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No. 1623 [Edit]
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here you go
>> No. 1673 [Edit]
Audio Liturgy - Mysterium - (6.51MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:44

I'd been aware of Liturgy for a long while now, but I always wrote them off because of the obscene amounts of hate that they receive from seemingly the entire BM community. I'd also tried listening to a couple of tracks of Aesthethica when it came out and wasn't really into it.
However, I recently chanced across Renihilation, and holy fuck what an album. I can understand the amount of hate they get, what with the frontman's incessant philosophical chatter and their typical hipster appearances, but if no one was aware of any of that then I'm fairly certain the entire metal world would still be collectively shitting themselves over this album. Especially the drumming, I've never heard so much dynamics in such fast blasts before, this guy is a fucking beast.
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