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File 140322395338.jpg - (98.98KB , 500x500 , magico-catastrofe.jpg )
1897 No. 1897 [Edit]
Any of y'all listen to(or have listened to in the past) Touhou arranges? Any albums/people/artists/groups you particularly like?

I have not really kept up with what is being released, but I remember liking this song by Shibayan records from comiket 83 back then.
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>> No. 1898 [Edit]
My favorites:
>> No. 1899 [Edit]
I also lost track of the new releases at around C83-84. I remember that album by the cover. It's a parody if I remember correctly. I'll probably pick up the pace again at some time.

Touhou flavoured doujin music, or doujin music in general, amounts to about 95% of my music listening.

Groups I particularly like would be XL Project, Alstroemeria Records, EastNewSound, Attrielectrock, Alice's Emotion, Syrufit, Poplica, Rolling Contact, Golden Factory and Sound Infinity to name a few. There's a lot of less popular groups that I adore, but I don't have their names on my tongue as of now. Lots of electronic music. I mean, how can you resist the combination of catchy Touhou OST + the catchy nature of EDM?
>> No. 1902 [Edit]
I used to listen to touhou arranges almost exclusively, I have the entire 1.2 TB touhou collection from nyaa and would leave it on shuffle for weeks.

My top three circles would probably be Studio Syrup Comfiture, Sekkenya, and Digital Wing (video related).

My favorite vocalists are 3L, Ayakura Mei, kana, and Merami.

Some other favorites: Forestpireo, Taishi, k-waves LAB, Lost Garden, Zeroshiki Shinzan, Foreground Eclipse, Zytokine, =Neutral=, Alstromeria Records, FELT, East New Sound, Crow’s Claw, WAVE, Cool&Create, Demetori, Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets, Halozy, Sound Holic, Alice’s Emotion, plus lots more I’m forgetting.

And some songs:
k-waves LAB
Crow’s Claw
Lost Garden

The wonderful thing about touhou arranges is the diversity. There’s music from every genre imaginable that contains the same familiar melodies, which leaves a lot of room for artist experimentation and produces some really fantastic and interesting music.
>> No. 1903 [Edit]
File 140331459019.jpg - (65.85KB , 610x600 , cover.jpg )
I'm checked on my laptop(has all my music) and found some songs I like: (the cafe de touhou albums I liked)

I've always liked Shibayan and DDBY.

yeah, it is a parody.
>> No. 1906 [Edit]
Yes! Which reminds me of BubbleRecords. Really good trance. I believe a few of his album covers were made by the same artist behind the one you posted.

>TOUHOU YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - WHAT'S A HOUTOU? DELICIOUS?
It's all coming back to me now.
>> No. 2677 [Edit]
File 160311030897.jpg - (31.11KB , 640x400 , sqasqasdqa.jpg )
フーリンキャットマーク (Fuling Cat Mark) is a circle that I think deserves a bit more appreciation. They describe their music as "Akishibu-kei", blending Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei, or cute vocals with stylish instrumentals:
東方少女渋谷に降り立つ (Touhou Shoujo Shibuya ni Oritatsu)
lovery hot spring
乱反射フェアリー (Ranhansha Fairy)
moon light magic~メイシャライトマジック (Meisha Light Magic)

Other circles I like that I don't see mentioned in this thread yet include Tokyo Active NEETs (jazz), Kuroneko Lounge (house), and Pizuya's Cell.

It's unfortunate, but not surprising, that many of the links in this old thread are dead.
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
>Other circles I like that I don't see mentioned in this thread yet include Tokyo Active NEETs (jazz), Kuroneko Lounge (house), and Pizuya's Cell.
Oh yeah, I've been enjoying their arrangements lately.
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