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File 129100742866.jpg - (34.79KB , 604x423 , 1286905993615.jpg )
100 No. 100 [Edit]
This is going to be a jazz thread. Since this is a nice, slow board and I have a not so nice, slow connection, I will start by uploading one album a day. I will start by posting what could be considered 'essential' albums, and will go from there. Hopefully it will introduce some new fans to the genre.
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>> No. 101 [Edit]
File 129100782745.jpg - (28.16KB , 413x400 , mingus.jpg )
This is relevant to my interests. There was a similar thread on the former ib4f site where an anon did regular uploads, but sadly that's dead now.

Looking forward to it!
>> No. 102 [Edit]
Audio Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five - (5.42MB - 139 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 03 - Take Five.mp3 ) Length: 5:27

I will start by posting 'Time Out' by the Dave Brubeck Quartet, one of the most famous jazz albums. It is a great starting point for getting into the genre. Attached is 'Take Five', probably the most famous track on the record. It serves as a great indicator for what the rest of the album sounds like.
>> No. 103 [Edit]
I made a thread similar to this on the other tohno-chan. If it's fine with you OP I'd like to periodically upload some songs and whatnot as well, It'd be a lot less often than once a day though.
>> No. 104 [Edit]
i've just been mostly into indie and folk over many years. i never liked jazz: i can't relate myself to it. so i didn't pay attention to that previous thread; but now, i'm up to give it a chance, so i'm all ears, brohnos.
>> No. 105 [Edit]
File 129101666475.jpg - (41.81KB , 400x312 , 1286909605745.jpg )
Of course. If anyone has the time and bandwidth to spare, then feel free to post.
>> No. 106 [Edit]
Audio Miles Davis - Blue In Green - (3.85MB - 96 kbps - 22.05 kHz , 03 - Blue In Green.mp3 ) Length: 5:29

Obligatory upload.
>> No. 107 [Edit]
oh... a little GITS flavor on that. good, brohnos. go on.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
File 129102110310.jpg - (65.39KB , 659x673 , 129102084899.jpg )
I know what you mean.
>> No. 110 [Edit]
File 129102267876.jpg - (30.30KB , 433x433 , albumcoverMingusMingusMingusMingusMingus.jpg )
I wasn't going to post that one for a while, so I am glad someone did. I might as well post another album today, since I have some time:
Charles Mingus - Mingus.Mingus.Mingus.Mingus.Mingus.
This album is one of many of my personal favorite jazz albums. Really great composition in general and outstanding musicianship. The word I would use to describe it is primal. It's raw, exciting and dangerous. In my opinion, This album was the perfect balance of music theory and improvisation in jazz music. You can hear the detail Mingus put into composing these tracks and the pure creativity of the players as they take their instruments to their limits musically.
Oh, by the way, no sample track this time, since most tracks are over the 7551kb limit. Have some album art instead.
>> No. 111 [Edit]
Awww yeah, I never grow tired of Kind of Blue. One of my favorites. I don't know much about jazz theory and such, but I find it pretty amazing that all/most of the tunes on there were all improvised.

Thanks for this! I've only heard Mingus' "Blues & Roots" and "The Black Saint & the Sinner Lady". Both were absoluetly fantastic, but the latter in particular just blows my mind.
>> No. 114 [Edit]
Audio Bill Evans and Jim Hall - I've Got You Under My Skin - (2.31MB - 93 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Bill Evans and Jim Hall - 01 I've Got You Und.mp3 ) Length: 3:26

If you liked 'Black Saint', you will love that.
I have another album for you guys.
Bill Evans and Jim Hall - Intermodulation
This is a great album as well, but it is very different from the style of jazz that Mingus had. This album has more of a minimalist sound, sticking to a piano and guitar combination. Even though it is different, it still works very well, since the lack of dense arrangement is compensated by the talent of Evans and Hall. You can hear each nuance of their playing perfectly as they take turns improvising over eachother. It lacks Mingus' intensity, but replaces it with a subtle, refined sound that is just as effective.
>> No. 118 [Edit]
Audio John Coltrane - Giant Steps - (5.48MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01-John Coltrane - Giant Steps.mp3 ) Length: 4:47

Mingus is awesome. He also wrote a manual about how to teach a cat how to use a toilet, based on teaching his own cat Nightlife to do the same.

I don't have anything else to add, so here's something by John Coltrane. My favorite album of his is Blue Train but every song on it is way above the goddamn upload limit.
>> No. 121 [Edit]
File 129116928051.jpg - (43.10KB , 250x266 , sugoi.jpg )
>He also wrote a manual about how to teach a cat how to use a toilet, based on teaching his own cat Nightlife to do the same.

For real?! What a bro. Pity he had such a nasty temper on him, though.

I love Giant Steps and Blue Train, too. I have to confess I couldn't really get into Coltrane's A Love Supreme when I first heard it. Perhaps I should come back to it after exploring some other works and leveling up my jazz power a bit.
>> No. 122 [Edit]
File 12911734058.jpg - (24.65KB , 330x330 , 1191604956_cover_art_balakea__free_for_all.jpg )
I looked in my mediafire folder for some Coltrane and I don't have any. When my data cap resets within the next couple of days, I will make sure to upload some for you. I didn't know about the book though, that's just hilarious.
He did have a bit of a nasty temper on him, but I still love him unconditionally, since he shares a birthday with me and he's probably my biggest influence. A Love Supreme is a little difficult to get into, but I think it's more because of the timbre of Coltrane's playing than anything. He's got that really clear, bell-like tone that, even when ornamented with trills and such, cuts through the mix and can leave a listener feeling a little vulnerable because it is so upfront.
Another album:
Art Blakey and his Jazz Messengers - Free For All
Okay, this guy wins the award for having the backing band with the coolest name. Since Blakey is a drummer, this hard-bop era record has a lot and I mean a LOT of really interesting drum work which builds the framework under this great album.
This record is loud, boisterous and hyperactive, succeeding to be subdued and frenzied at the same time due to the smooth lines in the horn sections and the frenzied drumming, piano and double bass work in the rhythm section. This combination creates a sound that both relaxes you and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
>> No. 123 [Edit]
File 129120208045.jpg - (40.09KB , 348x352 , Caravan_art_blakey.jpg )
Since you've brought up Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers I'll post something of theirs as well.

Caravan, The Jazz Messengers deliver a scintillating synergy that doesn't sacrifice intensity for the sake of cadence.

All of the songs are over the upload limit so I'll just post links to youtube.

Caravan -
Sweet n' Sour -
In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning -
This Is For Albert -
Skylark -
Thermo -


If something is wrong with the download just mention it here and I'll re-upload it.
>> No. 124 [Edit]

Found the text. Read and be enlightened.

Thanks for the new jazz thread, by the way. I thought the new restrictive upload limit might hinder it, but apparently not.
>> No. 129 [Edit],1

Saved from the old thread.


I love the Dave Brubeck Quarter. Best band ever material.
>> No. 132 [Edit],1

Saved from the old thread.


I love the Dave Brubeck Quartet. Best band ever material.
>> No. 133 [Edit]
Audio Benny Goodman - I'll Never Be the Same - (3.00MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , The Complete Capitol Trios - 04 - I'll Never .mp3 ) Length: 3:17

Ah! Caravan is one of my personal favorite standards. It will be fun listening to Blakey's interpretation again, as I lost the album a while back. Thanks for the link, friend.
Hey, that's cool! There is some stuff in there that I have been trying to find for a long, long time. Short of buying it that is. Figures come first, you see.
I apologize for not posting today's album sooner, my wireless decided to crap out on me but here it is.
Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa and Teddy Wilson - The Complete Capitol Trios
This is going a bit further back than the other albums I've posted thus far, but I thought a bit of older jazz would be good to balance out the thread a bit.
Benny Goodman, a jazz clarinetist was mostly active during the big band and swing eras from the early 1930's to the late 1940's. He got together with Pianist Teddy Wilson and Drummer (arguably one of the best jazz drummers) Gene Krupa and released this album of jazz standards. This offshoot of jazz was designed to be danced to. So naturally, you can hear this come through in the pieces. In my opinion, this album really highlights the talent Benny Goodman had for, not only his instrument, but also for scouting talented players. No instrumentalist outshines the other on this album and therein, lies the beauty of it. It has a nice sense of balance that can really help relax you after a tough day of being a NEET.
All the tracks are fantastic, but my personal favorites are: I'll Never Be The Same, Puttin' On The Ritz and Stompin' at the Savoy.
>> No. 178 [Edit]
File 129137907626.jpg - (44.06KB , 298x300 , Front.jpg )
Here's today's album:
Charlie Parker - Jam Session
This album is another one of my favorite jazz albums. This one was all done live in one take and most of the album itself is based around improvisation, really showing both the proficiency of Parker and the other musicians and how well they gel together as a group. You can still hear some talking of the musicians on the tracks, but it's not too bad, since the music is still fantastic.
Files are too big to upload, so have the cover.
>> No. 203 [Edit]
Audio Stan Getz - I Want to Be Happy - (6.72MB - 123 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 - I Want to Be Happy.mp3 ) Length: 7:37

Hello everyone, I'm a little late, but this is today's album:
Stan Getz and the Oscar Petersen Trio - Self Titled
This album is something anyone would listen to on a late night alone. Getz, Petersen and co, do a great job in coming together to create this relaxing, subdued sound. The lack of drums on this album really add to it's appeal, as it helps the listener really focus in on the melodies and bass lines which is where this album really shines.
Anyway, enough of my banter, here you go.
>> No. 204 [Edit]
This sounds awesome. You're right about the lack of drums adding to it.
>> No. 213 [Edit]
File 129149795478.jpg - (3.38KB , 126x126 , 1278007559607.jpg )
Just wanted to say thanks to all the uploaders. I just recently got into Jazz and it really is music for the soul.
>> No. 217 [Edit]
File 129154530443.jpg - (10.95KB , 300x300 , 31J41M225ML__SL500_AA300_.jpg )
It's kind of like the strengthening principle in Fate/Stay Night. Adding too much magical energy (or in this case, too many instruments) will make the end result weaker. It's a bad metaphor, but I think it works.
You're more than welcome. It makes me happy that people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread.
My connection has uncapped! That means I can upload some new material, so I will upload another Coltrane album just for you.
John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman - Self Titled
This album is a superb collaboration between Coltrane and a not-too-well-known singer, Hartman. I don't understand at all why Hartman is not more popular. His voice is strong, deep and masculine and it's just hard not to like it. Coltrane's solo's over the rhythm section, although very frank in it's delivery (I am not a fan of his delivery, probably why A Love Supreme is a little difficult to get into), are tasteful and fun to listen to and it fits really well with Hartman's vocal style. The good thing about this one is that the rhythm section is mixed nicely, allowing the vocals and saxophone to really take center stage like they should and the drums aren't overbearing. They are there, but not exactly there. Give this a listen and tell me what you think.
Files are too large to upload, so have some album art.
>> No. 218 [Edit]
File 129157128235.jpg - (102.76KB , 439x439 , 736a49d2555f2c68155ca17758ef0fb9.jpg )
>so I will upload another Coltrane album just for you.

Thanks a lot, Jazzhands! I'll give this a download and listen tomorrow when I have time.
>> No. 223 [Edit]
Audio Bill Evans Trio - Come Rain or Come Shine - (3.09MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Bill Evans - Portrait in Jazz - 01 - Come Rain Or .mp3 ) Length: 3:20

Sorry I'm late today, guys. I accidentally lost track of time playing Fallout. Anyway, here is today's album.
Bill Evans Trio - Portrait in Jazz
I really don't know where to start with this album. It's just a great, great record. Featuring the famous line-up ofBill Evans (pianist from Miles Davis' Kind Of Blue album), Scott LaFaro, one of the most famous bass players at the time and drummer Paul Motian, this album shows just how Jazz piano 'should' be played. It really set the standard for how people nowadays look at the piano as an instrument.
Don't take my word for it, just listen for yourself. It's worth the time, trust me.
>> No. 228 [Edit]
I enjoyed this one. I found it really easy to get into. The mixing makes everything sound really clear and doesn't bludgeon novices with too many things going on at once. Hartman has a really nice voice! I'm surprised I haven't heard of him before.
>> No. 229 [Edit]
I liked this. I guess i'm much more into slow (kind of more intimate) tempos.
>> No. 230 [Edit]
Autumn Leaves from Portrait in Jazz is the first song I ever heard by Bill Evans and it's still my favourite.
>> No. 231 [Edit]
File 129170708958.jpg - (64.25KB , 500x500 , 1228072938_123.jpg )
I've posted this before, but I'll post it again anyways.

