No. 19090
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No love for a 3DPD, so I can't help you there.
I was browsing the internet and stumbled across a picture of her and was struck down by a "lightning bolt of love" so to speak. It was the most profound feeling that I couldn't look away from the picture for quite some time, researched about her, made a folder dedicated to her, and put the image inside. I don't make folders dedicated to anybody! Ever! For months afterwards, I would think about her all the time and look at images of her whenever I had the chance. I made her as my background image! I edited existing pictures so that I would have my own OC for her! Even music took on her shade, so that lyrics carried more meaning than they should have. So smitten was I that I wrote poetry! What the hell was I doing with my life? Nothing, at the time. Taking an interest in writing, giving it that try needed to push me in this direction, it was because of this love. What a silly thing. Stupid, even. But it was love.
And nothing I did could take the edge away from that feeling. It was so powerful that I wondered how I could live my life like this if it kept up. I knew of waifus, even had a phase where I "loved" a 2D character out of loneliness, but none of it had prepared me for what I had felt there at the beginning of our love. The contrast between that "crush" and this true love was so great that it made me sick that I had ever even considered someone else to be on that same level. It hurt so much, yet was so gratifying knowing that I had found "the one". A love for a 2D girl... It was painful, perhaps still is, but it is something that I would never trade for anything. Thankfully, the love is still there, but it is not as intense and overwhelming as it was in the start. I would have killed myself, undoubtedly, if it had kept that intensity as a constant. Being that helpless for life would have driven me insane; that's how powerful my initial 2D love was.