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Audio tchan.mp3 - (2.90MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 3:10
1345 No. 1345 [Edit]
I still have the Tohno-chan song saved my computer. I dedicate this song to when we first put up the users online thing, and everyone would stress over people being online but not posting.

one step forward
two steps back
i left my old home
i ain't neve going back
it started with a bro on the ghost board and
he name-dropped a site called a tohno-chan

and all through the day
i've been, f5'n away
no new posts but my spirit stays true
the buzzards circle 'round but i still lurk you
} x2

once or twice i almost left you
but let's be real you're the only one i talk to
bros for life, don't get your panties in a bunch
it ain't over yet, so i hope you packed a lunch

and all through the day
i've been, f5'n away
no new posts but my spirit stays true
the buzzards circle 'round but i still lurk you
} x2

through thick and thin, i'll be here by your side
together we can face the cruel world outside
but one thing's for certain, i've become a man
and it's all thanks to my good friend tohno-chan
>> No. 1346 [Edit]
Those were the days...
People then realised it was a combination of lurkers outnumbering posters, and the simple fact that this site attracts socially awkward people not good in the talk stuff at other peoples.

Good stuff.. good stuff..
>> No. 1347 [Edit]
Tohno, do you have MSN? Can I add you?
>> No. 1349 [Edit]
>> No. 1352 [Edit]
I had lost the file myself. Thanks again.
>> No. 1396 [Edit]
I actually listen to this regular on my mp3 player.
Can you give me the tab for this? I want to learn it too!
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