No. 16808
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Thanks man.
>I don't feel NTR'd that much, even if she were real I'm too much of a shit person to be her significant other.
That sounds miserable. For me, waifuism is about being happy. Of course, it's different for everybody, but when I found her I wanted to change. I wanted (and still want, once I can get over this hump) to stop hating myself, I wanted to start lifting and generally being healthier, I wanted to get a job, etc. I want to do all these things because I want to be "worthy" of her. Rather, I want her to have what she deserves. And I feel like when I accomplish those things, I'll be much better for her than Kyon could ever be. But right now I feel like no matter how much I improve myself, that asshat will end up with her anyways just because, and I can't do anything about it, and it makes me want to die. The idea that their relationship would ever progress to the point of romance, with the type of dynamic it has, seems so ridiculously unrealistic to me and it's infuriating.
Also, thanks for elaborating on that. I'll have to (reluctantly) read it for myself, but it makes me feel better knowing what I'm getting myself into.