Requests/IDs/questions etc thread Does anyone know where the melody of this song is from?
Could you please transcribe these lyrics? (btw it's the first minute of Blastromen's "Le Nucleaire Civile".)
hope this is the right place to ask, but the bridge of dote up a cat (@28 seconds) sounds like something i've heard from a sotaiseriron song.. any idea? or is it just my imagination?
Could you please identify the music of this video?
Could anyone recommend someone similar to Leonard Cohen? His songs are like poetry with musical accompaniment, and I really like that.
>>1362 My guess would be that it's just Rita and Etsuko making fairly similar sounding music. >>1285 I suppose you're fairly positive it's not original, then?
Could you please upload Silver Forest's "Tsurupettan"?
>>1459 Resolved it myself.
>>1435 You might enjoy Nick Cave.
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