No. 11659
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, Asuka sleeping hair on shinji.jpg
Saying Asuka has a canon lover in Shinji is a bit of a stretch, but I, personally, ship them.
>Does it make me sad?
No, fortunately it's the opposite. The reason for this is that I'm a lot like Shinji, so I self insert extremely hard into him. When I see them together, or when I see the possibilities of them together rise, I'm very happy, because it's like I'm together with her. I'd like nothing more than a canon AxS end for Rebuild, though I'm not expecting it.
The opposite of this is also true, unfortunately. When I see signs that Asuka might not have feelings for Shinji, it hurts because it feels like she's rejecting me. 3.0 was very hard for me for this reason. Even if I know that I'm not Shinji, and that I'd have handled the various situations in 2.0 differently, it's still hard to separate myself from him, and to separate her feelings for him from her feelings for me.
Ah, though it occurs to me that's not the full picture. While I enjoy the AxS pairing, other pairings fail to provide the same satisfaction. The recent increase in Mari x Asuka, for example, causes me some frustration and heart ache. I don't give the pairing much weight, but it still manages to hurt. Not a lot, mind you, but it's like seeing pictures of her with another man (or woman as the case may be).
Post edited on 8th Feb 2013, 10:28pm