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File 168263200780.png - (32.30KB , 2048x2055 , Webo_RaspberryPi1.png )
3198 No. 3198 [Edit]
can I make a mini PC with this and a phone screen?

Post edited on 27th Apr 2023, 2:47pm
>> No. 3199 [Edit]
Why not just buy a pinephone or something.
>> No. 3200 [Edit]
Phone screens are a pain in the ass to work with, there's tiny HDMI monitors out there. Or Raspi cases with a screen built in.
It's a better hand toaster than it is a PDA.
>> No. 3201 [Edit]
At such a small size, touch screen would work better than just a simple monitor. I assume that's what OP actually means here, so you probably aren't wrong.

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