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No. 1285 [Edit]
Requests/IDs/questions etc thread

Does anyone know where the melody of this song is from?
>> No. 1355 [Edit]
Audio Blastromen - Le Nucleaire Civile - (1.39MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 1:01

Could you please transcribe these lyrics? (btw it's the first minute of Blastromen's "Le Nucleaire Civile".)
>> No. 1362 [Edit]
hope this is the right place to ask, but the bridge of dote up a cat (@28 seconds)

sounds like something i've heard from a sotaiseriron song.. any idea? or is it just my imagination?
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
Could you please identify the music of this video?
>> No. 1435 [Edit]
Could anyone recommend someone similar to Leonard Cohen? His songs are like poetry with musical accompaniment, and I really like that.
>> No. 1436 [Edit]
My guess would be that it's just Rita and Etsuko making fairly similar sounding music.

I suppose you're fairly positive it's not original, then?
>> No. 1459 [Edit]
Could you please upload Silver Forest's "Tsurupettan"?
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
Audio Silver Forest - つるぺったん - (6.11MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Silver Forest - Tsurupettan.mp3 ) Length: 2:40

Resolved it myself.
>> No. 1479 [Edit]
You might enjoy Nick Cave.
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