Sleep Walker - Into the Sun

"Sleep Walker is a Japanese jazz quartet, whose sound signature is identified with fat bass, heavy percussion, spiritual-jazz influenced saxophone and free piano improvisation."

A couple of songs on the album are collaborations with other artists, notably on on the track The Voyage which features Pharaoh Sanders and the track Wind (posted below) which features a singer named Yukimi Nagano (she's not renowned like Pharaoh Sanders, but I really like her voice).

a couple songs from the album;

Ai-no-Tabi -
Wind(Kaze) feat. Yukimi Nagano -

>> No. 232 [Edit]
Audio Charles Mingus Sextet - Sophisticated Lady - (6.06MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 03 - Sophisticated Lady.mp3 ) Length: 4:23

I really like his voice as well. He's one of those criminally underrated gems that really stands out like a sore thumb now. It's disappointing that his career wasn't as good as someone like Sinatra, when the talent was there.
I like the slower stuff too, to be honest. I find it is easier to convey emotion in a song when it is slower and the listener is able to absorb it better.
Ah, it's a great album, isn't it. Waltz for Debby is my personal favorite. Really nice intro on it.
Not late tonight! Here's today's album:
Charles Mingus Sextet - Cornell 1964
This record features a set recorded live at Cornell University and is often considered to be one of the best live albums to come out of the genre. The musicianship between Mingus and Eric Dolphy (alto saxophone, bass clarinet and flute) is mindblowing and the awe inducing intro played by pianist Jaki Byard has to be heard to be believed. It really is worth the large download. There is also a large variety of tempos from fast tracks to slow ones. There is going to be something on this album that suits your taste. Enjoy.
>> No. 243 [Edit]
File 129185417129.jpg - (22.67KB , 300x300 , 41GPM8JRV8L__SL500_AA300_.jpg )
A bit late today, but I have a good album for you today.
Charlie Christian - The Genius of the Electric Guitar
This is a great big band/swing album. Charlie Christian was the guitarist in Benny Goodman's orchestra and is considered one of the most influential guitarists in the world today, retaining relevance even after his untimely death in 1942. His melodic and simplistic playing style really adds a certain something to these recordings and he does not go overboard with his solos like some other jazz guitarists. There is a real virtuosity in the way he doesn't show off, rather than the way someone like Joe Pass would. This is really worth listening to.
Oh, Since there was an abnormally large (on this board anyway) for the Bill Evans Trio material, I will upload some more cool jazz when I get some time. It shouldn't be too long, friends.
>> No. 244 [Edit]
Jazz guitar? I'll give this one a download and listen later. It sounds intriguing.

Are you into Grant Green, Jazzhands?
>> No. 245 [Edit]
>> No. 246 [Edit]
Yeah, I am quite fond of him. Really relaxed playing style that I really dig. Posting on my phone at the moment, so I will do todays upload when I get back to my computer.
>> No. 247 [Edit]
Audio Michael Franks - Nightmoves - (6.72MB - 230 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Michael Franks - The Art of Tea - 01 - Nightmoves.mp3 ) Length: 4:04

Evening all. I have uploaded today's album. It's a bit 'cooler' than the other releases, but not cool in the Bill Evans kind of way, this has it's own thing going that I am thinking most of you will dig.

Michael Franks - The Art of Tea
This particular album has got a lot of sentimental value for me. I'm not too big into telling personal stories, but this isn't too detailed so bear with me.
My dad used to listen to this album with me when I was young. We loved it then and we still love it now. This album is quite cool and understated, so don't expect anything fast from it, but the way the musicians interact with eachother on these recordings and the mixing done by Tommy LiPuma is top notch. I haven't even mentioned Franks' vocals on this album. He's got a different style than say, Hartman or Sinatra, but his vocals sound absolutely fantastic and suit the songs perfectly. Tomorrow I am going to post something completely out of left field, so be prepared. I was thinking of doing a cover of one of the songs for my dad for christmas, because he loves the album so much. Nostalgia's a bitch, ain't it?

Also, let it be known that I am becoming attached to this place.
>> No. 252 [Edit]
File 129198968790.jpg - (99.02KB , 498x492 , Folder.jpg )
Evening everyone. Not much to say. Here's today's album
Metamorphosis Jazz Band - 逆転裁判 ジャズアルバム ~Gyakuten Meets Jazz Soul~
I wasn't lying when I said this next one would come out of nowhere. Jazz arrangements of music from the Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) series. These arrangements are recorded well and sound absolutely fantastic. Well worth the download, in my opinion.
>> No. 256 [Edit]
File 129207016039.jpg - (30.49KB , 500x496 , Shape Of Jazz To Come.jpg )
Evening everyone, Here's today's album:
Ornette Coleman - The Shape of Jazz to Come

This album is one of the landmark albums in music history and certainly one of the most influential. This particular record was the first 'free jazz' record and really pushes the envelope on what would have been considered appropriate at the time. Of course, now it seems tame in comparison to some of the material out there now, but at that time, it caused a lot of controversy within the jazz scene. It is an intense, frenzied album that really takes the listener on an emotional trip that is both over in an instant and resonant enough to linger in a listeners mind for days. Enjoy.
>> No. 257 [Edit]
File 12920768498.jpg - (155.75KB , 850x768 , sample_0f84395abd83c6dfa036ae5df8bf7a10201dc30f.jpg )

Ah, I've heard about this one quite a bit. Haven't had much time on my hands lately but I'll get the last few uploads as soon as possible.

>it caused a lot of controversy within the jazz scene

Was that because it was one of the first 'free jazz' recordings? New things in the music world always seem to generate opposition. I remember reading somewhere that people told Miles he was "killing jazz" when he was recording Bitches Brew, but look at the importance of that record now.
>> No. 258 [Edit]
File 12920827667.jpg - (141.89KB , 850x1133 , sample-64813be98edd810bd05f780fe335fea6.jpg )
Just to tell you that I'm the >>104 anon, and (in some way I'm still trying to understand) I'm finally enjoying jazz like... very much. Thanks a lot, brohnos; somehow you made it happen.
>> No. 259 [Edit]
File 129208354586.jpg - (25.59KB , 640x481 , asplannedrd3.jpg )
>> No. 262 [Edit]
Audio Jack Kerouac and Steve Allen - Charlie Parker - (3.53MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 03 Charlie Parker.mp3 ) Length: 3:45

>Was that because it was one of the first 'free jazz' recordings?
Yep. It was a convenient scapegoat for people to vent their frustration towards the changing scene. It's kind of ironic now, since in comparison to free jazz today, it's kind of tame. Bitches Brew had the same kind of bad rap. Miles got a lot of shit for his material, since he was pretty much at the forefront of every jazz movement from bebop onwards. Although people say this a lot, Miles was an amazing man (even if he had a rotten temper. Worse than Mingus iirc).
That made my day. I am glad I could help someone immerse themselves into some new music.

Okay, here's today's album:
Jack Kerouac & Steve Allen - Poetry for the Beat Generation

This is an interesting album basing itself around beat poetry, which is kind of like spoken word spoken over Jazz music. We have pianist Steve Allen playing to writer Jack Kerouac's poetry. The playing on it is superb and suits Kerouac's voice perfectly and as usual, Kerouac's personality shines through in his writing and delivery. I find it's best listened to with the lights dimmed while placing yourself in a smoky, underground jazz dive at 2AM. Listening to Kerouac ramble to you and the two other guys in the club looking to escape reality.
>> No. 269 [Edit]
File 129224692733.jpg - (293.25KB , 848x836 , cover.jpg )
Evening gentlemen. Not a lot to say today, but here is today's album
Thelonious Monk - Thelonious Monk Trio

Another piano, double bass and drums instrumental album. I really like that lineup for some reason. There is something balanced about it. Anyway, Monk's piano playing has a different flavor to it than Evans' playing. It has this edgy, angular sound that tends to divide a lot of listeners. Personally, I love it, because that jagged style of playing gives birth to new ideas more innovative solos that couldn't be done with a more relaxed, smoother playing style. If you have both albums, listen to them one after the other and you'll see what I mean. The rhythm section is another highlight. While lacking the synchronicity of Evans' rhythm section, it has it's own quirkiness that makes it remarkable to listen to as a whole.
Listen and tell me what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.
>> No. 278 [Edit]
File 129231288212.jpg - (32.64KB , 500x500 , milessilent.jpg )
Don't mean to shit up your thread, but I'd like to contribute if I can.


Here's a fusion classic. It's some of the most infectious and free-flowing music I've heard.
>> No. 303 [Edit]
File 129237619989.jpg - (42.17KB , 240x237 , Folder.jpg )
You aren't shitting up anything, friend. Anyone can post here, we're all bros here.

A bit late today. Here's today's album:
The Quintet - Jazz at Massey Hall
This wins the award for best lineup of all time. I am amazed they could find a venue to hold Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Charles Mingus, Bud Powell and Max Roach without it falling apart from all the awesome. This is one of the best recordings I've ever heard. The synchronicity between the members is extraordinary and you can hear that they put a lot of work into making this lineup work.
>> No. 309 [Edit]
File 129241679529.jpg - (42.09KB , 300x270 , Bohren & der Club of Gore - 2002 - Black Earth.jpg )
Today's album is something a little more modern. I hope you enjoy it!
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Black Earth
This is an interesting album that took me a while to warm up to, mainly because of my pre-conceived thoughts on the sub-genre. Most people tend to call this type of music 'Doom Jazz', which is Doom metal sound and influence mixed with jazz sensibility and instruments. The term irked me at first, but after giving it a try with a more open mind, it really began to grow on me. I think that this album is best described as ambient. It's relaxing, melancholic and doesn't really intrude. Kind of like a shadow. While ambient, it has a certain heaviness to it. Kind of treacly, if that makes any sense at all. Don't take my word for it though. It's always best to listen for yourself.
>> No. 310 [Edit]
I'm familiar with this record. I was considering posting it here actually! More ambient than I expected, but an atmospheric and great listen nevertheless. Destroying Angels is a great tune.
>> No. 313 [Edit]
File 129249927574.jpg - (28.94KB , 400x406 , 4076 Front.jpg )
Doin' The Thing - Horace Silver

Recorded live at The Village Gate in New York City. It features Roy Brooks on Drums, Junior Cook on Saxophone, Blue Mitchell on Trumpet, Gene Taylor on Bass and of course Horace Silver playing Piano.

It's a very good record that has a really great live energy and very nice bluesy/soulful type of Hard Bop sound that I really appreciate.

Only song I could find on youtube, it's called Filthy McNasty and is the opening track for the record:

>> No. 314 [Edit]
File 129250302184.jpg - (48.29KB , 174x174 , AwesomeJazzalbum.jpg )
Ah, I really like Horace Silver, but I haven't heard this album yet. I'll give it a listen!
It is good for sleeping. My usual bedtime is either
a)watching Hidamari Sketch or SZS until I pass out
b)Listening to Black Earth
Also, Destroying Angels is a great tune, but I love the whole album, since it feels like one song to me. Great single tracks, but they come together really well if thought of as one work.
Anyway, today's album:
Jean Vanasse and Miroslav Vitous - Nouvelle Cuisine
This is another one of my favorite jazz albums, particularly from my stance. Vanasse (vibraphone)and Vitous (upright bass) get a wonderful synchronicity that is hard to come by. The instrumentation is absolutely phenomenal on this album, as you will be able to hear from the start. Give this a listen, you won't regret it.
>> No. 316 [Edit]
File 129258881310.jpg - (183.10KB , 1421x1421 , Front.jpg )
Evening, everyone. I am going to start stockpiling albums on my mediafire soon, so if there is any requests for albums you want to see on it, let me know. If I don't have it, I will source it for you. Anyway, today's album is a big one, so it's in two parts. Please make sure you remember to download both parts!

