Daft Punk thread
I must say I do like derezzed, and recently discovered that alot of old songs that i liked but didn't know who they were from were daft punk.
I think Daft Punk lost on freshness, to the point where I can't hear their songs any more, it gives me a kind of nauseating feeling in my stomach. However, I can't deny how awesome and proficient Bangalter is. Homework is still their best album and it probably will stay that way but that's just, like, my opinion, man. I will never forget when I got that album for my birthday, it was like a revelation at the time.
1. Make two god tier albums 2. Make a not so good one and call it Human after all 3. ??? 4. Irony?
Daft Punk remixed by Daft Punk. I still do like that moody futuristic digital thingy thing, yeah. It's good to listen in from time to time.
i got this rare Steam Machine remix by Valentindirekt
So nice.
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