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Audio NEET師匠 - 少女が見た日本の原風景 - (5.54MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , MA_S ATTACK - NEET.mp3 ) Length: 3:47
64 No. 64 [Edit]
Might as well try to upload some songs in here. Former Tohno-chan wouldn't let me upload anything, stupid ib4f.

This is a thread for all kinds of electronic music. I don't know if other brohnos listen that much to it here. It's usually normalfag music listened to in clubs but this is actually reductive for electronic music, which encompasses so many genres and styles. My uncle was a DJ and I grew up listening to his mixes so it kind of stuck. Awesome non-exhaustive guide:

Let's drop some Touhou first to not anger the gods. This nice track for NEETs who like to take it easy brought to you by MA.S ATTACK. Album is Laidback Faith:
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>> No. 76 [Edit]
Audio Modeselektor - Tetrispack - (5.69MB - 186 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:16

More of this, please.
>> No. 77 [Edit]
I prefer singing with my electronicus.
>> No. 78 [Edit]
YMCK is one of a kind when it comes to chiptunes. She is pretty good too.
>> No. 79 [Edit]
Audio Ranran Suzuki - Bless My Stars - (5.84MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04 - Ranran Suzuki - Bless My Stars.mp3 ) Length: 6:19

Sorry, I can't tell you more than this.

/Mu/ was an incredible source of music knowledge but like all boards it turned into a cesspool.
>> No. 80 [Edit]
Sonic Coaster Pop
>> No. 81 [Edit]
Audio Pokemon TCG - Club Leader Duel - (3.31MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 17_ Club Leader Duel.mp3 ) Length: 3:32

Oh god.

I remember that vid. Good stuff.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
Downloaded the whole album, it sounds scary as fuck. I love it. As a matter of fact, I've been looking for stuff like that recently.
>> No. 83 [Edit]
Time for something outside of everyone's comfort-zone: CYBER GRIND.
>> No. 85 [Edit]
A little too screamy for some, but I like it.
>> No. 86 [Edit]
Audio Underworld - Kittens - (6.92MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 5_ Underworld - Kittens.mp3 ) Length: 7:33

Might as well join the part with some underworld.
>> No. 89 [Edit]
Audio DuMonde - Never Look Back - (4.78MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 - Never Look Back.mp3 ) Length: 2:02

Here's the album. Didn't notice it was only that one song.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
Audio Fedde_le_Grand___Funkerman_ - _3_Minutes_To_Explain__Origin - (2.68MB - 96 kbps - 22.05 kHz , Fedde Le Grand - Funkerman - 3 Minutes To Explain.mp3 ) Length: 3:54

>> No. 91 [Edit]
Audio ELE BLOCK - Lucy - (4.67MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 10 - Lucy.mp3 ) Length: 2:02

>> No. 92 [Edit]
Audio Various - (6.46MB - 226 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04 Flyin' To Your Heart.mp3 ) Length: 4:00

From Gitaroo Man
Without a doubt, the best song in the game.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
Audio Visual Paradox vs Bizarre Contact - Tarim Taof - (6.64MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 09 Tarim Taof.mp3 ) Length: 7:12

>> No. 99 [Edit]
Audio Matt & Kim - Block After Block - (4.76MB - 227 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 Block After Block.mp3 ) Length: 2:56

Matt & Kim's new album is more electronic than their previous ones. Good stuff.
>> No. 120 [Edit]
Audio Jack Wall and Sam Hulick - The Thorian - (4.69MB - 205 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 3:12

All of the songs are over 7MB so I can't post them here, but London Elektricity is damn fine. They like to mix in jazz and funk sometimes too.

Posting some ME goodness, it's especially good if you've played the game beforehand. Such an amazing atmosphere.
>> No. 184 [Edit]
File 129142061811.jpg - (57.71KB , 700x700 , CS1563743-02A-BIG.jpg )

Some French dude with his fresh new stuff. Kind of weird actually, but I think there are some interesting parts. You'll have to listen for yourself.
>> No. 350 [Edit]
Röyksopp ft. Robyn - The Girl and the Robot
>> No. 352 [Edit]
Another Röyksopp song, this one featuring Karin Dreijer(The Knife, Fever Ray).

