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File 147580537050.png - (37.65KB , 445x150 , quality evening.png )
29589 No. 29589 [Edit]
Look at all this entertainment I have! The first week or two of every anime season are great, even if you drop most of the shows you check out, they still deliver that 22 minutes of first episode to amuse you.
What other periods of time are regularly worthwhile?
>> No. 41402 [Edit]
New anime season is best? I agree.
>> No. 41434 [Edit]
>The first week or two of every anime season are great
I really enjoyed the first season of Demon Slayer. It was honestly the first series I've seen in a while I thought I could marathon if I actually wanted. But it really fell off afterwards, and I haven't bothered to catch up with the Swordsmith Village Arc
>> No. 41436 [Edit]
>the psychedelic guide to preparing...
>flip flappers
I wonder if these two downloads were related.
>> No. 41437 [Edit]
Feels like just yesterday I was looking forward to the first episodes of new shows and now they're on their 7th or 8th. Time slips away too quickly.
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