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File 166517418266.jpg - (55.69KB , 315x490 , 482993.jpg )
2933 No. 2933 [Edit]
I cannot acess 4chan through the website.
Is there an alternative viewer? This one was working then it stopped
Any help appreciated!
>> No. 2934 [Edit]
>I cannot access 4chan through the website.
Why not? Due to cloudflare restricting you?
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
Something like that, if you have any alternate way to go on 4chan I'd appreciate it.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2022, 1:53pm
>> No. 2936 [Edit]
>something like that
Can you elaborate? Cloudflare restrictions usually don't usually prevent viewing, they just serve you increasingly hard captchas. Unless you're doing something really silly like unthrottled scraping.
>> No. 2937 [Edit]
Well, "Zscaler" has to do something with it.
I'm beginning to think it has to do something with my University's WIFI more than anything.
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