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No. 337 [Edit]
If you had a song to browse Tohno-chan what would it be?

For me, I think it fits nicely.
>> No. 341 [Edit]
Audio Koji Kondo - Clock Tower - (2.30MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 106 - Clock Tower.mp3 ) Length: 1:39

You'll be fine... surely, you can do it.

Believe in your strengths... believe...
>> No. 389 [Edit]
I haven't heard that brilliant song in ages, thank you so much.

Anyways, this song right here. Great for a long hot highway, and great for posting on an image board at 5:30 in the morning.
>> No. 393 [Edit]
Remember a time when Sting was good, probably before any of us were born
>> No. 449 [Edit]
Tohno-chan anthem.
>> No. 457 [Edit]
Audio Passion Pit - Sleepyhead - (5.65MB - 271 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 09 Sleepyhead.mp3 ) Length: 2:55

This song goes with everything.
>> No. 509 [Edit]
>> No. 515 [Edit]
Audio Keiichi Suzuki, Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kanazu, Toshiyuki Ueno - The Place - (1.07MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 140- Earthbound - The Place.mp3 ) Length: 1:10

>> No. 651 [Edit]
This is easily the best song I've heard by Modest Mouse. I'd totally take that back if I thought about it, but whatever. This song just has the T-Chan vibes.
>> No. 657 [Edit]
This one is right on the money.

Also, sorry for this terrible song but it just had to be posted.
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
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