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File 131365355411.jpg - (7.41KB , 140x150 , Yuki_Nagato_fanart_by_kupo28.jpg )
925 No. 925 [Edit]
I have been planning to code a Tohno-chan search engine as I was bored. (then I've noticed it'd work on 4chan with relatively minor changes, but oh well).

The first step was to create a website that can read Tohno's page format. I did that.

Things that aren't working:
- pages. Will do that in a few hours.

Go check it out and find bugs!

(Obligatory Yuki pic included.)
>> No. 926 [Edit]
seems sort of cool, but what exactly is the point of it?
a way to browse the site for people on cellphones and low powered computers?
nice job all the same.
>> No. 927 [Edit]

I am creating a search engine for Tohno-chan, and a way to read the site is the first step.
>> No. 928 [Edit]

Oh right, pages now work! So do titles!
>> No. 929 [Edit]
looking forward to it!
>> No. 930 [Edit]
Why is it closed? I used it on my dumbphone and kindle.
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