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File 148303530023.jpg - (142.78KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Jewelpet Sunshine - 01 RAW (TX 1280.jpg )
29788 No. 29788 [Edit]
I've decided to translate Jewelpet Sunshine in order to challenge myself, because my Japanese is terrible.

I'm not sure if I understood a couple parts correctly though. Can someone check this for me please? This is the OP.

Go! Go! Sunshine! Glittering!
Lucky sunshine!
The message of the magic of love connects our beating hearts.
These feelings can’t be stopped, so just accept them!
Full of energy from the moment I wake,
I call out to you but there’s no reaction.
It’s ok!
I keep my head up and stay smiling!
I’m hiding the vibrations of my heart, but it looks like they’ll burst through!
Oh yeah!
I’m looking up at the sky.
I wonder if you’ve noticed, I’m right here next to you no matter the hour.
Only you! You! You! You!
Go! Go! Sunshine! Glittering!
Lucky sunshine!
The message of the magic of love connects our beating hearts.
Go! Go! Sunshine! Sparkling!
Happy sunshine! It’s exciting!
Put your wishes into songs. Love Love Me Do!
These feelings can’t be stopped, so just accept them!

Post edited on 29th Dec 2016, 10:17am
>> No. 29789 [Edit]
Mostly seems fine to me. The only point I'd make is with the line "恋の魔法かけたメッセージ", which you translated as "The message of the magic of love connects our beating hearts". 魔法(を)かける (as in 掛ける) is a set phrase meaning to cast magic, whereas it looks like you were reading it as 架ける, maybe? I'm not really sure where you got "connect" from. But yeah, other than that, it seems like a decent translation.

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