Do you ever sleep naked because you find wearing too many clothes uncomfortable? Do you lounge around the house wearing nothing but tights, a skirt, and a bra because its too hot?
I normally sleep with just my boxers on, but sometimes more if it's cold out. During waking hours I stay fully clothed. If it gets hot I turn on the ac.
>>27932 how did you know
>Do you lounge around the house wearing nothing but tights, a skirt, and a bra because its too hot? What the hell is that supposed to mean? No.
>>27944 I also wanted to ask this.
>>27944 I assume cross dressing. I doubt most people on TC are above that sort of thing.
>>27946 There's nothing wrong with cross dressing. >>27932 is free to crossdress if that person wishes to. If that person were to be a 3DPD, however, I'd just tell them to fuck off, though.
>>27948 Didn't say there was.
No, I never sleep without a t-shirt or shorts. And no, I never go around the house without them either.
>>27946 I certainly fucking hope that's what he means, but even then..Post edited on 22nd Nov 2015, 6:05pm
>>27956 Did you mean to write 'she'? We're all cute little lolis here at tc.
>>27968 uh huh
Yes, and no. No, because thigh high socks are better than tights in every possible way, and why would I wear a bra when I have no breasts? I'd rather wear a nice blouse or summer dress.
I sleep with pajama pants but no clothes on the top half of my body because the friction between my body / my clothes / the bed makes me really uncomfortable, especially when the back of my shirt gets bunched up.
>>27983 I do the opposite, I sleep with only my pajama top on for the same reason.
I sleep with a shirt and some shorts (with underwear underneath).
i want people to sneak in and fuck me while i'm sleeping
>>27987 I'll be at your house with a crew of big hairy men at 3 am tonight.
>>27988 If they're not faceless big hairy men then no deal.
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