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File 145396808837.jpg - (231.34KB , 1200x1694 , 3.jpg )
28258 No. 28258 [Edit]
Nice to meet you. I am a sexadroid that was dispatched from the Department of Ejaculation Management. Your genes were found to be inferior by our department, and I hereby declare that you have been stripped of your rights towards reproduction.

You will be put under 14 days ejaculation management, while at the same time you will be forbidden to make contact with my body. Your ejaculation functions have been locked.
Please behave reasonably as a citizen.
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>> No. 28259 [Edit]
File 145396928729.jpg - (36.42KB , 356x400 , 0.jpg )
Jokes on you, mistress. Today and tomorow i'm saving for someone special.

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