Chet Baker - Memories (Live in Tokyo) ~FLAC~
This album was one of the last albums Baker released before his tragic and untimely death. The sound of Baker's vocals are absolutely magical (my favorite jazz vocalist tied with Michael Franks) and the rounded tone of his trumpet really fits in with the other instruments, particularly with pianist Harold Danko, whose playing on this album is absolutely out of this world. The rhythm section is tight and subdued, yet they have this frenzied air about them that really makes the recording wonderful to listen to. It's a nice, slow cool jazz record, so fans of Bill Evans' material should like this as well. Be forewarned. Baker's vocal part in almost blue will amaze you.

Part 1:
Part 2:
>> No. 328 [Edit]
File 129265206928.jpg - (29.07KB , 398x398 , albumcoverKrzysztofKomeda-Astigmatic.jpg )

Krzysztof Komeda - Astigmatic [1966]

Here's one of the most important jazz albums out of Europe. It reminds me of Mingus' Black Saint & The Sinner Lady. The musicians are all flawless, and though it's quite 'experimental' it still balances it out with great structure and improvisation.
>> No. 332 [Edit]
Audio Jaco Pastorius - Donna Lee - (5.63MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 - Donna Lee.mp3 ) Length: 2:27

Evening everyone. Here's today's release. I hope you enjoy it.

Jaco Pastorius - Jaco Pastorius
I have a love/hate thing going with this album. I usually don't like really virtuosic music too much, so I thought I wouldn't like this. But my god, it is just too damn hard to hate it, since the playing on it is that mindboggling. Jaco was the player that showed what you could do with a bass guitar as a solo instrument rather than an accompanist. In fact, I would go as far as saying that he completely revolutionized the instrument.
I love the whole album, but the four standouts for me are 'Donna Lee', 'Portrait of Tracy' 'Continuum' and '(used to be a)Cha-Cha'.
Another reason I like Portrait of Tracy is that it got me into my university course when I played it for my audition. I hope you enjoy this album as much as I do.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
That song is mindblowing. It makes me want to commence learning bass.

>Another reason I like Portrait of Tracy is that it got me into my university course when I played it for my audition.

Ahh, awesome. Are you studying music at uni?
>> No. 335 [Edit]
Audio Duke Ellington - A Little Max (Parfait) - (4.90MB - 223 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Duke Ellington - Money Jungle - 02 - A Little Max .mp3 ) Length: 2:58

You should pick up an instrument if you have the desire to. It can bring a lot of satisfaction into one's life. So much so, that it would take me three or four threads of constant typing just to express why.

>Are you studying music at uni?
Yes, I am. I am also making sure to read the homeless thread on /ot/ as I might need it after I graduate.
Anyway, here is today's album
Duke Ellington - Money Jungle

Duke Ellington is the Jazz musician's musician. The guy pretty much single handedly wrote the book on what American music was and could be. With hundreds of jazz standards such as 'Caravan' and 'Take the A Train' to his name, He is seen as America's greatest composer. Money Jungle was written and performed by Ellington with the help of Max Roach and the young Charles Mingus. This lineup, on a basic level shouldn't work, since bandleaders really aren't suited to playing in a band with other bandleaders. However, it works because Roach and Mingus accept that Ellington outclasses them as a bandleader. The three have a lot of musical chemistry between them and it shows on the recording, as they really do Ellington's compositions justice. Give this a listen and as usual, tell me what you think.

Tomorrow I think I might post some Latin Jazz. Please look forward to it.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
Thanks, brohno. I've been playing guitar for a few years but I wouldn't mind trying my hand at something else, to rekindle the energy I felt when I first picked up the instrument.

>I am also making sure to read the homeless thread on /ot/ as I might need it after I graduate.

Feels bad man. I hope you don't have to go down that path.

I'll get your last couple of uploads soon.. I just don't want to give myself too many new records to listen to at once. I really enjoyed Nouvelle Cuisine, by the way! I gave a brief listen to the Art of Tea, and Franks has a really nice and smooth voice.
>> No. 339 [Edit]
File 129284766071.jpg - (7.78KB , 200x200 , cover.jpg )
>You'll get there. Just takes a fuckton of practice.
Here's today's album
Stan Getz & João Gilberto - Getz-Gilberto

This is a really good album to listen to if you are into latin style music with a nice relaxing groove to it. Most of the tracks are of the bossa-nova style (main latin jazz style) which Gilberto himself invented. Getz' solos are not too complex and Gilberto's guitar work mainly revolves around chord work to accompany his vocals or Getz' playing. The most famous track on the album is, by far, girl from ipanema which features Gilberto's then wife. It's something to put on when you are in the mood for a quiet one in. If you're anything like me, every night in is a quiet night in.

Also, if anyone has a profile here, feel free to browse my page. the link is in the email field.
>> No. 353 [Edit]
Audio Phil Woods - Prelude and Part 1 - (6.10MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01-prelude and part1.mp3 ) Length: 6:38

Evening all, not much to say today, so here's today's album
Phil Woods - Rights of Swing
This album is essentially one piece of music broken up into separate movements, similar to the way classical works are formatted (this explains the Stravinsky reference in the title), but in a modern context. Ranging from the slow ballad in part two to the humorous, light sounding scherzo in part four, this album covers a lot of different styles of jazz, yet seems to weave them into one piece seamlessly. There is something on this album for everyone. The playing on this album is top notch and still impresses me after many listens. The levels are great and the instruments don't drown each other out and the solos are extremely well played. You can tell that the musicians were definitely emotionally invested in their playing on this album. Give it a try.
>> No. 361 [Edit]
Audio Thelonious Monk - In Walked Bud - (3.95MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 07 - In Walked Bud.mp3 ) Length: 4:18

Very nice, I really enjoyed this album.

So this is another album I posted on the old tohno-chan, I was gonna post something else but I didn't feel like uploading anything today.

Underground - Thelonious Monk, a mostly instrumental album featuring a The Thelonious Monk Quartet, although only a couple of tracks actually feature a saxophone. There are some really neat songs on the album and it's considered by some to be, "Monk's penultimate studio album".

Underground also has the song In Walked Bud which is easily my favourite Monk song. It's the only song on the album with vocals, which are performed by Jon Hendricks, and is dedicated to Bud Powell.

>> No. 362 [Edit]
Audio Joe Pass - Night & Day - (4.86MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Joe Pass - Virtuoso - General Jazz - Night & D.mp3 ) Length: 3:32

Ah! I love that album! One of my all time favorites! Thank you for posting it.
I am in a jazz guitar mood, so I will post this album today.

Joe Pass - Virtuoso

This album scares the shit out of me. I simply can't fathom how someone can play so beautifully. In particular, the way Joe plays the chord, the bassline and the melody (three voices) at the same time with such complex chords just boggles my mind. You will not regret downloading this album. Seriously. Do it. You need to hear it if you haven't already.
>> No. 365 [Edit]
File 129310952733.jpg - (1.09MB , 961x953 , modern jazz gershwin 01.jpg )
Evening everyone. I hate christmas shopping. That is all.
Here is today's album.
The Modern Jazz Quartet - Plays George Gershwin's Porgy & Bess

I really like this album. It has a lot of neat arrangements from Gershwin's musical 'Porgy and Bess'. The most famous track is Summertime, which broke away from the musical and became a jazz standard. Gershwin's compositions, as usual, are emotive and witty, this comes through very well here, even with the vastly different arrangements. The Modern Jazz Quartet have added a certain wittiness and sophistication to the tracks, by replacing the lyrics with free, improvised sections and changing the chord progression somewhat. This is another relaxing album that will be great for late night relaxation. On a side note, vibraphone improves everything. EVERYTHING.
>> No. 368 [Edit]
File 129319105667.jpg - (17.03KB , 300x300 , 41M147GA1NL__SL500_AA300_.jpg )
Happy christmas eve, gents. I won't be writing much today, as my left hand is quite literally dead. Recording guitar parts for three straight days with sleep breaks in between will do that to you. Here is today's album

Sonny Rollins - Saxophone Colossus
This is a great album. The tones Rollins makes on his sax are to die for, more subtle and smooth than Coltrane in my opinion. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.

For christmas, I have a surprise for you all. Look forward to it.
>> No. 371 [Edit]
File 129319607974.jpg - (29.60KB , 450x450 , albumcoverCannonballAdderley-SomthinElse.jpg )
I've been wanting to give Saxophone Colossus a listen for ages. Thanks for the upload! A merry Christmas to you, too. I'll contribute something, if I may.

Cannonball Adderley - Somethin' Else

I gave this a listen recently after reading up on Adderley and finding out he played on Kind of Blue, which was my first venture into jazz and one of my favorite records. This one also features Miles. Just a fantastic collection of tracks with a top-notch performance from all.
>> No. 376 [Edit]
Ah, thank you for contributing. I really like that album.
Merry Christmas gents, I hope you all had a good day doing whatever it is you guys do on Christmas. I said I had a surprise for you today and here it is.

Oriental Express - Cruising Together

This is a jazz fusion/funk album from a band hailing from South Korea. As such, they use traditional Korean instruments such as the Haegum to create a really unique sound. Another cool aspect of the album is the bass player, who is a very talented man with a penchant for playing anime tracks while wearing womens clothing. Yes, H.J freaks is the bass player for this band. surprise. The whole album is great, but if you had to ask me for standout tracks, I would recommend Monsoon and Jumping Without Moving. The title track sounds like something from fate/stay night which I think is neat, so give that a listen too.

Since I had to download it from iTunes to get it (no links anywhere, and the one I did find on some korean torrent site was dead), I have to apologize for the m4a format. It's still high quality VBR which is about the same quality as a 320 CBR from what I have heard.
>> No. 377 [Edit]
Audio Zac and Various Other People - Some Jazz Crap - (2.16MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Some Jazz Crap.mp3 ) Length: 2:20

Also, give this a listen and tell me what you think. It's completely unrelated to the album I just posted, but I want to know your opinion on it.
>> No. 378 [Edit]
File 129337380048.jpg - (32.95KB , 432x437 , 6a00e39820c91c88330133f1c6525e970b-800wi.jpg )
Evening everyone. Nothing to say today, so here's today's album:
Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch!
This album along with 'Shape of Jazz to Come' is the foundation of Free Jazz. With it's atonal compositions and harsh, edgy delivery, Dolphy gained fame as a bandleader (while somehow not receiving as much flak as Coleman did with SoJtC) and etched his name into jazz history, only to die from diabetes a few months after the album was released in 1964. It makes you wonder just where jazz could have gone, had he not died.
>> No. 379 [Edit]
>I want to know your opinion on it.

I honestly enjoyed it a lot. Really catchy tune.
>> No. 384 [Edit]
Audio Miles Davis - Move - (6.07MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 Move.mp3 ) Length: 2:35

Evening everyone, I hope you had a good holiday season. Here's today's album:

Miles Davis - Birth of the Cool

To be honest with you, I am not a big fan of Miles' work. I respect his talent and his music is well composed, but his compositions have this sludginess to them that I just can't get comfortable with. The exception to this rule however, is Birth of the Cool, which I don't seem to mind for whatever reason. It was one of the first albums to kick off the west coast 'Cool Jazz' (the first type of jazz you think of when you are new to the genre) sound in order to differentiate itself from the bebop music that was popular at the time. This album featured both veterans from the bebop scene such as Max Roach and Davis himself, but also employed a fair few young musicians that would eventually make a name for themselves such as Baritone Saxophone player Gerry Mulligan and French Horn player Gunther Schuller. There is something about this album that makes you 'want' to listen and keeps you entertained until the very end.
>> No. 390 [Edit]
File 129354513486.jpg - (7.80KB , 200x200 , folder.jpg )
Evening everyone. I hope you are all well. Today's album is a special one, so please enjoy it.
Pharaoh Sanders - Karma
This album is an absolutely brilliant amalgamation, spirituality and soul. In that sense, Karma is one of those deeply personal albums that can connect with just about anyone. It has this intimacy about it that makes it so appealing. Jazz in general, while it has passion, it always tends to feel a bit distant from the listener. This album is the complete opposite. To use an analogy, if an album like, say, Time Out is like a sheet that covers, yet still feels thin, Karma feels like a blanket that wraps around you and warms you up completely from the inside. It is passionate, expressive and harmonically rich while Sanders' delivery on his tenor saxophone is out of control yet virtuosic. You can literally hear him take his instrument to the point where the sound coming out of it just breaks up. It really is beautiful to listen to. The instruments together, create a manic yet somehow controlled album. It's like they took the frenzied sound of free jazz and structured it. Organized enough to give it a basic feel, but not loose enough to let the instruments go completely out of control. The result is the intense, passionate sound we hear on this recording.
I can not recommend this album enough to you guys. If you get it, you will NOT be disappointed, I can guarantee it. Have I ever steered you guys in the wrong direction?
>> No. 391 [Edit]
I experienced ego death whilst listening to that album. Masterpiece.
>> No. 392 [Edit]
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Evening everyone. It'll be hard to top the intensity of that last record, so I'll post something a little more laid back today.

