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File 130115023628.jpg - (106.19KB , 1024x768 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
1640 No. 1640 [Edit]
How far would you go for your waifu?

I dislike most extreme fetishes (ie pissing, pregnant) but if it was my waifu I would do ANYTHING. Pic related.
Even if it means to have sex with another man, I guess it can't be helped~
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>> No. 1645 [Edit]
Eat shit for my waifu? Nah. I don't think my waifu even would go that far, she's really not the type.
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
Im sorry but if its something as far as eating her poop or sharing her with another man, I must decline. If it was something tame which didnt take away my dignity in some way, like, say, bondage, im fine for that. If its too extreme we will just have to concile our differences somehow. Note that while I care about her, I dont believe in being a doormat to please my waifu.
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
First off, thank you for spoilering that. I have no interest in seeing scat.

As for the main topic, I would go pretty damn far, but I draw the line at ingesting something that is not meant to be ingested. There are probably other things, too, but since I can't think of them right now, I'll just say that's it.
>> No. 1648 [Edit]
Anything she asks, yes.

That being said, I somewhat doubt she'd ask anything quite that dubious. Far too elegant.
>> No. 1649 [Edit]
Actually if I think about it there's a lot that I wouldn't do. Probably too much to list. There are a ton of fucked up fetishes out there. Luckily my waifu is a good girl who wouldn't be into that stuff.
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
Maybe I'd have the most vanilla kind of sex with her if she really insisted. It'd be awkward, as I probably wouldn't enjoy it.
On the other hand, I wouldn't mind if she had sex with other people. It's not like she's my property or anything.
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
File 130132045652.jpg - (272.23KB , 1024x768 , Tenshi is ready to go.jpg )
This is another thing I think about a lot. I know the masochism thing is just fanon, but there's still a strong possibility for it. I would never want to hurt mai waifu, even if she enjoys it.

Also not getting rid of my name when posting on /ns/ hellz yeah
>> No. 1659 [Edit]
I'd draw the line at sharing her with anyone else. Man, woman, animal, or inanimate object. I'm the jealous type, and could be considered heavy yandere. No one but me touches my waifu. I don't hold double standards, so she would receive the same loyalty from me.
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