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No. 1320 [Edit]
So /tc/ has a favorite album, a favorite song and a favorite music video thread, but there is a complete lack of the cliche "top 5 bands" thread (it used to be top 3, but I realized it's not happening), and as such, I hereby take things into my own hands and make the thread.

1. Modest Mouse
Favorite album: This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing to Think About
I can't even begin to profess to you my love for this band. There's just something about their general style that clicks with me. It's like, I've never had a band I feel this much love towards. They have such a unique sound - You can identify their influences, sure, but you'd be hard pressed to find an album that sounds like Long Drive. It's no exaggeration to say they're all I listened to this summer. I've almost heard every single thing they released, and found that I like every single song - I used to really dislike their stuff after The Moon & Antarctica, but then I tried out Good News, and then it was "I hate everything after Good News", and then I tried out We Were Dead, and so on. Favorite band of all time, no doubt. The OP track is from their very first demo, and it's like magic or some shit. Although it's one of the few tracks I actually like from Tube-Fruit...

Favorite album: School Girl Distortional Addict
Number Girl is undeniably special to me, as I've said time and time again. It's just something that I love about their music. It has that swagger. Mukai is easily one of the strongest songwriters I've heard in my life. Zazen Boys just serves to further that opinion, although it took a while longer for me to get into.

3. Merchant Ships
Favorite album: I Want To Forget Everything Bad That Ever Happened, Ever
These kids are the coolest band from the midwest. Hands down. Also one of the most consistently good bands I've heard in my life. Every release is special in it's own way. That can't be said for Snowing, Hightide Hotel, Algernon (well, yeah it can), or any of the other midwest emo bands.

Favorite album: Nounai Friction
No real need to say my favorite album, as they only released two, but whatever. Spiral Chord has a weird punk energy behind them that you just don't hear anymore. Add to the fact that they blend punk-as-fuck attitude with nice melodies, and that the band is comprised of the bassist from NG, and the frontman of Cowpers, and that's a recipe for success. I like 200mph as well, just prefer the other two infinitely more.

5. Nirvana
Favorite album: In Utero
Nirvana was my band in high school. I first heard them late freshman year, and haven't stopped listening to them. I really like the fact that they're a heavier Pixies (mainly because I like The Pixies, just hate their lack of furiosity).
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>> No. 1322 [Edit]
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Electric Six
Favorite album: Fire
Great rock. Their latest albums haven't been that great but Fire will forever be pure gold with hits like Gay Bar and Danger! Hight Voltage.

The Knife
Favorite album: Silent Shout
Has much to do with me getting to see one of their few live perfomances. Incredible.

Favorite album: Herzeleid
My first favorite metal band and the reason behind many hours of German studies.

Favorite album: Soft Machine
Half cheating with the album here since it's a remade best of album. Incredibly diverse and catchy electrofunkrock.

Favorite album: Apocalypse Dudes
>> No. 1325 [Edit]
1. Modest Mouse
Album: The Lonesome Crowded West

2. Funeral Diner
Album: Difference Of Potential

3. At The Drive-In
Album: Relationship Of Command

Album: World Is Yours

5. Mogwai
Album: Mr. Beast

I was gonna write more but oh well.
>> No. 1329 [Edit]
You mean favourites EVER?

1. Radiohead
2. Pink Floyd
3. Nirvana
4. Sigur Ros
5. Quilapayun
>> No. 1330 [Edit]
I don't have a top five. Forget ordering them, I can't even say what five bands are in my top five, because it depends on what I want to listen to at the time. But I will write five albums I like a lot.

Frank Zappa - Hot Rats
The Who - Live at Leeds
King Crimson - Red
Talking Heads - The name of this band is Talking Heads
Funkadelic - Maggot Brain

Special mention to The Police, The Beatles, Shoji Meguro, Akiko Shikata, Shiina Ringo, Prince, Thin Lizzy, Yes, Genesis, Can and Frederic Chopin, all of whom I play a whole hell of a lot.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2011, 7:48pm
>> No. 1398 [Edit]
Alright, I'm doing top 3.. except in 2 different categories!


