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Audio The Pillows - Ride On Shooting Star - (5.45MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 - 17 - Ride On Shooting Star.mp3 ) Length: 2:23
1492 No. 1492 [Edit]
I've always loved the sound the sound of rock and punk rock, especially when the music was upbeat and or happy. But the lyrics I hear all end up know. CRRRAAAWWWLLLING IIINNNN MY SKIIIINNNNN THESE WOOOOOUND THAT DOOOO NOT HEEEAAAAALLLLL. The only English band I know that is not like that would be Less Than Jake. The Pillows are sort of like this, but that's in Japanese.
Right, so I guess what I am asking is this: Please give me some happy, upbeat rock music that also has some happy, upbeat lyrics to them. Please and thank you!
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>> No. 1533 [Edit]
File 133513124792.jpg - (53.09KB , 200x200 , Modernlovers.jpg )
This is such a weird question because:
1. "Rock" is an incredibly vague term and I have no idea what you actually mean by it.
2. There is a plethora of happy punk music that I'm not sure why you would be having trouble finding it.
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