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File 142501348845.jpg - (291.37KB , 475x872 , awesome kanikani.jpg )
3801 No. 3801 [Edit]
Anyone still have the original of this picture? I've been trying to get it back all day. Not even the wayback machine was any help. Artist is kanikani.
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>> No. 3802 [Edit]
File 142503765365.jpg - (110.88KB , 704x987 , book32b.jpg )
Looks like a really old doujin cover, in which case its probably that a higher resolution didn't even exist in the first place.

Post edited on 27th Feb 2015, 3:55am
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
Not looking for the book scans. I'm looking for the image used on the cover from before that.

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