1. Kent
Favorite album: Hagnesta Hill
Favorite song: Beskyddaren
Synopsis: It took me a while to develope a passion for music, and this Swedish band is the one who lead me there. If I ever was ever asked what kind of music I grew up with, they would probably be the closest thing to an answer for such a question. Coming up with any kind of reasoning to why I love this band would be too personal for me to share so lightheartedly. Maybe another time.

Favorite album: LOST DAYS
Favorite song: #3
Synopsis: There's not all kind of punk and/or prog-rock my ears accept, but this band just hits it for me. I'm very glad they got to produce as much as they did in their time together, because about every song they've made is precious to me. Picking a favorite song is just stupid of me, but I picked a unique one, with a very unique sound. Their sound is infinitely musical to me, and the beauty of it is its pure rawness. Naked, unprocessed, unarmed, but more powerful than anything in the world.

3. Mew
Favorite album: No more stories are told today I'm sorry they washed away no more stories the world is grey I'm tired let's wash away
Favorite song: Sometimes life isn't easy
Synopsis: They used to be my favorite western indie band, but then they went commercial. I would rage, but their commercial debut album is the one listed as my favorite, so fuck that. When I thought I knew them, they just blew my mind with that release. For some unworthy reason I haven't listened to their latest album, i.e. second commercial release, so that's still in the air.

Next post will be dedicated to the doujin scene!

You mean, it's possible to locate their stuff on the web? Because all I've ever been able to find is their split with cowpers - feedback insanity. Also, do you have any thoughts on Spiral Chord vs COWPERS?
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
My taste in music isn't particularly interesting but here goes, in alphabetical order;

Album: The Mantle

Very melancholy powerful stuff that resonates with me personally.

The Beatles
Album: Abbey Road

cliche to like Beatles I know but they're one of my favourites, particularly their later stuff

The Brian Jonestown Massacre:
Album: Undecided (not an album name, I just can't choose)

Really like their sound and fell in love with them, don't like them as much as I once did but still one of my favourite bands no question.

Modest Mouse
Album: This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing to Think About

The music seems to have the traits of everything I like, really special band to me.

Sam Roberts
Album: Chemical City

Canadian Musician doesn't seem to be known too well anywhere else, good simple rock music. Not too fond of his newest release but his music still means a lot to me, especially the album Chemical City
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
I had to work on the follow-up for a while; here goes..


XL Project
Favorite album: Red Album
Favorite song: メグメル (feat. 茶太)
Synopsis: My introduction to Touhou themed doujin music; hell, even just doujin music period. For this reason there definitely is some magic surrounding their music for me, among the fact that they make damn good music - and lots of it. That's the power of the circle- and convention release 'system'. They also made me love jungle. The have also done arrangements on KyoAni material - my second favorite source of musical arrangements.

Favorite album: the monochrome disc
Favorite song: ローリンガール
Synopsis: It was either this guy or AlliumProject to occupy the spot as my favorite Vocaloid utilizing circle. AlliumProject makes insanely exciting house music to my ears, but wowaka just blows me away when it comes to emotional stimuli. His music makes my spine chill, my skin form bumps, my head shake, my thoughts stop, my mouth mimic foreign words and my eyes weep. There's a limit to what I can take of the music, lest I'll be emotionally exhausted. It's just too much for me to take, hence the reason it couldn't possibly be the number one circle. The strange thing to me is that 現実逃避P is far from being the artist to achieve the most natural sounding vocaloid vocals, I might rather look in direction of パンドリストP for that honor, or maybe 古川P just to make things more confusing. What the artist in question do achieve in my eyes is to create some of the most distinct, lively, intense and emotional Miku vocals - specifically Miku, as in the mascot. It's not a person, it does not sound like a person - it's Miku, it sounds like Miku, and I adore it to infinity.