Ted Greene - Solo Guitar ~FLAC~

I don't know what it is about jazz guitar, but it just clicks with me for some strange reason. Greene is one of those criminally underrated guitarists that lived and died without much recognition. It's a pity, since Greene deserved more than that, considering his ability. He has a brilliant tone to his playing by using his fingers to play three voices at once while incorporating chords. Joe Pass does it as well, but Greene does it better, in my opinion. Where Joe uses speed to impress, Ted uses the timbre from his guitar, amp and fingers to get the emotion of his playing across to the audience. Give it a listen and you'll see what I mean.
>> No. 397 [Edit]
Audio Frank Sinatra - Come Fly With Me - (2.69MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 13 - Come Fly With Me.mp3 ) Length: 2:54

Evening everyone. I haven't posted any vocal jazz in a while, so I will post some today

Frank Sinatra With the Red Norvo Quintet - Live in Australia, 1959

I love this album for many reasons. One, it features the talents of vibraphonist Red Norvo, who is one of my favorite jazz musicians of all time. Two, it was recorded in my home country, which proves that my country wasn't a complete failure in terms of music and three, it's Frank Sinatra. Frank god damn Sinatra. It sounds great for a 51 year old live recording and the playing on it is spectacular. Frank's voice is as good as it is on the studio recordings and really soothes the soul. Give it a listen if you liked the slower jazz music that I've posted.

On a completely unrelated note, I am still taking requests for albums
>> No. 412 [Edit]
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A happy New Years Eve to you all, gents. In celebration of another year gone past, I will post something upbeat and really different.

Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sing-Along Songs for the Damned and Delirious

I don't really know how this album works at all. It's metal, it's Jazz, it's Latin, it's polka, hell, it's even got an opera singer in it. It comes from out of left field and impressed me greatly. I mean, at first I didn't think it was going to work, but after a couple of listens, it really clicked and appealed to me. Definitely one of my favorite albums of 2009. Also, the album art is awesome. Look at it!
>> No. 413 [Edit]
Audio Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan - (6.30MB - 199 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 - Chan Chan.mp3 ) Length: 4:18

A happy 2011 to you all! I hope this year is better for all of us and that we can keep listening to some more awesome tunes.
Here's today's album:

Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club
This is a fantastic latin jazz album. Probably one of the best, actually. It really does border on world music (whatever the hell that is nowadays), but it does stay close to it's jazz roots. The album has the comfort and warmth that most latin jazz records have, which makes you feel like you are actually in a place like Cuba or a place like that, watching the sunset with a cocktail and a cigar. Personally, I get this warm feeling when I listen to it and you may as well. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.
>> No. 416 [Edit]
I remember listening to this album when I was a kid, around when it came out (97 or 98?) Great great stuff, I should listen to it again. Thanks.
>> No. 430 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, I hope you are all well. Here's today's offering. I am going to do a mass upload tomorrow, so I will have some more material for you guys.

Tom Waits - The Heart of Saturday Night

Tom didn't do too much jazz based material, but when he did, his style just fits with it perfectly. This album tends to follow a pattern of traditional jazz tune to ballad with jazz instruments and influence which shows that Tom wanted to show both sides equally. There is even a beat poetry track on there which I really like. Looking back at the posts I've made, I have really gravitated towards the albums that felt intimate to me (I must change this) and this album is no exception. There is something rough to it that really makes the album better. It feels sluggish and messy, kind of like a Saturday night to most people and Waits' singing and piano playing sounds like he'd been drinking too much, in a good way of course. This gives him his distinctive playing style that tends to appeal to me. Give it a listen though to figure it out for yourself.

If I may ask, which albums have you found yourselves enjoying most? I would like to begin posting albums similar to the ones you've liked so far.
>> No. 431 [Edit]
Audio - (4.16MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Tom Waits - 07_ pony.mp3 ) Length: 4:33

You gotta be kiddin...

Tom Waits (like, v.g., Leonard Cohen) is ABSOLUTE GOD Tier for me, from many years ago; thought I always peferred his folk/experimental/hobo side, over the jazz/cabaret one. I think someone said once -don't remember who- that he is the last poet alive from the Beat Generation...

Anyway: broh, I salute you.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
Audio - (2.55MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 19 Tom Waits - Anywhere I lay my head.mp3 ) Length: 2:47

Just another one, from Rain Dogs (the first was from Mule Variations). Will stop derailing, already.
>> No. 438 [Edit]
File 129406289660.png - (161.81KB , 660x699 , Keanu and Yotsuba.png )
Nice thread, and I've only tredged through half of it yet. Decided to upload the nine songs I kept from the Encyclopedia of Jazz cds. Old good stuff.
Al Jolson - Swanee
Artie Shaw - Frenesi
Cab Calloway - Minnie the Moocher
Fats Waller - Dinah
Gene Krupa - Drummin' Man
Glenn Miller - In the Mood
Louis Armstrong - When the Saints Go Marching In
Ray Charles - Alexander's Ragtime Band
Scott Joplin - The Entertainer
>> No. 439 [Edit]
File 12940638169.jpg - (15.87KB , 250x250 , grantgreen.jpg )
Oh dude, Tom is one of my all time favorite musicians and Rain Dogs is definitely up there with my favorite albums (as is Heart of Saturday Night) I am the opposite to you in that I prefer his cabaret/jazz work but I still love his other work. Although, off Rain Dogs, I prefer 9th and Hennepin as well as Jockey Full of Bourbon and Tango Till They're Sore. They are great one after the other.

Ok Gents, I am about halfway through uploading another 1.8 GB of material on my mediafire, so I will have even more to give you,including another 9 Mingus albums (I haven't even exhausted what I uploaded last time yet)
Here's today's album:

Grant Green - Idle Moments

Grant was mentioned before in this thread, so I thought it'd be nice to upload this album. It's mainly a guitar based album, but I personally listen to it for the Vibraphone player Bobby Hutcherson, who is one of my favorite vibraphone players. Regardless, the guitar is great on the album. It's tasteful and doesn't overly flourish things like most guitarists do in their lead breaks. There is something to be said in simplicity I think. It can say a lot more than something more virtuosic for the most part. There are exceptions to this rule, but that is what I have found for the most part. It's a great album to listen to while going to sleep or when you are looking to relax for an hour or two.
>> No. 440 [Edit]
File 129406533359.jpg - (44.74KB , 600x338 , yeah.jpg )
>Jockey Full of Bourbon and Tango Till They're Sore.

Absolute CHOONS right there. I adore Rain Dogs. Sadly I've yet to delve into his other albums as of yet. I need to check out Swordfishtrombones soon. His first record has also been recommend to me several times though; I've heard that's pretty different in style from his later work though.

>Grant was mentioned before in this thread

Ah, that was me! I really dig Idle Moments. I just really like the whole relaxed atmosphere. I once saw this quote that I felt summed up the band's style really well: "Even as a leader, he would frequently take the backseat to a juicy organ or horn part, but when he let loose, he could go on incredible, glittering runs of speed and dexterity like no other jazz guitarist before or since."

Thanks a lot for these.
>> No. 441 [Edit]
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If you want to try some more glorious Jazz Waits, I recommend Nighthawks at the Diner. I will upload it tomorrow, and post it as an extra with tomorrow's album. It's a nice mixture of HoSN and Rain Dogs.
Thanks for that. I already had most of the songs, but the ones I didn't have I will get the albums for. Cab Calloway is one of my favorite big band artists. Glenn Miller is great too.

I am really glad people are getting enjoyment out of this thread. I still have plenty to post, so it won't end soon.
>> No. 448 [Edit]
Audio Gil Evans - Angel - (3.89MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 Angel.mp3 ) Length: 4:11

Evening, gents. My internet speed slowed down today as I hit my data cap. So I couldn't upload that Tom Waits album. Tomorrow it resets, so I will post it then. Terribly sorry.

Gil Evans - The Gil Evans Orchestra plays the music of Jimi Hendrix

This album is a weird one. You'd think it wouldn't work, but strangely enough it does. It keeps it similar enough to the songs so that you can tell what they are but there is a lot of added improvisation and manipulation of the songs to suit a jazzier tone. It took a bit of getting used to for me and I am still really trying to love this album, but it is decent, well played and ingenious. A little bit of trivia. During the recording of this album, Hendrix was meant to do the vocal tracks. We all know how THAT turned out.
>> No. 452 [Edit]
Audio Lucky Thompson - Tight Squeeze - (6.32MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 06 - Tight Squeeze.mp3 ) Length: 2:40

Hello gents,

Here's today's release:

Lucky Thompson - Modern Jazz Group

I was doing some research into tenor saxophone players, since one of you (more than one?) didn't really like Coltrane's playing style. I happened to find this player I had long forgotten. I kicked myself in the head soon after. Thompson is a brilliant player. He's a lot more subtle than Coltrane is with his horn, yet is just as expressive, if not moreso. I'd think if you gave Charlie Parker a tenor sax, this is what it would sound like. Keeping the virtuosity in his playing while keeping the subtlety. This record mainly keeps to the cool jazz style, bordering on bebop's later years as indicated by the Thelonious Monk influenced piano and there is fast tracks and slow tracks. The good thing about this particular album is everything is even in regards to tempo. The fast tracks are not fast enough to lose their expression and the slow tracks aren't slow enough to lose their pace. It's a great balance.
I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I did.
>> No. 453 [Edit]
File 129426925068.jpg - (111.26KB , 953x953 , Tom-Waits-Nighthawks-At-The-Diner-[Front].jpg )
I promised you some jazz Waits, so here you are

Tom Waits - Nighthawks at the Diner ~FLAC~

This album is a gem for me and it really highlights Tom's talents as a singer and a pianist. But most of all, it really highlights his mastery of lyrics and crowd participation. He has a real talent with both as his witty (often quite vulgar!) lyrics and his banter with the crowd tend to mix with eachother and it becomes hard to tell where the banter ends and the track begins unless you are listening really well. This, I think, is quite a talent, as the crowd is constantly laughing with a kind of joy rarely heard in jazz music. One of these times would be Mingus' unamused reaction to his own mistakes, and the crowd's quick laugh during 'Sophisticated Lady' on his Cornell 1964 album. I digress. This album is definitely worth a listen if you haven't heard it already, and to the Waits fan, give it a listen and tell me what you think.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

(I apologize for the 3 part .rar, but it's the best I could do with a free mediafire account.)
>> No. 456 [Edit]
Audio Sammy Price - Summertime - (6.68MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 20-Sammy PRICE & Doc CHEATHAM-Play George Gers.mp3 ) Length: 2:55

Evening everyone. How are you all today?
Here is today's album

Sammy Price - Plays George Gershwin

I really like this album as well. Price's arrangements of Gershwin's compositions are quite innovative and emotional in how the chords are voiced and played. Gershwin's compositions were already sultry in nature, but that nature comes through and then some when Price plays his arrangements, giving the recordings a nice kick to them. I must say, I am a little biased, since Gershwin is definitely my favorite composer of modern and contemporary classical work, but nonetheless, this album is worth anyone's time.
>> No. 460 [Edit]
Audio Stéphane Grappelli - Someone To Watch Over Me - (5.45MB - 256 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 08_Someone To Watch Over Me.mp3 ) Length: 2:58

Evening gents. Here's today's album

Stéphane Grappelli - Improvisations

This is a fantastic album filled with interpretations of jazz standards with Grappelli, a violinist, improvising over the top of a rhythm section. This album really shows both how well a violin can integrate into a jazz environment and just how talented Grappelli was as an instrumentalist both with and without Django Reinhardt, whom he collaborated with quite a lot. Either way, I highly recommend this album if you are seeking a different sound than the guitar/saxophone/trumpet/piano leaders that jazz is flooded with or if you want to listen to my favorite standard "Someone to Watch Over Me". Enjoy.
>> No. 463 [Edit]
File 12944909386.jpg - (77.92KB , 500x500 , 01.jpg )
Hello everyone. Here's today's album.

