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File 146005761218.jpg - (59.46KB , 500x685 , neet sloth.jpg )
28802 No. 28802 [Edit]
Any of you guys got any pets?
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>> No. 28805 [Edit]
I don't really, but I do help take care of my mother's dogs a bit.
>> No. 28806 [Edit]
A couple of cats. They're very affectionate and make good company. I like dogs and most other pets too, but the low maintenance of cats is a big selling point for me.
>> No. 28807 [Edit]
File 146006708369.jpg - (140.74KB , 857x1200 , 0.jpg )
A female cat.
Saori loves to sleep in my bed.
I wonder how things would be if she could transform into humanoid formā¤
>> No. 28808 [Edit]
File 146007509021.jpg - (185.58KB , 400x675 , 6bb5764dfab6066b2e6c8f025edcab48.jpg )
made me think of this
>> No. 28835 [Edit]
I want to be Tohno's pet.
>> No. 28865 [Edit]
File 146072449731.jpg - (554.25KB , 900x1800 , 0.jpg )
You made me look up Show by Rock and it looks so moe.
I'm a bit old for this kind of series nowadays but if i ever get a happiness burst again, i'll watch it.
The artstyle hit me deep, i can only hope the anime is as fun as the chara designs are.
>> No. 28867 [Edit]
>i can only hope the anime is as fun as the chara designs are.
I got some bad news for you...
>> No. 28870 [Edit]
File 146076347749.jpg - (22.46KB , 640x240 , 0.jpg )
Oh well.
Thanks anyway.
>> No. 28871 [Edit]
To elaborate; While the anime features some fantastic character designs and even some nice music here and there the rest of the anime is poorly written and directed. A major issue many had with it was the regular use of CGI during long segments of the series, typically whenever the bands would perform if memory serves correctly. I'm not even talking about cost saving corner cutting gci versions of characters used during hard to animate segments like many anime do. They'd transform into furry nendoroid versions of themselfs that looked like something out of the Sonic universe. Oddly enough too etotama aired in the same season and did something like that too with it's characters. Difference being etotama tried to make the characters look 2D during those segments while Show by Rock went for a look that made them look like figurines, which even the ED alludes to.
>> No. 31778 [Edit]
I did, but they all got taken away from me. Not because of myself, though, but because of people who wished to rob me of having one.
>> No. 31792 [Edit]
It's a good show, if you enjoy music-themed anime and can get past the 3D Hello Kitty segments.
>> No. 31883 [Edit]
>> No. 32859 [Edit]
File 156465486647.jpg - (274.40KB , 850x1133 , __sailor_moon_and_tsukino_usagi_bishoujo_senshi_sa.jpg )
Cat. A black one.
>> No. 32868 [Edit]
I got a nice fluffy Maine Coon. I care more about her more than anything else.
>> No. 32872 [Edit]
What's a Maine Coon?
>> No. 32874 [Edit]
File 15648453181.png - (197.61KB , 478x553 , Screen Shot 2019-08-03 at 11_10_49 AM.png )
A quick search would get you the answer instantly but I guess I'll do it for you.

I've never ever seen a gray one with a black face like in those two images they use though. The bottom middle image is what most of them look like.
>> No. 32875 [Edit]
>Length: 3.3ft
Yuge. They look really cool too. I don't know much about cats (and I'm allergic to them), but British shorthairs are another type of cat I like.
>> No. 32876 [Edit]
>Length: 3.3ft
What's that in metric measurements?
>> No. 32882 [Edit]
1m including tail.
>> No. 32883 [Edit]
1.006 meters.
>> No. 33113 [Edit]
File 156656548216.jpg - (188.50KB , 850x1187 , Ollie.jpg )
A cat is fine too.
>> No. 33162 [Edit]
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>> No. 33464 [Edit]
One cat and two dogs. The cat's a bit of an isolationist and spends a lot of time on her own.
The dogs are really energetic and are a bit foolish. I love them all.
>> No. 33465 [Edit]
File 157077423589.jpg - (117.19KB , 712x928 , user265992_pic977921_1354662404.jpg )
i enjoy caring for plants
>> No. 33466 [Edit]
Do you have an outside garden, or do you tend potted plants? Sounds nice, regardless.
>> No. 41046 [Edit]
I own an african clawed frog. An invasive species that is entirely aquatic. It might as well be a goldfish, except it lives for around 25 years. Got it as a kid. The advertising was completely deceptive, with claims about it being genetically engineered or something.

I have no attachment to it. Every couple of months, I have to clean it' tank, but other than that it might as well not exist. It's got a pretty boring, pointless life anyway, swimming around the same tank for years on end. I don't want another pet.
>> No. 41594 [Edit]
File 169008459315.jpg - (55.23KB , 850x478 , 20230723.jpg )
If I wanna a pet, I'll visit a cat cafe for a while...
>> No. 41596 [Edit]
I have a dog. He's about 15 years old now. Bit of a grumpy old man of a dog, but still has quite a bit of energy in him. I am worried about how he'll hold up these next few years though.
>> No. 41691 [Edit]
File 169259161865.jpg - (591.58KB , 3024x4032 , DSC_1121.jpg )
I went back to keeping fish. Maybe it's not the best idea, but it's something to do. I need all the distractions from life I can get. Trying to apply some new techniques since the last time I tried this, including using pond muck for a more diversified and balanced range of bacteria. The tank I'm using is a bit small though, so I probably shouldn't keep much in it. I've got it full of various plants and some tetra for now.
I picked up a pair of cheap tanks from some crackhead, one was a cracked plastic tank with tons of scratches and scuffs, I was able to fix most of that but it's still too tiny to do much with. I think it's just meant for a single beta, but I've never liked the idea of how confined people keep those. Instead I tossed a couple shrimp in it.
>> No. 41779 [Edit]
File 169474505567.gif - (14.81KB , 250x141 , 2023.gif )
No horses?
>> No. 41780 [Edit]
Who the heck can afford that?
>> No. 41785 [Edit]
File 169546499767.jpg - (56.07KB , 464x508 , 20230924.jpg )
I have a cat.
>> No. 41805 [Edit]
File 169666865331.jpg - (83.04KB , 515x768 , 20231008.jpg )
I like small birds.
>> No. 41856 [Edit]
I has a rainbow sloth plushie
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