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File Koko_the_Clown_sings_St__James_Infirmary_Blues_in_.m4a - (760.05KB , Koko the Clown sings St_ James Infirmary Blues in .m4a )
1590 No. 1590 [Edit]
Folks, I'm going down to St. James Infirmary
See my baby there
She's stretched on a long white table
She's so sweet, so cold, so fair

Let her go, let her go, oh bless her
Wherever she may be
She will search this wide world over
But she'll never find another sweet man like me

Now when I die bury me in my straight-leg britches
Put on a box-back coat and a stetson hat
Put a twenty-dollar gold piece on my watch-chain
So you can let all the boys know I died standing pat

Then give me six crap-shooting pallbearers
Let a chorus girl sing me a song
Put a red-hot jazz band at the top of my head
So they can raise Hallelujah as we go along

Folks, now that you have heard my story
Say boy, hand me over another shot of that booze
If anyone should ask you
Tell him I got those St. James Infirmary Blues

Post edited on 26th Jul 2012, 2:32am
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