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File 156139386599.jpg - (389.51KB , 735x1000 , Slime_Carrier.jpg )
4695 No. 4695 [Edit]
What do you think about Monster Girl Encyclopedia? I've recently started getting into it. I like the art style and think the lore is interesting. What I don't enjoy is, I guess the lack of awareness? Take monsterification. It's not something that's preventable(a device that sucks up demonic energy was mentioned somewhere, but that hasn't been expanded upon) or reversible and without exception it warps the victim's personality and values beyond recognition. In fact, their personality is basically replaced with the demon lord's. This kind of identity death is off-putting to me. I was reading this story: https://pastebin.com/ZXWQEmvq Killing off a person's free-will and sense of individuality is sort of "justified" by making the person's prior life seem as bad as possible, but that just makes the whole thing depressing. Talent and knowledge are never the root of the issue, so getting rid of those things and making a person a shell of themselves isn't an improvement. I get it. I get the corruption fetish, but it doesn't seem self-aware of the bad aspect of it.

Kenkou Cross seems like he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Truthfully, you can't be productive and capable without consistent hard work and significant time-investment. He wants this utopia world, but the whole premise is flawed to begin with. I know what he's trying to convey and what appeal it has, but spending so much time and energy to create a massive world with essentially a non-story is disappointing to me.
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>> No. 4696 [Edit]
I feel like despite the wide variety of monster types, the outcome of an encounter with one ends up being remarkably similar. Part of that can be chalked up to its nature, but I find it very repetitive.
>> No. 4697 [Edit]
File 156140081499.jpg - (324.75KB , 800x1100 , 9A87DAFB-7FF1-485B-A670-641D0DDDCB12-20075-0000157.jpg )
It's explained in universe by the demonic energy making everybody think like the demon lord, so almost everybody wants monogamy and a husband and they all only fall in love with somebody "they like" or something. Except incubi. They can have harems. Plus they have no weaknesses or drawbacks. This pray-mantis girl who seems emotionless? After having sex with you she'll fall in love and have a soft spot just for you. That bloody sword? It just causes spirit damage. It's understandable, but so not compelling. What's it's nature exactly? Is this kind of zero conflict thing common?
>> No. 4698 [Edit]
I just meant its explicit focus on monster monogamy. I think the issue, for me, is less the content and more that the structure is either identical or very similar across all kinds of monsters.
>> No. 4699 [Edit]
I find the idea interesting but I cant really be bothered following all the lore or investing much into it. If it was a game then maybe.
>> No. 4700 [Edit]
For me it's just porn. I don't treat it seriously so I'm not bothered by cheap plot.
My favourite is Manticore, although when I fantasize about her I like to imagine her being less cruel than described. Still forceful and wild but not really mean.
>> No. 4703 [Edit]
File 156146678719.jpg - (738.06KB , 1057x1500 , 7C81585B-E79B-4583-BBED-FB2477E6FE16-20835-0000162.jpg )
I don't know if you could call the plot cheap when there's so much of it. Even if it's only there to justify the porn, it's better developed and more interesting than a lot if not most young adult fiction which also have their own wikis. The actual prose is better too. Have you ever tried to watch an episode of supernatural? Hell, it's better than most adult tv fiction.

Post edited on 25th Jun 2019, 5:49am

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