Wes Montgomery - The Incredible Jazz Guitar of Wes Montgomery ~FLAC~

Wes is certainly one of the more famous jazz guitarists and for good reason. He has this wonderful woody tone in his playing due to him using his thumb to pick the strings and using what they call 'octaves' as a feature in his soloing. This album is mainly comprised of his own compositions and it really sets him apart from his contemporaries,who were mostly playing standards. In particular, the tracks Airegin and West Coast Blues are worth checking out. Enjoy!

Tomorrow, I will get to uploading some more albums I have stumbled across.
>> No. 464 [Edit]
Audio Jazztronik - 影 - (6.16MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , jazztronik 09 kage-jmr.mp3 ) Length: 4:27

This is sort of borderline and fairly different from most of the other stuff in that's been posted so far but I thought some of you may be interested.

Jazztronik (Ryota Nozaki) is a Japanese DJ who makes music that's a mix of Jazz, Electronic/Dance along with a number of other styles. He's often described as 'Nu-Jazz' which according to Wikipedia "ranges from combining live instrumentation with beats of jazz house to more band-based improvised jazz with electronic elements" and I think that's a pretty accurate description of the type of music he makes.

I uploaded his album entitled '七色', which is pronounced either Nanairo or Shichishoku (I'm not really sure which it is) because it's my personal favourite. I do have a couple more albums from him I'd be willing to upload if anyone wants me too, Although, most of his music is readily available on the Internet and shouldn't be too hard to locate.

七色 mediafire -

Various other songs:

'The Piano' -
'Set Free' (one of his most popular songs) -
'Dentro mi Alma' -
'Searching for Love' -
>> No. 468 [Edit]
File 129457591260.jpg - (32.92KB , 455x456 , Ellaandlouis.jpg )
I really liked this. You're right, it's borderline, but you can certainly hear influence. I will look up some more of his material, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Here's today's album:

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Ella and Louis
This is a great album for listening to in general, both when you want a decent album to savor and analyze or when you want an album to put on just to fill in the dead air. This album is a nice little mix of standards which really highlight Ella and Louis' vocal ability, The Oscar Peterson Quartet's ability as a backing band and Louis' ability as a trumpet player. It's a calming album that will relax and soothe you. Enjoy!
>> No. 470 [Edit]
File 129466684554.jpg - (46.19KB , 498x498 , COVER.jpg )
Evening, gents. Nothing interesting or witty to say today, so I will just get on with it.

Freddie Hubbard - Open Sesame.

It's pretty rare to hear an album incorporate the subtlety of latin jazz and the ferocity of hard bop music in the same way that this album does. This record is really well composed from a musical standpoint and the playing on it is spectacular. It's faster material reminds me of the faster paced material from Phil Woods' Rites of Swing that I posted in this thread earlier, while the rhythm sections remind me of the track Rush from the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, which has heavy latin jazz influence in the bassline. The tracks are both witty and emotional, keeping the listener attentive. I hope you enjoy listening!
>> No. 482 [Edit]
Evening gents, how are you all today/tonight?
Once again, nothing to say, so I will just get on with it.

Bobby Hutcherson - Happenings ~FLAC~

This might sound a little stupid, but even though I love almost any music, I am guaranteed to love it if it has a vibraphone in it. I love this album for this and many other reasons. Bobby plays the vibes brilliantly on this album, showing virtuosity through his restraint during solos. To put it bluntly, his playing style is the polar opposite of someone like Jean Vanasse, who was the vibraphonist from the Nouvelle Cuisine record I shared earlier in this thread. The backing band, consisting of Herbie Hancock on piano, Joe Chambers on drums and Bob Cranshaw on bass round out this absolutely brilliant lineup and this record proves that they gel really well together as a group. My only issue with this album (it's only a small issue) is that even though Hutcherson is the band's leader, Hancock seems to take the longer, more complex solos. I don't know whether it's because Hancock is a bandleader himself, therefore used to longer solos, but it kind of detracts from my enjoyment of the record, since I always look forward to a more vibraphone based sound. Then again, you may think differently to me, so give it a listen and make your own decision on it.

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>> No. 483 [Edit]
Evening everyone. Here's today's album

George Benson - 'round Midnight (with the McCoy Tyner trio) ~FLAC~

This is one of the first live jazz albums I really listened to. I think I wore out my copy eventually, which kind of sucks, but anyway: The playing on this album is absolutely fantastic. Benson always seems to play as if he wasn't exerting himself at all and with Tyner's backing group, they really put on a great show from the get-go. This is one of the rare albums that really gives you the insight into the live experience rather than just giving a recording of it. I don't know whether it's because of the recording quality or the distant feeling of the instruments, but it feels like you are actually there watching. I have to admit, while George Benson's guitar playing is absolutely fantastic, I still don't think he should sing. I mean, it's not bad to listen to, but it's painfully obvious that one talent really outshines the other. This album also has a very interesting take on two of my other favorite standards, Victor Young's 'Stella by Starlight' which opens the album and Thelonious Monk's 'round Midnight'. I had a lot of fun comparing those arrangements to the originals. I tend to do that a lot though. Anyway, as usual, don't take my word for it, give it a download and listen to it for yourself!
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>> No. 488 [Edit]
Evening. Something a little less serious tonight, and on top of that, it's /tc/ related. Anyway, here it is:

Anime That Jazz - Evening

I stumbled upon this album about a month ago by accident while mindlessly googling. I looked it over and it piqued my interest enough to download it. I gave it a listen and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. It features arrangements of various anime OP and ED's including: Lupin The Third from Lupin III, 1/2 from Rurouni Kenshin, Cruel Angel's Thesis from EVA and Sekai ga Owarumade wa... from Slam Dunk. The arrangements are fresh and really pushed the songs into a completely different light. The great thing about them is that they are familiar enough to recognize if you are into anime but not noticable enough if you aren't really listening. Great for those awkward family gatherings! I don't have any information on the players (can't find the information anywhere) but whoever they are, they play really well. The piano takes the lead throughout, but the rhythm section comprised of a bass player and drummer really fill out the sound and generally aren't overbearing. It's a nice balanced sound that won't be too harsh on the ears. I particularly like what the pianist did with the chords during the opening of Cruel Angel's Thesis. Anyway, enough of my rambling, give it a listen and as always, enjoy!
>> No. 490 [Edit]
That's a really well-done adaptation. This has piqued my interest.

I enjoyed the Wes Montgomery album you posted recently, too.
>> No. 491 [Edit]
I'm glad you enjoyed them. As long as at least one person enjoys these albums then my work wasn't in vain.
Anyway, here's today's album:

Joe Henderson - Page One

This is an album I have loved for a long time. In retrospect, I probably should have posted it earlier. It is a rhythm based beauty, experimenting with a lot of different styles ranging from the 'psuedo bossa-nova' sound in Blue Bossa, the furious bebop rhythms on Homestretch and the driving beats of Recorda Me. The playing on this album is clean cut, yet really expressive at the same time. Henderson's Tenor sax and Kenny Dorham's trumpet have a really nice sound when played at the same time. The rhythm section consisting of Pete LaRocha on drums, Butch Warren on bass and the great McCoy Tyner on the keys really back up the two soloists as well while flawlessly dictating the grooves. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the Rhythm section makes this album rather than the soloists. Give it a listen and see for yourself.
>> No. 492 [Edit]
This was really enjoyable, thanks so much.

Not a big jazz person since I only listen to classics and Miles Davis but this was actually interesting because I know what's behind.
>> No. 498 [Edit]
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Yeah, I find that if you know the theory behind a track (or the source material if it is an arrangement), you will get much more enjoyment out of the track. I am glad you enjoyed it, even though you aren't a big jazz listener.

Here's today's album:

Herbie Hancock - Empyrean Isles ~FLAC~

This is an absolutely brilliant album from one of the greatest Jazz pianists. Hancock wrote this album to sound 'improvised' in order to compensate for the trumpet and rhythm section lineup, since there was no other horn or lead instrument to help carry the lower register. This certainly comes across in the recording. Even the pre-composed heads sound frenzied and spontaneous in their execution. This album also marked Hancock's foray into free jazz, funk and modal jazz playing, all of which are well represented here. The playing of Freddie Hubbard on Cornet, Ron Carter on Bass, Tony Williams on drums and Hancock on piano seem to really gel together as a band. They really synchronize with eachother, so no instrument sounds out of place in the mix. As usual, don't take my word for it. Download it and see for yourself.

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>> No. 501 [Edit]
Hello gents, here's today's album:

Sonny Stitt - Sonny Stitt Sits in With the Oscar Peterson Trio

I really like this album. It's upbeat, weirdly positive and really shows off Stitt's remarkable ability as a player.This album should really appeal to you greatly if you are into Coltrane's style, since Coltrane had a lot of influence from Stitt in his playing. The lineup also features Oscar Peterson on keys, as well as petersons trio lineup at the time: Ray Brown on bass and Ed Thigpen on the drum set. The trio serve as a perfect foil to Stitt's playing as they blaze through this set of tracks. Give it a listen and see what you think.
>> No. 504 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here's today's album:

Lee Morgan - The Sidewinder

This album is one of, if not the quintessential Hard bop recordings of all time. It's mixture of an all star lineup, brilliant composition, playing ability and mixing technique make this album a real gem to listen to. All the tracks on this album are brilliantly composed and played, but the title track really stands out, due to it following a brisk 24 bar blues pattern rather than the standard fare hard bop chord progressions and rhythms that were present at the time. This really shook up what people perceived Hard Bop music to be, and what it could become. We eventually saw evidence of this as this track became one of the main influences of the soul jazz genre. Morgan and the rest of his quintet really broke the mold with this one, so take a listen if you liked Art Blakey's work earlier in the thread
>> No. 508 [Edit]
Evening everyone. Something a bit more modern tonight. Here it is.

Return to Forever - The Anthology (2 CD set)

This set of records highlights the jazz-rock era of Return To Forever's long career. The real highlight of this album is by far the playing. Chick Corea, a brilliant jazz pianist in his own right, got together with bassist Stanley Clarke, Drummer Lenny White and guitarist Al DiMeola and created this tight, virtuosic sound that really overpowers the senses and leaves you begging for more. Time signature variation featured a lot as well, incorporating syncopated latin rhythms and funk basslines, they really made an impact on the jazz world by bringing it to the masses. Look at the playing in this video and tell me you aren't impressed by the sheer musicality of the group. Pay no attention to the dated clothing (Having a sailor with a sick mustache, a 70's porn star wearing sunglasses, a guy in flares and a guy wearing a shirt made to look like a tuxedo is just awesome). In particular, listen to Al the guitarist's solo. He starts off pretty simple and then goes into godmode somehow. Chick's keyboard solos, apart from the MOOG trouble he has (which I think sounds awesome as well) has great virtuoisty while the rhythm section have this great groove going. Anyway, this album is in two parts as they are two seperate discs. Get both though, even though you don't need both .rar's to listen to a part.

Disk 1:

Disk 2:
>> No. 510 [Edit]
I'm still slowly working my way through most of these but I just wanted to say thanks for this >>460 .
>> No. 511 [Edit]
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Evening everyone. Here is today's album:

Bud Powell - A Portrait of Thelonious ~FLAC~

This is one of my favorite jazz piano albums and a shining example of the cameraderie between two instrumentalists in a lucrative industry. Bud and the rest of his trio re-interpret some of Thelonious Monk's signature pieces as a homage to the man and they really do them justice. Powell plays these pieces, for the most part, a little more refined than Monk would, which really highlights how a different set of fingers can make the same composition sound entirely different. It's really great to hear the contrast between the two pianists in that way, I think. In my opinion, I think this album has a real warmth to it, as you can feel the friendship between Monk (who, in particular, wrote a song for Bud) and Powell come through in the recordings. It just adds a whole other layer of pleasure to the listening of this album. Although, it would still be a very solid album without this subtext, it just improves on an already great product. Anyway, give it a listen and see for yourself.

