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File 146445933437.jpg - (475.29KB , 800x600 , bea052fcce8b22918ecfbfab9d9f5af1.jpg )
29083 No. 29083 [Edit]
Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
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>> No. 29084 [Edit]
This post made me sadder than I thought it would.
>> No. 29085 [Edit]
Strange, I can't seem to find my virginity in this box. Oh that's right, I never lost it...
>> No. 29086 [Edit]
Oh cool my will to live! Hey there's my self respect! omg my hopes and dreams are in here too!
>> No. 29087 [Edit]
All those nes games I sold at a yardsale...
>> No. 29088 [Edit]
I've already thrown away so many things of hobbies that I intended to start but ended up simply trying for a week and never again. While I imagine that it would be curious to find these again, I honestly do not want to face those items of my past self. I think it would be a terrifying experience.
>> No. 29118 [Edit]
On an unrelated note, I haven't been around here in a while. When did tc get a captcha?
>> No. 29164 [Edit]
File 146647355097.png - (418.73KB , 850x925 , mcsGMMg.png )
"What the fuck? How did you get this? Where did you get this? Why the shit are you giving me this garbage? You keep it, pawn it off to some shop you find or whatever, just get it out of my sight. Except my copy of Sonic Heroes, I want that but you can get rid of the rest, it's all useless to me you shady weirdo."
>> No. 29168 [Edit]
I can finally play Shadow the Hedgehog again.
>> No. 31777 [Edit]
I haven't thrown things out, but I've had a lot taken from me. You know those people. They say they borrow something but then they don't just pretend they lost it, they flat out rob you of it.
>> No. 33139 [Edit]
I have never had enough things to lose anything worth something.
>> No. 41818 [Edit]
that's so sad
>> No. 41820 [Edit]
File 16971085296.jpg - (678.17KB , 2560x1920 , 87643346.jpg )
My fucking flash drive with games on it that I brought to internet cafes to be able to play them.
Fell out of my pocket sometime in highschool.
>> No. 41830 [Edit]
Honestly I bet it would be full of little bits of electronics that I tend to lose and need to replace. And some socks.
Also I lost a vehicle in my teenage years - how big of a box are we talking about here?
>> No. 41845 [Edit]
My whole life to be honest
>> No. 41846 [Edit]
Can I get my time back?
>> No. 41859 [Edit]
My old gameboy advance with like 40 games in a gameboy backpack. And my old bionicle figures too.
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