Favorite album: AQUA
Favorite song: Virus
Synopsis: Allround solid electronica. I don't really know what else to say, just that I highly respect Pastry, and his music inspires me. If I had to make a comparison I'd call him a more upbeat and exciting bizen of DDBY. Picking a third was extremely hard; it could just as well have been EastNewSound, MISSILE CHEWBACCA, Alstroemeria, Attrielectrock, Golden City Factory, and so on, but I'll go with Pastry for now. Though I must mention that ENS features some extremely talented artists, MC makes some seriously cool and unique music, and the latter 3 speaks for themselves.

Special mention: bloodthirsty butchers, MOTFD, Michita, EastNewSound, DDBY/bizen, MISSILE CHEWBACCA, AlliumProject/ziki_7, Syrufit, AniPix, KeyMusic, DIVERSE SYSTEM, Alstromeria Records, AVSS, ALiCE EMOTiON/REDALiCE, Poplica*, Iemitsu., SoundOnline, 38BEETS, OTAKU-ELITE, C-CLAYS, CYTOKINE, DJ TECHNORCH, FELT, Attrielectrock, θcomplex, SUBROC, efs, Blasterhead, Sound∞Infinity, Levo Lution, YMBPR, モヒカンサンドバッグ, ばんだいく, イオシス.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
I had to work on the follow-up for a while; here goes..


XL Project
Favorite album: Red Album
Favorite song: メグメル (feat. 茶太)
Synopsis: My introduction to Touhou themed doujin music; hell, even just doujin music period. For this reason there definitely is some magic surrounding their music for me, among the fact that they make damn good music - and lots of it. That's the power of the circle- and convention release 'system'. They also made me love jungle. The have also done arrangements on KyoAni material - my second favorite source of musical arrangements.

Favorite album: the monochrome disc
Favorite song: ローリンガール
Synopsis: It was either this guy or AlliumProject to occupy the spot as my favorite Vocaloid utilizing circle. AlliumProject makes insanely exciting house music to my ears, but wowaka just blows me away when it comes to emotional stimuli. His music makes my spine chill, my skin form bumps, my head shake, my thoughts stop, my mouth mimic foreign words and my eyes weep. There's a limit to what I can take of the music, lest I'll be emotionally exhausted. It's just too much for me to take, hence the reason it couldn't possibly be the number one circle. The strange thing to me is that 現実逃避P is far from being the artist to achieve the most natural sounding vocaloid vocals, I might rather look in direction of パンドリストP for that honor, or maybe 古川P just to make things more confusing. What the artist in question do achieve in my eyes is to create some of the most distinct, lively, intense and emotional Miku vocals - specifically Miku, as in the mascot. It's not a person, it does not sound like a person - it's Miku, it sounds like Miku, and I adore it to infinity.

Favorite album: AQUA
Favorite song: Virus
Synopsis: Allround solid electronica. I don't really know what else to say, just that I highly respect Pastry, and his music inspires me. If I had to make a comparison I'd call him a more upbeat and exciting bizen of DDBY. Picking a third was extremely hard; it could just as well have been EastNewSound, MISSILE CHEWBACCA, Alstroemeria, Attrielectrock, Golden City Factory, and so on, but I'll go with Pastry for now. Though I must mention that ENS features some extremely talented artists, MC makes some seriously cool and unique music, and the latter 3 speaks for themselves.