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>> No. 512 [Edit]
Audio Art Tatum - Elegie - (6.03MB - 257 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 Elegie.mp3 ) Length: 3:16

Evening everyone. Here's today's album

Art Tatum - Solos

This guy is one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time and one of the first 'greats' in the genre on his instrument. His playing style is manic, detached, extremely quick and even with all this, he doesn't lose accuracy. Due to his heavy influence from classical music. Even with this really overbearing influence, he is still able to play jazz and improvise over chord progressions quite well. This, coupled with his outstanding technique make him an absolute monster on the piano. Every 'great' pianist that came after, be it Bill Evans, Bud Powell, Thelonious Monk, Chick Corea or any others, cite Tatum as a main influence in their work. Quite frankly, I am not surprised in the slightest. You have to hear this.
>> No. 514 [Edit]
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Evening everyone and Happy 100th post. I have to thank whoever comes to check this thread regularly for staying.
Here is today's album:

Eri Yamamoto Trio - In Each Day, Something Good ~FLAC~

I only picked this album up recently, but I have noticed that I have been listening to it quite often. Yamamoto is a criminally underrated pianist, hailing from Japan and residing in New York. She is not too well known internationally, but her influence on the Japanese and New York jazz scenes is strong. This is her 6th record, and it shows both her prowess as a composer and as a pianist as her and the rest of her trio, bassist David Ambrosio and Drummer Ikuo Takeuchi play through Yamamoto's whimsical tracks. This album is subtle in it's delivery and minimalistic in style. There is not much here in terms of long, virtuosic solos. Rather, Yamamoto has opted to use her knowledge of complex chords to set a mood and tell a story. It has not got a strong presence to it, and is leaning to more ambient jazz music, so it's good if you are studying or anything along those lines. The rhythm section, particularly the drumming is soft and subtle. It doesn't feel like it has a real influence over the tracks, but it adds that extra edge that really make the tracks stand out on their own. Anyway, give it a listen and enjoy this really underrated artist.

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>> No. 518 [Edit]
Audio Elek Bacsik - Over The Rainbow - (5.72MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04_Over The Rainbow.mp3 ) Length: 2:28

Evening everyone. Here's today's album.

Elek Bacsik - Guitar Conceptions

This album is quite solid and it's enjoyable if you are into jazz guitar at all. Hungarian-born Bacsik plays quite smoothly and he has quite good tone to back it up. He's not as technically proficient as his cousin Django Reinhardt, but apart from some parallels in chord use, he has is own style and timbre, giving Bacsik has his own appeal. Enjoy!
>> No. 519 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, here's today's album

Oscar Brown Jr. - Sin & Soul... And Then Some

This album is quite strange in it's attraction. Brown's vocals are quite unique and take a bit of getting used to, but once you do, the album is really enjoyable to listen to. The music behind the vocals is quirky and interesting, some even sound like they should be on 'The Pink Panther' or something along those lines. There is also some spoken word thrown in for good measure. Another interesting thing to notice is how he adresses his creed, either with satire like 'Watermelon Man' or serious social commentary (but not too serious) with tracks like 'Bid 'Em In'. Also, the track name 'Dat Dere' made me laugh for a good five minutes or so. Anyway, if you get past the vocals and learn to love them, you will find that this album is quite a gem. Enjoy!
>> No. 520 [Edit]
Evening everyone. Here's today's album

Anime That Jazz - Anime That Jazz II

Since you guys liked the first album, I did some research and managed to track down their second record. As you may guess, this is also an album of anime OP's amd ED's. On this one, there are tracks like TANK! (It's really more of an arrangement) from Bebop, Venus to Jesus from Arakawa Under the Bridge S1 (Unfortunately, I do prefer the original, which actually sounds more jazzy than this version) and Moonlight Densetsu from Sailor Moon. It's a surprisingly solid followup, considering how good the debut was, so please look forward to it.

Also, on my JOURNEY THROUGH THE INTERNET , I found some two more anime themed Jazz albums from another artist that I will post soon. This one has an arrangement of Skies of Love from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, which sounds absolutely fantastic, so please look forward to that soon.
>> No. 523 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, I am my connection has been capped so I won't be able to get new albums as fast, I will still upload new material everyday, but it will take longer to complete, unfortunately. Anyway, here's today's album:

Zoot Sims - Et Henri Renaud

This album is wonderful to listen to when you are in a good mood, it's upbeat and positive but doesn't overdo it. Sims and Henri Renaud teamed up with the rest of a quintet and recorded three of these tracks at a live session, issued by Club Francais Du Disque. The other songs are from an album Renaud released under his own name called "New Sound At The Boeuf Sur Le Toit". Overall, this album evokes the feel of many subgenres of jazz. Be it the ferocity of Bebop, the swing based rhythms of big band music and the chord progressions of blues music, Sims makes it sound great. Enjoy!
>> No. 524 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here's today's album:

The Budos Band - The Budos Band III ~FLAC~

This album is quite an interesting one that I have really taken a liking to. It's modern, releaed in 2010, so there is a large base of influences including african and latin percussion, latin and middle eastern inspired melodies and very different rhythms than what you would expect from a jazz record. In that sense, it is nowhere near 'traditional' jazz. Most of the tracks are played straight, or without a swing to the beat, reminiscent of how the rhythms on the Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto was played without a swing. However, the jazz influence is still kept, mainly through instrumentation. You can still hear the format from bebop, which is main melody (head) and then improvisation. Rinse and repeat. The main melodies are appealing and keep you interested. In particular, the song 'Black Venom' paints quite a vivid picture of a moving snake, the music slithering around you. Anyway, give it a listen and make your own opinion.

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>> No. 528 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here's today's album:

Ahmed Abdul-Malik - Jazz Sounds of Africa ~FLAC~

This is another album with a nice fusion of cultures. This time, African influences are pivotal towards the sound of this album. This album features a lot of unusual instruments, such as the Oud, a north African stringed instrument similar to a lute and various korean reed instruments. Abdul-Malik who was famous for playing in bands led by Thelonious Monk and Herbie Mann among others, really shows his ability as a bandleader with this solo outing. Enjoy.

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>> No. 534 [Edit]
I can't post anything today because the power at my house is out/cut, so I will post two albums for the next upload. Sorry about that.
>> No. 536 [Edit]
Evening everyone. Today's post has two albums in it, since I couldn't yesterday. If I didn't it would nag at me and I don't get enough sleep as it is. Anyway, here they are.

Rasmus Faber - Platina Jazz Anime Standards Vol.1/Vol.2

These albums, like the 'Anime That Jazz!' albums I posted earlier are covers of songs from various anime. Personally, I think these albums are a fair bit better than the other with better playing and a much more diverse range of shows as source material. As such, tracks from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Toradora, Romeo's Blue Skies, Sousei no Aquarion and a few songs from the Macross franchise are included in the track listings. The albums feature vocals on occasion and overall, it's a pleasure to listen to. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.



Personally, I would have wanted to include Skies of Love as the preview, but I couldn't find it on Youtube and I couldn't upload it due to the 7000kb limit. Oh well.
>> No. 537 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, here is today's album:

Tsuyoshi Ichikawa - The Solo Guitar of Tsuyoshi Ichikawa

You will love this album if you enjoyed Ted Greene's work that I posted earlier in the thread. Ichikawa was a student of Greene's for a while and this really shows in his playing. Maybe a little too much. Ichikawa and Greene's playing draws a lot of parallels in regards to technique, instrument choice and timbre, but in my opinion, Greene still comes out on top. However, even if this album isn't really 'original' in terms of style, it is still a very nice album to listen to. The playing on it is accurate with little to no mistakes and the mixing is top notch, while Ichikawa can never be Greene, it's quite refreshing to hear a student of Greene carry on his technique and legacy.
>> No. 538 [Edit]
Audio James Morrison - Saturday Sailing - (6.71MB - 181 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 05-saturday sailing.mp3 ) Length: 5:08

Evening everyone, here is today's album

James Morrison - Postcards From Down-Under

Trumpeter James Morrison is one of the only decent jazz artists in Australia and you can hear why with this album. It follows the style of contemporary jazz that really popularized itself in the late 80's by replacing the traditional instruments such as the upright bass and piano with electric basses and keyboards. The result is a smooth, modern sound that borders on fusion while omitting the ferocity that fusion has. Thus, it is really easy to listen to, yet also has some really fun moments too. I couldn't recommend this album enough.
>> No. 541 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, Here is today's album:

Jean-Luc Ponty - Sunday Walk

Since there was a positive reception for Stephane Grappelli's album I posted earlier, I thought I might post some more Jazz Violin. I really admire Ponty as an artist, since he has done so much (along with Grappelli) to revolutionize the way we see violin. While Grappelli set the blueprint for the practical use of the violin in jazz, Ponty really refined and perfected it for use in a modern soundstage. We can hear this in Sunday Walk, with it's latin influenced rhythms, sounds worlds apart from Improvisations, which followed a more traditional jazz styling. The playing on this record is absolutely brilliant from all the personnel and Ponty has done a marvellous job in composing the tracks as well as utilizing his violin in the most effective way. It's just a shame he isn't more well known. Enjoy.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
I don't know if this would be the proper thread to post this in, but I suppose it technically is jazz.

Special Others - Good Morning

Special Others is an instrumental jazz band from Japan. They're known for their improvisation and creativity during live shows, and they really could be considered a jam band above all else. They're really fun and incredibly easy to listen to and enjoy, one of my favorite bands out there today.

Good Morning:

>> No. 545 [Edit]
This was quite a strange album, but still greatly enjoyable. At times it seemed to mix jazz with the background music of 80s game shows.

Although I haven't commented previously, I really appreciate your daily offerings. I have downloaded and listened to most of the albums you've posted and have been enjoying myself immensely with a genre which I never expected to have an interest in. Thanks so much for doing this.
>> No. 546 [Edit]
Audio Ray Brown Trio - Bam Bam Bam - (5.97MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 11- Bam Bam Bam.mp3 ) Length: 4:21

I quite liked that. Thanks for posting it.

Here's today's album:

Ray Brown Trio - Bam Bam Bam

This album is great if you are into Art Blakey or any similar hard bop music, but in terms of instrumentation, it is actually more similar to the Bill Evans Trio's 'Portrait in Jazz' album. Even though the two albums sound nothing alike, it is interesting to hear the different sounds a piano, bass and drums combination can create. The three together create this really intense, primal groove that really makes you tap your feet, but also juxtaposes this with slower songs that add intensity through musicality and the sheer talent of all the players. You won't regret listening to this one.

Also, my cap is about to reset, and I have plenty more jazz to upload (even though I am barely scraping what I have uploaded in the past)
>> No. 548 [Edit]
Audio Al Di Meola, Paco de Lucia & John McLaughlin - Aspen - (4.77MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 Aspen.mp3 ) Length: 4:10

It's no problem at all.

Evening everyone, here's today's album:

Al DiMeola, Paco DeLucia and John McLaughlin - Passion, Grace and Fire

This album is one of my favorite guitar based albums of all time. It's refined and virtuosic, the way a guitar album should be. For this record, Return To Forever's guitarist Al DiMeola teamed up with Mahavishnu Orchestra's guitarist John McLaughlin and flamenco guitarist Paco DiLucia to create this latin/flamenco/jazz hybrid. The three guitarists take turns to solo and each one can certainly hold their own in terms of ability. These guys really set the standard for modern guitar virtuosos everywhere and in all honesty, still hasn't been topped. If you don't listen to this album for the interesting timing and chord structuring, then listen for the pure ability of the players. You won't regret it.
>> No. 552 [Edit]
Audio Barney Wilen - Epistrophy - (6.36MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 12_ Epistrophy.mp3 ) Length: 2:47

Evening everyone, not much to say today, so here's today's album.