Here's the album if anyone is interested:

Röyksopp - Junior
>electronic, chillout, Norwegian

(two part [V0])
>> No. 354 [Edit]
Audio George Michael Brower - Out With My Girlfriends - (1.49MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 1:38

Everyone likes George Michael Brower
>> No. 355 [Edit]
Can we have more Touhou electronic remixes.
>> No. 356 [Edit]
Audio Coro/Vo. Romonosov?:p - 厄神様の帰り道 feat. Romonosov?:p - (6.82MB - 254 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 3:42

>> No. 357 [Edit]
Audio ??? - Pray For Answer - (3.71MB - 96 kbps - 22.05 kHz , 05_ Pray For Answer.mp3 ) Length: 5:19

More from Alstroemeria. Had to re-encode to post it here, so here's the full album (5 and 6 are personal favorites):

Good stuff.
>> No. 358 [Edit]
Audio Danger - 11h30 (DatA Remix) - (6.22MB - 192 kbps - 48 kHz , 02 11h30 (DatA Remix).mp3 ) Length: 4:32

Not Tōhō but oh, so good.
>> No. 359 [Edit]
Audio ƒ‚ƒqƒJƒ“ƒTƒ“ƒhƒoƒbƒO - Kaeru No Kao Ni... - (6.24MB - 96 kbps - 22.05 kHz , 06 - Kaeru No Kao Ni.mp3 ) Length: 8:32

Wwww, Vibration of Womb.

This whole album is like bizarro world. Whatever that means.
>> No. 366 [Edit]
Audio Jakob Bienenhalm - Jockel der Gartenteichspringbrunnen - (3.77MB - 177 kbps - 48 kHz , 02 Jockel der Gartenteichspringbrunn.mp3 ) Length: 2:57

Songs about fountains are the best.
>> No. 403 [Edit]
Audio The Supermen Lovers - Starlight - (5.50MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04 starlight.mp3 ) Length: 6:00

>> No. 404 [Edit]
Audio 浜崎あゆみ - Connected - (3.84MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Ayumi Hamasaki - Connected.mp3 ) Length: 3:21

Good times.
>> No. 405 [Edit]
>> No. 406 [Edit]
>> No. 451 [Edit]
I am obsessed with hard trance, and Alphazone is my God, Jesus, and Flying Spaghetti Monster all rolled into one.

You like one of the best songs ever written. Respect points +52
>> No. 458 [Edit]
Audio Ayumi Hamasaki - Trust (A Eurobeat Mix) - (5.53MB - 135 kbps - 22.05 kHz , Ayumi Hamasaki - 08 - Trust (A Eurobeat Mix).mp3 ) Length: 5:44

Ayu + Eurobeat = Good times indeed.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
OP, that is not normalfag music. Normalfags listen to nigger rap and shitty american pop about women being whores.
What you posted is superb. I love it. And more over, thank you for posting a file and not a YT video.
I am now listening to it again.
Thank you, OP.
>> No. 506 [Edit]
Audio Takayuki Nakamura - URBANIZATION - (5.67MB - 216 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Takayuki Nakamura - URBANIZATION.mp3 ) Length: 3:40

You are right and I'm glad you like it.

There was no MA.S Attack release for this Comiket so let's hope they release something for the next, or even for Reitaisai.

This song here is from Lumines, one of the best puzzle games I've played (second one not so much, but the first game is simply amazing and very addictive by it's simplicity).
>> No. 507 [Edit]
Audio Kenji Kawai - Floating Museum (2.0 Ver.) - (6.05MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Kenji Kawai - Floating Museum (PMM Remix).mp3 ) Length: 4:24

And here is a remix of Floating Museum from the GiTS movie.

It really gives back that GiTS feeling I love so much. Watching SAC alone in a dark room at 3am makes me feel really moody.
>> No. 540 [Edit]
Audio East Rockerz - Sound Of My Dream [DJ Splash Remix] - (6.14MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Sound Of My Dream (DJ Splash Remix).mp3 ) Length: 4:28

East Rockerz - Sound Of My Dream (DJ Splash Remix)
>> No. 583 [Edit]
Perfume - Perfume ~Complete Best~.
Highly recommended electro pop.
>> No. 584 [Edit]
Upped some stuff for Tohno a couple nights ago.

Bastard Pop Terrorists Vol. 6:

Bastard Pop Terrorists Vol. 7:

For those of you that don't have these, it's excellent, deeply hardcore shit.
>> No. 587 [Edit]
Thanks a ton!
>> No. 608 [Edit]
Frankmusik is glorious
>> No. 1048 [Edit]
Something I randomly found.

Don't be scared by the "feat.", it's the instrumental version.

Post edited on 3rd Jun 2011, 11:17am
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
aw yeah house-y chiptunes
>> No. 1050 [Edit]
Never liked this guy much before, but holy hell this is awesome.
>> No. 1100 [Edit]
Gotta' Have Swing
>> No. 1246 [Edit]
Bit late on here but it's worth it.

Kids get all the cool stuff these days.
>> No. 1247 [Edit]
I really like this, one of my favorite tracks from the CP album
>> No. 1277 [Edit]
Springnota från verkligheten
>> No. 1309 [Edit]
Sexy isn't it?
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
File 131774344034.jpg - (147.03KB , 695x700 , caravan.jpg )
Just found this today. Caravan Palace, electro-swing.
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