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File 132982588436.jpg - (61.55KB , 465x306 , icLirXdelQNip.jpg )
2622 No. 2622 [Edit]
I just finished reading 'Loli Tomodachi' and I'm not quite sure what happened. Did they really go around the country doing all that, or was it just all part of their oxygen-deprivaed imagination as they looked up at the picture they drew? And what was with that bit in the second half where there was a picture of them smiling together at a table in the past?
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>> No. 2624 [Edit]
File 132987163168.jpg - (308.15KB , 1011x1514 , 079e3c8cae30396ee49ad10f47d047d5.jpg )
What the fuck did you just have me read?

I feel even worse because I actually became aroused. Too realistic, bro, too realistic.

Here is some Mikan for you, though.
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
Eh, that was too sad. I couldn't get off to that. Poor little girls.
The ending was bittersweet though.
>> No. 3282 [Edit]
LOLOLOL That was fucking awesome! Take it, fucking whores!
>> No. 3293 [Edit]
Little girls that probably don't even know what sex is are whores?
>> No. 3294 [Edit]
They are now.

I've just been feeling 2edgy recently.
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