Barney Wilen - Jazz sur Seine

This album is a gem in terms of musicality and composition/arrangement. The first thing to note is that this album is smooth. Even the faster pieces have this wonderful flowing feeling about them that really makes this album a pleasure to listen to. Tenor Saxophonist Wilen has a very subtle tone with his horn and doesn't go over the top with his blowing techniqe like Coltrane has a tendency to do (it honestly makes it sound like a brass instrument). Anyway, just have a listen to this album yourself so you can judge. I am not always right, you know.
I've attached the arrangement of Thelonious Monk's 'Epistrophy' so that you can get a feel for Wilen's style. It is a great track on this album.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
Audio Knut Rossler, Johannes Vogt, Miroslav Vitous - Le Colibri Royal - (5.66MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Le Colibri Royal.mp3 ) Length: 2:28

Evening everyone. My connection is uncapped, so I will able to upload some more jazz to my mediafire to share with you all. I found some cool Australian jazz artists that you guys would really like, I think. Anyway, here's today's album:

Knut Rossler, Johannes Vogt and Miroslav Vitous - Between The Times

I love this album. It's fresh and the playing is absolutely magnificent, Kind of what you'd expect from Miroslav Vitous, really. However there is one big twist that really makes this album unique. The instrumentation. While the upright bass, soprano saxophone are somewhat standard fare in jazz and alto flutes, while uncommon are still seen, but I don't think I have ever seen a lute player feature on a jazz album. Yes. A Lute. A Baroque Lute, specifically. Needless to say, the amalgamation this causes between Baroque and Jazz music is absolutely fantastic. It creates this modern, yet earthy, traditional sound that I really like. Two seemingly contradictory terms working together have never sounded so good.
>> No. 557 [Edit]
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Evening everyone. I uploaded some new material today (my mediafire is almost hitting 20gb of jazz exclusively), so I will post one of the new albums.

Andy Young Quartet - Movin' On Up

This is an album from my homeland (the bandleader, Andy Young, grew up about half an hour from where I live) and even though the jazz scene is so small and insignificant here, the small amount of releases that trickle out are really quite spectacular. This album is no exception. The playing is tight and coherent and there is a definite rapport between the musicians as they all lock into their own little rhythm. It really enhances the drum/bass/piano/vibraphone and guitar combination. Sonically, I found this album was like a combination between Davis' 'Kind of Blue', Coltrane's 'Blue Train' and Bill Evans' 'Portrait in Jazz' so it has that really cool, west coast sound that is really lovely to listen to at night either alone or with anyone that takes your fancy. (I Personally like to listen to it with my cat) Enjoy.

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>> No. 561 [Edit]
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Evening everyone. Here is today's album

Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame

This album is another fusion album from the same era as Return To Forever. They are technically the same genre, but their sounds couldn't be more different. First of all, a violin plays an important role in Mahavishnu's sound which RTF does not have and Guitarist John McLaughlin is nowhere near as precise as Al DiMeola is. These changes produce a much 'earthier' sounding fusion album which, admittedly, takes a bit of getting used to. But once you do, the album really grows on you. I am not expecting you guys to like it straight away, but give it a couple of chances and let it grow on you.
>> No. 564 [Edit]
Audio Duke Robillard & Herb Ellis - Flying Home - (6.54MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01 - Flying Home.mp3 ) Length: 4:46

Evening everyone, Here's today's album.

Duke Robillard and Herb Ellis - Conversations in Swing Guitar

This album in a way, reminds me of Bill Evans and Jim Hall's 'Intermodulation' album in the way they communicate with their instruments. Backed by a band, Ellis and Robillard really create a tight sound with melodic soloing as is the usual with swing music but it has it's roots in blues music. It's an interesting album to listen to if you are a fan of jazz guitar.
>> No. 565 [Edit]
This was really, really good.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
Audio Miroslav Vitouš - ÿþBamboo Forest - (4.25MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Miroslav Vitous - Universal Syncopations - 01 - Ba.mp3 ) Length: 4:35

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will post another one of Miroslav Vitouš' albums for you.

Miroslav Vitouš - Universal Syncopations

This album is definitely one of my favorite modern jazz albums due to it's control and mastery of rhythm. The album isn't called universal syncopations for nothing (Google syncopation to understand what it means). It has this effectiveness when you don't know when the instruments are going to come in, or when they come in when you don't expect them to. It leaves you on the edge, really listening intensely. The playing as per usual with Vitouš, is absolutely stunning and the improvisation is really bordering on free jazz in it's execution, yet manages to stay in control. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, here's today's album

Keith Jarrett Trio - Yesterdays

Here is yet another album very similar to Portrait in Jazz by the Bill Evans Trio. This is a modern album, recorded in 2008 and even after 27 years playing togetherm Keith Jarrett and Jack DeJohnette have not lost their chemistry for playing as an ensemble. They play these standards very well and have a nice balance in terms of solos. In Particular, Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker's tune 'Shaw'nuff' starts well, but it really evolves to something breathtaking. I thoroughly recommend this album.

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>> No. 570 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, here's today's album

Chick Corea - My Spanish Heart

The title kind of explains itself. This album is mainly influenced on spanish and latin music. While that is quite a nice idea, it isn't the only thing that really sets this album apart. This album really jumps around stylisically. From a modern fusion sound on tracks such as "Wind Danse" to traditional sounding tracks like "Armando's Rhumba" No matter what you prefer, I hope you will find at least one track you love on this album. Enjoy.
>> No. 577 [Edit]
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Evening everyone, here's today's album.

Ella Fitzgerald - Lullabies of Birdland ~FLAC~

I am not going to bother with a long spiel with this one. It's Ella Fitzgerald and it's fantastic. Enjoy it.
>> No. 581 [Edit]
Audio Duke Ellington - Melancholia - (4.58MB - 190 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 3:21

Evening everyone, here's today's album.

Duke Ellington - Piano Reflections

You've probably heard 'Money Jungle', the other Ellington album I posted, but this album really encapsules another, completely different style that he has. On this album, he plays his own repertoire with no other accompaniment. Just him, his music and a piano. It's beautifully intimate in it's execution and it is a gem in the crown known as Duke Ellington's career. It's really worth the bandwidth.
>> No. 586 [Edit]
File 129766524173.jpg - (30.68KB , 420x371 , heliocentricworlds.jpg )
If you ever feel like listening to jazz by a man who actually claimed to have visited Saturn in an out-of-body experience, check out Sun Ra.

Super fucking experimental and sometimes difficult but altogether transcendent, his contribution to jazz and avante-garde music in general can not be understated.

>> No. 590 [Edit]
Audio Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass and Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen - Come Sunday - (6.64MB - 256 kbps - 44.1 kHz , B2-Come Sunday.mp3 ) Length: 3:38

I love Sun Ra. He's a great artist.

Anyway, here's today's album

Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass and Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen - The Trio

I can't really describe this album as anything but the embodiment of pure technical skill. The precision all of these players have is absolutely outstanding. The double bass player for example, is able to keep up with Joe on guitar, which is exceedingly difficult to do and as for Oscar Peterson, I don't think I need to mention just how good he is. The three on their own are a sight to behold in itself that it overwhelms the senses when brought together. This is both the album's strength and downfall, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, if you are into very tricky, yet surprisingly bluesy jazz, take a look at this one.
>> No. 591 [Edit]
File 129768567610.jpg - (18.31KB , 300x265 , loli thumbs up.jpg )
This is the best thing I've downloaded in months.
>> No. 597 [Edit]
Audio Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd - E Luxo So - (6.00MB - 256 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 06_ Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd - E Luxo So.mp3 ) Length: 3:15

Does anyone know very much about Bossa Nova music? because I was hoping to maybe get some recommendations.

I've been interested in it since I first started listening to Jazz but I've never really known where to start. I have some Stan Getz and Tom Jobim albums but that's about it.
>> No. 598 [Edit]
In terms of Bossa Nova, I would recommend anything by Joao Gilberto. The Getz/Gilberto album is pretty much essential, as well as Stan Getz' Jazz Samba Encore and Antonio Carlos Jobim's 'The Composer of Desafinado, Plays'. Another good one is Herbie Mann's 'Herbie Mann and Joao Gilberto with Antonio Carlos Jobim' album and Jazz Samba by Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd. I can upload these if you want me to.
>> No. 599 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here is today's album:

Sonny Clark - Cool Struttin'

I remember when I first started immersing myself in jazz music. I hadn't really heard it before then, so I didn't have any preconcieved notions on what it was like stylistically. All I knew is that it was meant to be relaxing (I was proved wrong later) and 'cool'. This album pretty much epitomizes exactly how I thought jazz sounded before I really started researching the genre. This wasn't the first jazz album I ever listened to (that probably goes to A Love Supreme, but I am really not sure) but when I first heard it, it gave me this overwhelming, yet completely unjustified wave of nostalgia. It sounds like you would think jazz sounds, going by the offhand comments you hear and read. It's calm and collected, yet it has this unmistakable swagger in the way the rhythm section slithers through the solos and motif. Anyway, this album is certainly worth a listen, so enjoy.
>> No. 600 [Edit]
Audio Maurice Vander - Strike up the band - (5.48MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04-Maurice VANDER-Piano Jazz-Strike up the band.mp3 ) Length: 2:24

Evening everyone, here's today's album

Maurice Vander - Piano Jazz

This album is a nice, relaxing album revolving around the piano trio format I seem to post a lot. The overall musicality is not as high as the LaFaro/Motian/Evans era Bill Evans Trio but the shortcomings in the simple bass and drums are compensated by Vander's talent on the piano. Having said that, the music this trio creates is nowhere near bad. There are some very strong tracks on this album and none of the tracks are inherently weak either. Overall, while a bit simplistic, it's still a very nice little album to listen to. Enjoy.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
File 12979122092.jpg - (105.69KB , 400x400 , cover.jpg )
Figured I'd up a pretty wonderful jazz arrange. Oldie but a goodie.

Azure & Sands:
>> No. 605 [Edit]
I have the more well known stuff like the Jazz Samba's and Getz/Gilberto, I haven't heard Herbie Mann before though so I'll definitely check that out. I actually uploaded Composer of Desafinado and meant to post it here, but ended up kind of procrastinating and haven't got around to it yet.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions.
>> No. 607 [Edit]
Thanks for the upload, I will download it when I get a spare second.
No problem. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any more help to you. Bossa Nova is not really my area of expertise.

Anyway, here's today's album

Percy Mayfield - Specialty Profiles

This album is kind of like a retrospective for this very unfortunate, yet influential songwriter. He had a few hits with 'Please Send Me Somebody To Love' and 'Hit The Road, Jack' (I can guarantee you have all heard this at least once), yet in terms of his career as a whole, he wasn't very successful at all, going from once label to another and by the time he died, he had fallen into complete obscurity. It's a pity since he is a very good songwriter and has a fantastic, albeit unique voice. Mayfield is one of those songwriters who had a massive impact on the industry, yet no one even knows it. 'Hit The Road, Jack' is instantly recognizable by anyone, yet no one actually knows who wrote it. Anyway, enjoy.
>> No. 614 [Edit]
File 129803519052.jpg - (51.18KB , 500x500 , folder.jpg )
Evening everyone, here's today's album

Pierre Michelot - Round About a Bass

This album is another one of my favorites and another 'night' album. The thing I like about this album, apart from the bandleader being a bassist, is the fact that it's influences are so varied. One second, you will have trouble keeping track of the rhythm since it's so quick and the next it takes you off on a weird time signature change. They say that variety is the spice of life and this is no exception. Not allowing you to get into a certain groove really keeps the listener listening attentively and that works really well here. I suppose it's not an album to listen to while resting for that reason. Anyway, enjoy.
>> No. 622 [Edit]
Audio Louis Armstrong - Saint Louis Blues - Part 1 - (6.30MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01_ Saint Louis Blues - Part 1.mp3 ) Length: 2:45

Evening everyone, here's today's album.

Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong and friends

This is a fantastic album if you are into Louis' style of jazz. Personally, I think this album focusses more on his trumpet playing, rather than his vocals. I am totally okay with that, since I am not really a massive fan of his voice and I am a massive fan of his trumpet playing. It shows off his real talent for the instrument, which is usually overshadowed by his vocals and 'what a wonderful world'. I actually think that this really is more of an accurate representation of what Louis' music was like so make of that what you will. Anyway, enjoy.
>> No. 629 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here is today's album

Fitz and the Tantrums - Pickin' Up the Pieces

Today's album is a very different album from any of the others I've posted before. In reality, you could barely call it jazz at all, taking most of it's influence from all the Motown records that were coming out of detroit in the 60's and 70's. However, there is still some jazz influence in there, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post such a great album. If you are into funk, soul and fusion music, you will love this. Enjoy
>> No. 632 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here's today's album:

The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Jumpin' East of Java (Live in Tokyo)

This album is what I'd describe as a cross between rockabilly and swing music. It is an absolutely brilliant live album if you are into the more dancable swing tunes and the players (especially Guitarist Brian Setzer) are absolutely amazing. Basically, you have to hear this album.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
File 129837695812.jpg - (51.18KB , 250x249 , 17_01-06-2009_7055.jpg )
Evening everyone, here is today's album:

Andrea Keller Quartet - Little Claps ~FLAC~

This is another very good album to come out of Australia in the last little while and I have found myself enjoying it a lot. I guess in essence it is jazz, but in my opinion, it really falls on the line of 'third stream' music, a genre that exists to label the result of the amalgamation of jazz and 'classical' music. It is heavily based around improvisation and really skips around in terms of metre changes and chord progressions. For some of the songs, I found it quite hard to notice any kind of pattern in terms of the chord progression, which is a very unlikely formula in jazz music. However, those metre changes are textbook jazz in their execution. All the tracks are different though, so there is going to be a different format on each, it's just that this is the main point I observed. In terms of the music, all the compositions are written by Keller, and they have this naive 'cuteness' about them, which is common with female composers. Personally, I imagine a 2d girl wrote it. Just for peace of mind. Anyway, enjoy

Part 1:
Part 2:
>> No. 635 [Edit]
Evening everyone, here's today's album:

Fela Kuti - Zombie ~FLAC~

This album is a great album if you dug the album by The Budos Band, since they cite Kuti as a direct influence of their music. If I could label it, the Afrobeat genre is the most accurate way to do it, which is a mixture of Jazz, funk, soul and african rhythms and percussion. The playing on this album is phenomenal, with Kuti blazing through this set of songs. He keeps layering different instruments, parts and rhythms until you get to this big, complex composition that can really blow you away. The title track in particular is an absolute masterpiece. Enjoy

Part 1:
Part 2:
>> No. 637 [Edit]
Audio Wynton Kelly Trio with Wes Montgomery - Impressions - (4.74MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 04 Impressions.mp3 ) Length: 5:02

I re-uploaded this album in FLAC, so here are the updated links:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Anyway, here is today's album:

Wynton Kelly Trio with Wes Montgomery - Smokin' at the Half Note

This album is considered to be one of the best live jazz albums of all time and it's very, very easy to see why. The playing on this record is absolutely electrifying, playing standards such as 'No Blues', 'Willow Weep for Me' and 'If you Could See Me Now' as well as some of Wes' own compositions like 'Four on Six'. Wynton's trio serces as the perfect foil for Montgomery's lead playing and they really gel together well. Anyway, enjoy this one.
>> No. 639 [Edit]
File 129862079729.jpg - (26.87KB , 353x478 , Fela+Kuti+felakuti.jpg )
Fela Kuti is a legend. That's a fantastic album. 'Expensive Shit' is a classic, too.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
Audio James Morrison - A Night In Tunisia - (4.24MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , a night in tunisia.mp3 ) Length: 4:36

Oh, yeah. He's an absolutely brilliant composer and performer. He really had a talent for music overall which you don't really see too often.

Anyway, here's today's album:

James Morrison: A Night in Tunisia

This album is another one by Australian jazz legend James Morrison and it's completely different from 'Postcards From Down-Under', which I posted before. This album has a much more 'traditional' sound than the other album and it really sounds more like big band or swing music with a bebop influence. Even with the drastic stylistic change, you can still hear James' signature sound with his highly ornamented trumpet, played in the higher register to get that 'screaming' sound that he can do so well. Although, I do have some criticism for this album. He changes the motifs of some of the pieces (Charlie Parker's 'Anthropology' is a good/bad example of this. It sounded better in it's original form, but that's just me. In my opinion, it's a much better album than 'Postcards', but that is left up to interpretation so give it a listen for yourself and make your own decision. Enjoy.
>> No. 643 [Edit]
Evening everyone. I re-uploaded this:
I made it a tad smaller, so it should be a bit easier to download. here are the links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Anyway, here's today's album

Pat Metheny - Orchestrion ~FLAC~

This album is amazing. I will start with that. It is amazing in complexity of composition, playing, technicality as well as the general theory behind it. Basically, an Orchestrion, where Metheny got some sort of inspiration, is an instrument which, when played, can emulate a band or orchestra within the one instrument. Now, Metheny's project is similar, since he actually has no other musicians on this record. He does it all himself mechanically. He uses solenoids and pneumatics to create an accompaniment with the instruments then layers the guitar improv over the top. As he says on his website: "this (orchestrion) takes the term "solo record" into some new and interesting areas, somewhat recontextualizing the idea of what constitutes a solo performance by a single musician." Just give it a listen and hopefully with all that information, you will really see how amazing this album really is.
Another thing I like about this album is the general sound. Metheny works really well as a leader as usual and his chops on the guitar are out of this world. It's also very nice to hear him play with traditional phrasing and tone, something he should do more often, in my opinion. He also mixes this with a more modern 'fusion' based accompaniment, but this isn't exclusive since the sound of each song jumps all over the place in terms of influence but for the most part, it is very 'fusion-y' in it's execution. Think Weather Report and you will have a fairly accurate depiction of how the accompaniment sounds. Anyway, this album is truly an innovation of it's type and of music in general, so please enjoy this one. Savor it. Please.

Part 1:

Part 2:
>> No. 644 [Edit]
Audio Django Reinhardt - Blues Primitif - (6.38MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 13_ Blues Primitif.mp3 ) Length: 2:47

Evening everyone, here's today's album:

Django Reinhardt - Django's Blues

This album is fantastic if you have any interest in jazz guitar whatsoever. Django was considered a master of his craft and was respected by everyone that came after as well as spawning countless imitations. The thing about Sjango is, he only has two fingers on his left hand. The one you use to press the strings down. Listen to this album with that in mind and you will hear just how good he is. Those great sounding lines he's doing? Two fingers. It's an anomaly in itself. Anyway, enjoy.
>> No. 645 [Edit]
File 129907210589.jpg - (13.55KB , 300x300 , 000afe37_medium.jpg )
Evening everyone, Sorry I haven't been updating lately, but my first week of uni after a year of NEET living is quite uncomfortable. Anyway, here's today's album:

Fred Anderson and Hamid Drake - From the River to the Ocean

This album is quite a strange one. It amalgamates (really well, I must add) Free Jazz, Middle Eastern music with earlier jazz influences thrown in for good measure. I don't have much else to say, so enjoy.

Part 1:

Part 2:
>> No. 646 [Edit]
Cool thread
>> No. 647 [Edit]
>> No. 656 [Edit]
Evening everyone. I am not dead, so sorry I haven't posted recently, but I can't keep up this and the workload I have for uni, so as a final present to you all, I will just upload my shared mediafire folder so you can get more jazz. I am really sorry I can't continue, and I loved doing it, but the four hour commute and full days at university are just too much to handle. If I get a spare minute, I will do some more recommendations and as usual, I will always be uploading more music. (I have an album ripping in EAC as we speak)
If you look in the folder, you will see I was nowhere near being done sharing, so take your time looking through it and finding more music to listen to. I really loved posting in this thread and I am glad some people have stuck with my rambling bullshit. I love you guys, so enjoy.
>> No. 658 [Edit]
You're an inspiration to me, Jazzhands. I salute you.
>> No. 659 [Edit]
>four hour commute
Shiiiiiiit man.

Anyway, we appreciate what you've done for us so far, and eagerly await the day you become accustomed to your non-NEET life and start posting once again. I've already begun working my way through your mediafire folder, though it won't be quite the same without your awesome commentary. I suppose it's like how in Umineko the food tastes better when Gohda describes it.

Thanks man, and we love you too.
>> No. 748 [Edit]
File 130105100576.jpg - (167.87KB , 800x842 , P1010042.jpg )
Found this book dirt cheap in a book store and I thought I'd might as well edumacate myself. I'd like to thank this thread for making me more interested in the genre.
So thanks.
>> No. 817 [Edit]
File 130256030928.jpg - (40.09KB , 399x300 , marcus_miller01.jpg )
The lack of Marcus Miller in this thread saddens me greatly. Let's fix that.

For the time being that's all, it takes a lot of time to upload even such small files with my shitty connection. I'll upload 2-3 more later, and then we'll see if there's anyone who's interested in them. I've got quite a few.
>> No. 820 [Edit]
File 130261906188.jpg - (26.79KB , 351x350 , Marcus+Miller+Miller_Marcus_1994.jpg )

Second one. I'll upload another one tomorrow (or maybe even later today).
>> No. 822 [Edit]
Thanks man.
I've enjoyed both albums you've posted so far, looking forward to more.
>> No. 824 [Edit]
File 13028119718.jpg - (39.70KB , 450x322 , mm.jpg )

Oh, sorry, I completely forgot yesterday.

Here you go:
>> No. 826 [Edit]
I honestly haven't delved too deeply into Marcus Miller as of yet. I will give these albums a listen when I have some spare time (I really don't have much spare time anymore). Also, I just started uploading a massive batch of albums I have ripped from the university library. A metric ton of FLAC files for all of you to enjoy, so look forward to it.
>> No. 832 [Edit]
File 130317884656.jpg - (93.06KB , 340x340 , KOOK_340.jpg )
I'll share this album, because I love it.
It's funky stuff, not really fusion, though. You know Stanton Moore if you listen to Galactic.
His work on the drums is mesmerizing.

Stanton Moore - All Kooked Out
>> No. 847 [Edit]
File 130357364970.jpg - (5.74KB , 170x165 , folder.jpg )
I'm working my way through your new uploads and am thoroughly enjoying them. Thank you.

Currently listening to Gershwin Performs Gershwin - Rare Recordings 1931-1935. The adverts for laxative chewing gum are great.
>> No. 855 [Edit]
File 130371839397.jpg - (156.63KB , 550x550 , Folder.jpg )
I did a double take when I heard that advert for the first time. Laughed so hard. I love Gershwin so much. Also, that's only about, maybe one fifth of the new stuff I had to upload, so expect even more over the next couple of days, since I have a week off.
For old times sake:

James Whiting - Burbank

I can guarantee that you won't find this anywhere else (for free) on the internet and this one is definitely the only FLAC rip. James is a vibraphonist from my home city of Brisbane who graduated from my university. This is his first album, and you would think he's been at this for years if you didn't know otherwise. His playing is not overdone like, say, Bobby Hutcherson on the track 'Head Start', but rather, James' playing comes across as refined. Like he has put thought into every note he's striking. To compare him to another jazz artist, maybe Bill Evans. That refined 'Waltz for Debby' kind of sound that I love. I've worked with James a few times myself and I can say that his playing on this album is just as good (if not a little worse!) in person. It's terrifying, man. Another person to note is Sam Anning, the Double Bass player on this record. He is probably one of my favorite Australian jazz bassists and you can see why. His tone is raw and it really contrasts with James' vibes.
Just having you guys enjoy this would be worth the $20 I paid for the CD. I should have gotten him to sign it...

Part 1:

Part 2:

On a side note: I've only just noticed how much traffic these downloads are getting. My Idle Moments .rar has had 399 downloads and the material I just put up has already got 6+ downloads as well. It feels good to give to a community.
>> No. 1042 [Edit]
So.. how about nu jazz...? It's the only kind of jazz I can get into.
>> No. 1071 [Edit]
I never really paid any attention to jazz and this thread has helped me to find some nice energetic jazz that I like quite a bit, thank you very much!

So far I like David Brubeck and Stanton Moore a lot.
>> No. 2856 [Edit]
But jazz has no structure...
>> No. 2865 [Edit]
I've been enjoying this song a lot lately.

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