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File 146082394454.png - (33.24KB , 452x102 , 4rd.png )
28872 No. 28872 [Edit]
What's a suitable automobile for the tohno-chan veteran?
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>> No. 28875 [Edit]
Can't beat a miata.
>> No. 28879 [Edit]
late 90s taurus is the ultimate
>> No. 28888 [Edit]
File 146102237153.jpg - (335.12KB , 1920x1080 , Lamborghini-Centenario-geneva-motorshow-2016-Slide.jpg )
>> No. 28896 [Edit]
>> No. 28897 [Edit]
File 146107959596.jpg - (289.78KB , 1200x815 , renault-alpine-a310-gebaut-ab-86753.jpg )
>> No. 28900 [Edit]
flip flops
>> No. 28906 [Edit]
Thank you, I don't remember ever having laughed that much before.
>> No. 28907 [Edit]
File 146118912640.png - (143.89KB , 820x415 , scion-tc.png )
Cars don't get more tc than this.
>> No. 28908 [Edit]
File 14611994743.jpg - (73.12KB , 630x400 , strohs-can-car.jpg )
>> No. 28920 [Edit]
File 14613191806.png - (517.00KB , 692x606 , Gantzbike.png )
>> No. 28934 [Edit]
File 146145401811.jpg - (868.94KB , 1280x854 , 0.jpg )
>> No. 28940 [Edit]
A 4rd, of course. I think most of us ib4f users have been forced to leave our hiki ways by now.
>> No. 31779 [Edit]
One that people won't try to rob you of. As long as you take care of it.
>> No. 32765 [Edit]
File 156419078781.jpg - (55.91KB , 800x450 , sys.jpg )
Want some tofu?
>> No. 32790 [Edit]
File 156428941817.jpg - (76.96KB , 565x423 , 3C8ADD70-DBC8-4FEE-8AA5-78F34E7FD0D1.jpg )
Subaru Vivio. Yui Nee-san’s car from Lucky Star.
>> No. 32929 [Edit]
File 15653462806.jpg - (107.90KB , 1500x804 , Kkk.jpg )
Mach 5
>> No. 38450 [Edit]
Either this or some kind of Nissan or Toyota. Skyline is pimp
>> No. 38475 [Edit]
I hear honda super cubs are quite the rage these days
>> No. 38476 [Edit]
Fiat 500.
>> No. 38552 [Edit]
File 162670025982.jpg - (209.18KB , 1080x1080 , 1624265929097.jpg )
Honda Civic
>> No. 38554 [Edit]
File 162688120364.jpg - (358.29KB , 1350x900 , new_DS_4.jpg )
I highly recommend any new DS automobile, though I'll bring more attention to the up-and-coming DS 4.
PSA cars have been getting more reliable and comfortable. DS's current lineup in particular is very elegant throughout and stands apart from the stereotyped German luxury car. Quite appropriate for the genteel european Tohno-chan veteran.
>> No. 38555 [Edit]
I believe in buying the most cost effective car possible. Second hand, reliable model, high fuel efficiency. Cheap cars can be damaged without guilt, expensive cars are a costly form of masturbation.
>> No. 38640 [Edit]
Now go one step further, have a bicycle you use more than your cheap car.
>> No. 38662 [Edit]
I would definitely ride my bicycle more if it werent for three good reasons:
1. Its dangerous as fuck to cycle in this country
2. Severe tendonitis flare ups from holding the bike handles
3. The places I need to go are too far away to cycle
>> No. 38744 [Edit]
After moving from the west cost to the Midwest, I've started to understand why so many people I meet online dislike driving. The road designs are moronic, with major roads cutting right though small towns with speed transitions and limits that don't match the styles of the roads. I got my very first speeding ticket in some inbreed hick town because of this. With properly designed roads you shouldn't have to constantly scan for limit signs, which here look almost exactly like road markers. Major roads should have consistent speeds and go around cites, not into them. This creates a very stressful driving experience. These roads are also packed full of driveways to homes and businesses, stop signs, and on ramps placed in ways that make it impossible to see oncoming cars. Yesterday while driving I actually saw a sign that said 60mph because of a curve up ahead, and about 20 feet ahead of that was a sign that said 70mph. This is what happens when you let sister fuckers design your infrastructure.
>> No. 39419 [Edit]
As a tepid defense, I think most small towns set around highways were built after the highway was established. There are at least half a dozen in Florida comma United States that I know for certain came around because people saw tourists driving between important cities and thought they could scrape some income from them during pit stops. Not to mention commuting from small towns.

Still a very unintelligent design, but at this point short of destroying all the infrastructure I think we're stuck with it as it is. And one could make the case if we're destroying the infrastructure to begin with there are better options than spamming roads.
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