Special mention: bloodthirsty butchers, MOTFD, Michita, EastNewSound, DDBY/bizen, MISSILE CHEWBACCA, AlliumProject/ziki_7, Syrufit, AniPix, KeyMusic, DIVERSE SYSTEM, Alstromeria Records, AVSS, ALiCE EMOTiON/REDALiCE, Poplica*, Iemitsu., SoundOnline, 38BEETS, OTAKU-ELITE, C-CLAYS, CYTOKINE, DJ TECHNORCH, FELT, Attrielectrock, θcomplex, SUBROC, efs, Blasterhead, Sound∞Infinity, Levo Lution, YMBPR, モヒカンサンドバッグ, ばんだいく, イオシス.
>> No. 1410 [Edit]
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
The only wowaka I'd heard before was Rolling Girl, which I loved, but for some reason I never looked up any of his other stuff. After reading your post I downloaded the Unhappy Refrain album, and I'm kicking myself for not having checked out his other music sooner. I agree with you about him getting some of the most distinct vocals out of Miku. I love the staccato delivery he often employs and the almost-phased vocal tone.

Anyway, for my own list, in no particular order:

This is the band that really opened me up to music. I was fourteen when I discovered them, and at the time only listened to metal and classic rock. The deep connection I made with their music got me to turn off the radio and really discover the world of music. Throughout the years I've had many other favorites come and go, but I still love Swervedriver and listen to them regularly.

Those absolutely massive guitars and Matt's plaintive voice singing surreal stories of things like lost love, whale-riding inuits, and astronauts; I just love it.

Neutral Milk Hotel
I feel a pretty intense personal connection to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. Having read interviews with Jeff where he talks about his feelings for Anne Frank and how they inspired the album, what I get from the album is an intense outpouring of a man's longing to be with someone who doesn't exist in his reality, and the many delusions and confusions that it causes. I connect with this because I have a waifu, and I can hear much of what I feel in this album.

The thing I love most about Ryo's compositions are the vocal melodies; they're always dramatic and sometimes surprisingly intricate, but always hook-filled and memorable as well. I've always felt that I was drawn to music that "soars", and I can't think of a better example of that than Supercell.

After many years, my love for anything Melora Creager does still confuses me. It just doesn't seem like something I should love so much. Melora wasn't a very confident vocalist until Frustration Plantation, but I love her voice on everything after and including that record, she just has so much personality.
>> No. 1422 [Edit]
>I connect with this because I have a waifu, and I can hear much of what I feel in this album.

God damn. Very glad I managed to hear of someone who held the same viewpoints about that album. The way I see it, the album has a lot of themes that are inherently embedded in the fabric of /tc/ (loss of innocence, delusion, waifuism - in another form, of course). Such a damn good album.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]
Yeah, I posted a short bit about in on /mai/ a while back.
Jeff's waifuism may be different in some ways from ours, but I hear the same deep longing in his voice. I really hope he plays a show in my city, he keeps booking new shows for this year.
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
Sort of updating:

Number 3 really has to be a split between Mew and bloodthirsty butchers. Reason being that they're awesome, simple as that (not going to rave any more than what is necessary).

Number 3 has to be changed altogether:

Favorite album: - Special Present Disc - (...) (released together with Stir it up club edition)
Favorite song: Creep / My Method
Synopsis: Vocaloid based circle, mostly progressive trance, I'd say. Their music is as easy to listen to as house, with the excitement of progressive, and some earlier work in the alternative sector to boot. The songs never gets old to me, and is a natural choice for looping. Their utilization of Vocaloid vocals (mostly Miku and Luka) is both natural and unique. It's consistent and full of integrity; a solid example on why Vocaloids are more than a novelity. As a result they quickly became my go-to circle for relaxing, Vocaloid supplemented music. It's not as playful as Powapowa, not as stylish as Ryuuuu, not as bombastic as ryo nor as "holy shit what the fuck am I listening to" as Utsu-P (鬱P) or Deino, but tranquil as nothing I've ever heard before in the world of Vocaloids. That's an accomplishment with Vocaloids. In abstract: the music is layered and modestly presented, meaning that its complex construction never overwhelms the listener. Should you choose to disect it, and piece together the layers in a flat view, I think you'll see that there's so much more to it. I have this realization, though I never get the time to explore these artistic values. I'm just too busy enjoying it in my seemlingly eternal enchantment. I have this realization because it's never confusing or unclear what AlliumProject tries to be. They strike a balance between accessibility and deepness. It's accessible when I wish to listen casually, and deep when I wish to analyze it. Here's the deal with the doujin and indie scene in Japan - they innovate without ever being pretentious about it. They're productive without ever losing their sparkle. I'm only ashamed that it took me so long to realize this passion I hold for AlliumProject and its respective artists.
>> No. 1603 [Edit]
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1. Girls Dead Monster
Album: Crow Song / Last song tie
The lyrics come from the heart. The instruments have got a somewhat raw sound, not relying on any electronics at all. The composition is brilliant. The vocals sound beautiful, especially Iwasawa's high notes. I do not know what else to say but that this is my all-time favorite band. I've shed quite a few tears to their songs. Never have a I loved a band's music this much. I can't really put it to words...

