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File 139393851599.jpg - (861.86KB , 1292x1288 , 1393922410722.jpg )
3269 No. 3269 [Edit]
Gentlemen, I have discovered the wonders of straight shota.

What are you thoughts on it? I really like the feeling of being enveloped in a motherly/big sisterly love. That warm feeling of being loved and every worry taken care of. That must feel really good.

I wonder if shota is less illegal than loli. It certainly feels less wrong. Sort of like its good for the boy rather than emotionally scarring or whatever.
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>> No. 3270 [Edit]
File 139398508767.jpg - (133.93KB , 850x1133 , 1392960514007.jpg )
>I wonder if shota is less illegal than loli.
It's equally legal.
> It certainly feels less wrong. Sort of like its good for the boy rather than emotionally scarring or whatever.
This is the justification for a male teacher (age 30+) having sex with a female student (age 17-) and being arrested for 15+ years and put on the sex offender list, whereas a female teacher (age 30+) having sex with a male student(age 17-) means the woman is fired (no criminal charges), and if she gets pregnant, can get child support from the student's parents until he is 18, at which time it becomes his responsibility.
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
Neither shota nor loli are particularly my thing, but it can be okay in certain circumstances.
>> No. 3438 [Edit]
File 140224089685.jpg - (339.75KB , 1142x1600 , 17_Clutch_of_the_Scylla_017.jpg )
Why do monstergirls and /ss/ go together so well?
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