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No. 909 [Edit]
Let's post ambient/dreamlike music in this thread. This is a song I have been listening to every day lately. It has a truly "tohno" feel to it...
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>> No. 910 [Edit]
another of my favourites
>> No. 911 [Edit]
God is an Astronaut is my favorite ambient/post-rock band.

They can really take you on a mind-blowing ride. Simply epic.
>> No. 912 [Edit]
This Binary Universe.
>> No. 913 [Edit]
35 minutes and 59 seconds of awesomeness. Enjoy.
>> No. 914 [Edit]
Wind and snow.
>> No. 915 [Edit]
This is a really nice tune, man. Definitely what I wish most electronic music sounds like.

I'd most definitely say that Toro y Moi's 'spacier' stuff is quite agreeable with this thread.
>> No. 919 [Edit]
William Basinski - 92982

This is my favorite album ever. Here's a short excerpt from it.
>> No. 1209 [Edit]
My favorite by Lustmord.
>> No. 1210 [Edit]
Possibly one of the best things ever made. It's a shame it doesn't get more recognition, really.
>> No. 1216 [Edit]
Stars of the Lid
>> No. 2043 [Edit]
File 142964136057.gif - (36.27KB , 160x170 , skeleton9.gif )
Here is a bump from a faggot.
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