2. Burzum
Album: Burzum (1992)
I've been listening to Burzum for many years. The atmosphere in his music is amazing, and I'm not just talking about the synth tracks here. His story-telling kind of lyrics and unusual twists in the composition are what makes it good for me. It's really about telling something, and in the way the story needs it, not how it's 'supposed' to sound. I see every album as a book, with a standalone, new story, but part of a whole.

Album: School Girl Bye Bye
I'm with OP on this one. Their songs feel so special, every single one does. They've got a very rich sound without really using effects and such, and when watching them live it becomes clear that they're very skilled musicians. I love how their shows are music, and no excuses with fancy light effects or other hassle.
Oftenly I find myself listening to the bright Telecaster and the dirty sounding Jazzmaster.

4. Gorillaz
Album: Gorillaz (2001)
It was my first album if I remember correctly. Lots of diversity, completely different songs but in the end it's all Gorillaz. I was completely fond of it when I was younger. I think this album is what really got me into music as a whole. After Gorillaz I started looking for more stuff. I've always listened to them from time to time and I don't think that it'll stop in the nearby future.

There are a lot of other bands I like, but they don't mean as much to me as 1, 2 and 4. Lots of them are on par so I'll just list them as honourable mentions in no particular order:
Cradle of Filth
Bring me the Horizon
Here Comes the Kraken
Children of Bodom
>> No. 1619 [Edit]
The order doesn't matter since I can't decide who my "absolutely" favorite band is

Favorite album: Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
The best black metal had to offer, with a rich, powerful atmosphere, every Burzum album is an unique experience. I don't like the post-prison albuns though.

Favorite album: Drawing Dawn The Moon
The best of both "bestial" black metal and ambient music, and is one of the few classic bm bands that still releases quality material.

-My Blood Valentine
Favorite album: Loveless
I don't what to say other than this is amazing

-City of Caterpillar
Favorite album: s/t
Buildups.That's all.

Favorite album: Black Bong
Most intense music I've ever heard, and unlike any other grindcore out there

Honorable mentions:
Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs
Reverend Bizarre
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
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1. William Basinski
Favorite album: 92982
Music from another world. He manages to capture longing in musical form.

2. Rome
Favorite album: Flowers From Exile
Jerome Reuter is the strongest songwriter I've ever heard. His is a kind of music that makes me feel like I'm living a thousand years ago.

3. Moving Mountains
Favorite album: Pneuma
My favorite album ever. Thematic album about the earth, the sun, and love.

4. Explosions in the Sky
Favorite album: How Strange, Innocence
These guys got me into music. I listen to them whenever I need hope.

5. Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
Favorite album: Kollaps Tradixionales
I know the word 'epic' is tossed around too much, but that's the best way to describe this band. They're formed from remnants of the legendary Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but with Efrim Menuck on main vocals. Quite possibly the only orchestral punk band.
>> No. 1631 [Edit]
I have a ton of favorite artists but I'll try. (in no specific order)

1. Oval
Favorite album: 94 Diskont
Favorite song: Do While (24 minute version because of the length but I like the style of the Apple X version better)

Do While -

I love Oval's cold, glitch soundscapes. They feel like they are combining something natural with something modern. The track Do While means a lot to me, to me it's the sound of tranquility. No matter how bad things get it will always be there to comfort me in its cold but peaceful darkness. A lot of tracks from Oval got me through tough times in life.

