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File 141714897967.jpg - (320.81KB , 802x1024 , 1401400230072.jpg )
3675 No. 3675 [Edit]
Strangest fetish you've seen?
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>> No. 3677 [Edit]
Strange in terms of novelty factor, I presume? Not much ever phases me at this point. I'll make a post if I see something really weird.
>> No. 3678 [Edit]
File 141716114592.jpg - (1.27MB , 923x1200 , well.jpg )
Breast pregnancy, probably.
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
I love how I posted this six months ago and nobody has even tried to top me.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
Yup, I can't think of anything more out there.
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
File 143283511016.jpg - (154.99KB , 839x900 , 20e2de464bd591bcfb46383984db5c74.jpg )
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
I have vore, fart and scat fetishes so relatively it's quite difficult to say. Any of the extremely specific ones that center around a non-human object I guess.
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
File 143285348877.jpg - (134.86KB , 698x976 , HOhv4KM.jpg )
vase girls
>> No. 3872 [Edit]
If the pic implies a fetish for belly buttons, than I have that one big times. I really don't know why but I love nice belly buttons.
>> No. 3873 [Edit]
File 143466589587.png - (1.75MB , 1200x1600 , 1432197669245.png )

>> No. 3876 [Edit]
File 143534835692.png - (2.57MB , 2000x2500 , 1433668374415-4.png )
>> No. 3877 [Edit]
btw I LOVE glasses even more they are like my number one fetish. That's why this Picture is one of my absolute favourite
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
I like those X-ray pictures with visible ovaries. Probably not that weird though.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
File 144757830775.jpg - (643.74KB , 840x1120 , 7af80517e3d82bf2a9db67f9f25aba13.jpg )
I also like ballbusting. Are we allowed to post pictures with dicks in them here?
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
I don't see why not.
>> No. 4002 [Edit]
I never understood that fetish. I don't want to see some anatomy textbook crap while I'm masturbating.
>> No. 4003 [Edit]
I like that girl's naughty face.
>> No. 4007 [Edit]
Not sure what it is for most people, but for me it is related to the ballbusting fetish. It's kind of a female superiority thing. That's why I also like pictures like >>3989 where you can see up her skirt as she stomps on the dude.
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
I think some people enjoy knowing and seeing what's going on under the hood, would be my guess.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
File 145032125618.jpg - (91.90KB , 692x1000 , sample-b4860284f939c75d211bbf318c249b90.jpg )
I like that girl's naughty faces.

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