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2948 No. 2948 [Edit]
I'm considering switching to an immutable OS because I want to be able to move my workstation around devices with as little delay as possible, and without needing to connect to the internet to install anything. Alowing me to start working ASAP.
Both Fedora Silverblue and NixOS seem like good options. Someone told me I could also use a functionality of the BTRFS filesystem to create snapshots of my machine.
My current setup consists of:
>core programs (docker, VirtualBox, a text editor, compilers, interpreters, etc)
These probably won't change in a while.
>configs, data, source code
These change, and need to be synced often. Specially the code, which needs to be always up-to-date and synced with the remote repo.

I want to know if an immutable OS would allow me to make portable snapshots of my OS I could easily deploy to another machine, and if any of these (besides Silverblue) has first-class support for containerized applications.
>> No. 2949 [Edit]
>move my workstation around devices with as little delay as possible, and without needing to connect to the internet to install anything
From what I understand NixOS can allow you to define your userspace environment declaratively, but that doesn't guarantee it will remain in sync between machines. How many devices do you have that this is a major issue? I'd probably use nix as the package manager to set up userspace however you like, then keep all configs/data/source-code on a central NAS.

But another simpler option is to avoid state syncing entirely and go full-on with thin-client approach. Dedicate the beefiest machine to being the host where all data and compute will occur and use the other machines only as remote terminals (e.g. emacs tramp, or go fancier with vscode remote/jetbrains projector).
>> No. 2950 [Edit]
>I'd probably use nix as the package manager to set up userspace however you like, then keep all configs/data/source-code on a central NAS.
Yes, this is my plan too. Using rsync to keep my data updated. It's way faster than copying the entire backup.
>But another simpler option is to avoid state syncing entirely and go full-on with thin-client approach
This would be a problem outside my local environment because I would depend on the network if I work on a remote machine.

>How many devices do you have that this is a major issue?
TL;DR: I work with brittle hardware so I have to setup my workstation on a new HDD 3+ times every week.
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