2. Microstoria
Favorite Album: _snd
Favorite Song: Sleepy People/Network Down

Sleepy people/Network Down - (you will need to turn it up a bit since the quality on this video is bad and it's a quiet song with a lot of small detail. You can easily find it in 320 mp3 online or on soulseek)

I love Microstoria because they represent to me a hidden, modern data world that goes on in the background of everyday life merging with nature itself. The sound of networks communicating silently and thoughts and memories being viewed as personal life data.

3. Ryoji Ikeda
Favorite Album: Dataplex
Favorite Song: data.matrix

data.matrix -

Ryoji Ikeda almost represents to me what Microstoria does but his works don't exactly bring anything specific into my mind. Raw life data represented in sound.

4. Saafi Brothers
Favorite Album: Mystic Cigarettes
Favorite Song: Sweet Sirens

Sweet Sirens -

Saafi Brothers is my favorite psychill artist of all time. I can listen to almost all of their albums over and over again because they are timeless. Don't have much else to say about them other than they are good for anytime you are relaxing. Have Mystic Cigarettes CD on my wall in a display case, very rare.

5. Makyo
Favorite Album: Swara Mandala
Favorite Song: Clarity (Melting Snow Mix)

Clarity (Melting Snow Mix) -

Makyo's Swara Mandala album is one of my favorite albums of all time. It is like Spring in music. Everything outside is getting warmer, snow is starting to melt away, and life is much more clear and comfortable. I also love the album Yakshini and especially that track Soar Angelic which is the highlight of the album.
>> No. 1635 [Edit]
1. Badfinger
Favorite album: Wish You Were Here (also my favorite album of all time)
Just... wow. Their entire output is perfect. There are exactly 0 bad songs or albums. They somehow managed to write some of the most depressing lyrics of all time and fit them with poppy melodies and stuff. Amazing. It sounds cliché, but work with me here; Pete Ham (their lead songwriter) also indirectly has saved me countless times. I often experience extremely suicidal thoughts, and then I think, literally, "If I end it all, there's no going back. No more Lonely You . I will never experience Dennis again. Maybe it isn't worth it..." [italicized = song by Pete Ham]. He has thus become my namesake on most forums I visit. His impact alone on my life and the way I live has been greater than any other human's, and I can say that with 100% assurance. But it's a bit of a problem for me, because I know that no matter how hard I try, or how much pain I go through, I'll never be able to match his abilities. The coda at the end of Song For a Lost Friend has made me cry, both because it is simply that mind-blowing, and because of the aforementioned reason. I lack the dedication, intelligence, and most of all, raw, natural talent that Pete had. I probably love Badfinger beyond their own merit as a group, but damn it, I love them.

2. The Replacements
Favorite album: Tim
No comment necessary.

3. Captain Beefheart
Favorite album: Lick My Decals Off, Baby
Honestly? A lot of people will tell you they like Beefheart because of how he "revolutionized" whatever, but I love him because his music is fun. That's it. Trout Mask Replica is simply fun to listen to.

4. Can
Favorite album: Tago Mago
There's just "something" there. I can't say what. It's so subtle that I barely notice it's existence, but there's just something about Can that makes them so easy to enjoy, even when they're doing stuff like Peking O.

5. Klaatu
Favorite album: Hope
I couldn't tell you why. They're one of the most generic, unremarkable bands of all time. Stereotypically 1970's, and even their biggest, most ambitious effort ("Hope") is just a rehashing of all the orchestral progressive rock at the time.
But I love all of it. I don't even know why. It may be rehashed, generic, and unrevolutionary, but it's... "pure". It's untainted. It's entirely free. And it's beautiful, more often than not.
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