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File 17199776855.png - (725.27KB , 1200x1200 , fed2f6b111da54d138d85f5c715edf62.png )
41 No. 41 [Edit]
Is there any mobagay you regret playing?
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>> No. 43 [Edit]
Thankfully, I have never played any mobage, so I have zero regrets.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
File 17199896054.jpg - (388.98KB , 1136x852 , Fairy_Puck_Futaba_Isurugi.jpg )
Kinda regret wasting my time trying to like Magia Record. I wanted to play because I loved the original story but everything about it felt kind of cheap and nonsensical storywise. But I also liked the spinoff manga before Magia Record and I think Bebe is cute, so maybe I am just a hypocrite who hates change.
There's also Revue Starlight, I was having fun with the English server until this banner where I used all my free gems and got nothing to show for it in return. Fuck you Revue Starlight

A wise decision, really.
>> No. 45 [Edit]
Same, although I was [i]really[/i\ tempted to download D4DJ after how much I liked the show. But I realized I never use my phone anyway so didn't bother. There were a few d4dj tracks for webosu which I tried out of curiosity, but I didn't like that you needed to move the mouse around...
>> No. 48 [Edit]
File 172109236254.jpg - (224.85KB , 1200x1200 , GSXr59LXUAE1w9q.jpg )
I'm not sure if I'd say I regret it, but the upcoming release of the EN Uma Musume does make me wonder if the time I dumped into the JP version wasn't wasted.

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