still alive.
The problem is the concept has been diluted by children who latched on to the scene several years after newfags have already ruined it so we’re left with a shell of a shell of a shell.

I still remember clearly what online otaku culture and internet sites were like in the early - mid 00s.
That mindset still exists and can still persist if enough people got together to form a community that reflects that way of thinking.
There is even still an old-school English textboard that’s still active but I’m not gonna post it here because I don’t want any kids ruining the last bastion of 00s otaku internet paradise.
>> No. 41136 [Edit]
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I will say, reading the replies from 2017 and the recent replies has proven the trend I've noticed, where those that are still here (not just on tc, but on 2D-related boards in general) have mellowed out. Late-2010s /a/ and related boards was a dark place with anger and paranoia levels being high. I hope if they left they're doing better and or have relaxed somewhat.
>> No. 41140 [Edit]
Every now and then I hear about people who used to frequent boards like this who have put it all behind them and have moved on with their lives. If they're in a better place is a bit debatable, but I like to think they're happier.
>> No. 41141 [Edit]
>put it all behind them and have moved on with their lives
I don't get it. It's not like lurking and posting is a full time job. You never hear people talk about reading the news or watching sports like that, but the time investment is pretty much the same.

Post edited on 5th Feb 2023, 10:17am
>> No. 41142 [Edit]
Yeah you don't. I think people leave it behind because the life styles and culture conflict. Sports can be a social activity that is shared with normies and encourages human interaction with it's themes of teamwork. I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to say this life style is anti-social, but lets just say most people in places like this aren't exactly going to be rooting for you to get a 9-5 job, a wife, and some kids.
>> No. 41143 [Edit]
>I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to say this life style is anti-social
I think attributing any life style to imageboards is a mistake. As if life styles are the only thing worth talking about. Can't you talk about anime whether you're a neet, or a student or a "family man"? And why does having a family entail giving up who you are? That's not "moving on with your life", it's suicide. Of course dead people can't post. I refuse to acknowledge that as "progression".
>> No. 41144 [Edit]
>why does having a family entail giving up who you are?
I recently spoke with a former anon/waifufag who told me they dropped the otaku life style in spite of moving to japan (and getting married), which really left me wondering about this. When someone starts a family, it takes priority above all else in their life. Their time, money, attention, it all goes to that family. Even their very freedom seems to get lost most of the time. Just yesterday I overheard someone at the store talking about sneaking away from their wife for half an hour. I hear that sort of thing a lot. Sometimes it's people having to justify buying a game console to their partner, or just hanging out with friends. It makes me wonder if it's really worth it.
Meanwhile, there's a guy at work who seems to like (surface level) nerdy stuff, and never shuts up about his kid, so who knows? Maybe it's not impossible to find some balance?
>> No. 41146 [Edit]
A good chunk of it might just be demographics. People mellow out with age and there just aren't enough young people to bring that youthful spirit into the culture. Might just be the places I frequent but younger people seem to be the minority everywhere now. Online, real life. Dominated by millenials and older.
>> No. 41147 [Edit]
Young people still don't get that involved in online communities like people seem to think. They usually stick to large social media sites and interact with people they actually know.
Obviously, there are some around and they're noticeable because young people are foolish.
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